
I, Who Kept a Low Profile, Pulled Out the Sword in the Stone

[Magic Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Mage]. [Granite Child] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Granite Giant]. [Alchemy Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Alchemist]. [Holy Knight Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Holy Knight Technique]. [Martial Arts Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Martial Arts Master]. This was a cultivation world where superhumans constantly appeared. Spells, mystery arts, technology, and the cultures of east and west intertwined. Robert arrived in this world. The people of this world regarded bloodline with utmost importance. He had wanted to study hard and strengthen his abilities, but he got attacked by a superhuman organization when he went overseas.

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40 Chs

Comparing People Is Infuriating

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Brother Robert is the smartest. Haha, this is indeed a good method."

Edward gave Robert a thumbs up.

"Sister, don't you have a North American tribute gemstone? You had always disliked it and wanted to find an opportunity to throw it away. This gemstone is the only one in the world and can not be faked. When those officials see this gemstone, they will believe it,"

Ellie said while blinking her big eyes.

"I almost forgot,"

Shireen had almost forgotten that she had such a gemstone.

"That's right. Sister's interspatial ring has a huge storage. All the gifts that you've received ever since you were young are inside it. It's only natural that you forgot about it," said Ellie.

Edward and Swenson were stunned after hearing what Ellie said. It was really shocking. All the gifts that they had received ever since they were young were inside an interspatial ring? How big was this interspatial ring?

They remembered that the ancient Egyptians had once sent a 10-meter-tall golden sphinx to the Holy Roman Kingdom as a gift for Shireen's 13th birthday.

Just the golden sphinx alone takes up several thousand feet of space!

As the eldest son and future heir, Edward had made a lot of contributions to the family. But he had only ever received a small spatial storage tool.

"Brother Robert, I wish that I was you."

Robert could hear how envious Edward was from his voice.

"I only found out about their identities during this conversation. You envy me? Are you kidding me? Look at me. I haven't even awakened my bloodline. I've been called a good-for-nothing by everyone for more than ten years."

Robert looked up into the sky.

Other than Ellie, everyone was speechless after hearing what Robert said.

"One must know one's own limits. Look at yourself. You look grander than an actual noble. Can you be more careful with your words?"

Even geniuses are more grateful compared to you.

"Robert, don't worry. Even if you're a loser, I won't leave you."

"Big brother, me too. When I grow up, I'll protect you. If anyone dares to call you useless, I'll teach them a lesson."

Ellie said with an innocent but serious look.

The little loli made everyone laugh.

"Little Ellie, can you tell big sister what your strength level is now?" 

Swenson was captivated by Ellie's cute appearance ever since she saw her. She had always wanted a little sister.

"Aunt Swenson, I'm a level 5 Star Diamond."

Ellie said truthfully while looking at Swenson.

Swenson almost went crazy when she heard the word 'aunt' again. If Ellie was not in front of her, she would have gone berserk. 

"What? You said you're at level 5 Star Diamond? Did I hear wrongly?"

A little girl who was eight years old had the strength of a level 5 Star Diamond? At her age, Swenson was still at bronze level. After hearing what Ellie said, she began to feel helpless. Could it be that she was not a true genius? Was she good for nothing, just like Robert?

Before this, be it at home or at school, everyone thought that she was a genius. Were they all lying to her?

"Ellie came from a noble background and is a member of the royal family. You should not compare yourself to her," Robert said to Swenson kindly.

Swenson thought about it and agreed. Why was she comparing herself to someone from the royal family? Ever since she was born, she had been well-fed and did not lack any resources. She should be grateful. 

"Thank you, Robert. I understand, but I have to work harder from now on."

Swenson quickly regained her confidence.

"I wish you success. Don't end up like me. I had always been a loser in my life. No matter how hard I worked, the results never showed. Fortunately, I was favored by Shireen and she brought light to my life. Otherwise, I really do not have a reason to live in this world." said Robert.

But in his heart, he knew that he was no longer the same person as he was before.

After listening to Robert's words, Edward shook his head.

"Brother Robert, your attitude towards life should be more optimistic and positive. You can't be so pessimistic. Look at me. I've never succeeded in flirting with girls, but have I given up on myself? No, I'm living well."

"That's right, Robert. Life is unfair but you can't be discouraged. As long as there's hope in your heart, the future will definitely be bright."

Swenson's attitude towards Robert had changed for the better.

She was not sure what caused the change.

It's just that the current Robert no longer disgusts her. Compared to before, be it his words or actions, it was completely different.

"Are you two acting? You make it sound like I have no will to live. I'm just expressing my feelings and ranting. Do you think that I still cared about others' opinions?"

Robert was very dissatisfied. The two cousins were talking as if he was so pessimistic that he wanted to die, so he had to explain quickly.

"Brother Robert, you're awesome. I admire you. I take back what I said before."

Edward and Swenson felt that Robert's thick skin had become as thick as the city walls.

Shireen, who had been silent all this time, was now staring at Robert. Robert was indeed thick-skinned. He approached them not only because he wanted to help them, but also because they were good-looking.

However, this did not mean that Robert had malicious intentions toward the two sisters.

Otherwise, the protective magic that was cast on them would have activated and attacked him. It would not have given Robert the chance to approach them at all.

Looking at Robert, Shireen felt that she could not see through him this time.

Robert may have thousands of ways to hide his secrets.

But he could not hide his personality.

His kindness was second to none.

'You act a certain way in front of people.

'But it was just a disguise, right?

'Now I'm getting more and more curious about you and your secrets.'

A glint flashed across Shireen's eyes as she looked at Robert.

Future husband, one day, I will make you spill all your secrets.