
I, Who Kept a Low Profile, Pulled Out the Sword in the Stone

[Magic Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Mage]. [Granite Child] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Granite Giant]. [Alchemy Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Alchemist]. [Holy Knight Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Holy Knight Technique]. [Martial Arts Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Martial Arts Master]. This was a cultivation world where superhumans constantly appeared. Spells, mystery arts, technology, and the cultures of east and west intertwined. Robert arrived in this world. The people of this world regarded bloodline with utmost importance. He had wanted to study hard and strengthen his abilities, but he got attacked by a superhuman organization when he went overseas.

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40 Chs

Bring Out Your True Abilities

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Robert clearly had no combat experience, but the bloody and violent scene did not even faze him. Shireen was really surprised by this.

What Shireen did not know was that Robert had already experienced all kinds of battles when he was in the space world of the Stone God's sword. He's become completely indifferent to such terrifying scenes. He could even finish his food while watching people getting killed.

"That's it? Please try harder."

In order to win against Robert and get her prize, Shireen did not hold back.

Using her Vulcan cannon, the enemy's armored vehicles did not even stand a chance. 


The gangsters' armored vehicles exploded.

The roof of one of the armored vehicles opened up and a person crawled out from it. He was constantly screaming in pain, sending chills down the other gangster's spines. He was literally getting roasted.

"Boss, our armored vehicles can't block their bullets at all. If this goes on, we will all be wiped out."

"Damn it, use the armored vehicles as decoys. The motorcycle troops can take this opportunity to surround them. I want to see what else that b*tch can do to stop so many of us."

The gang leader could not believe what was happening. Although their equipment was slightly inferior, they had an advantage in terms of number. 

It was known throughout history that crowds were so powerful that they could even beat heroes.

The ancient Eastern God of War, Lu Bu, was beaten to death by crowds.

The western Spartan warriors were beaten to death by crowds.

Countless occurrences of such had happened.

If they wanted to win, they just needed to overrun them!

"Pile up!"

The gang leaders did not care about the lives of their men at all. Even if the trio were affiliated with the Roman church, the church would be too busy to deal with them. Their hands were already full from the cultists' attack.

They would grab the women, grab the machine, and immediately leave this godforsaken place. The church would not be able to find them. 

They would trade the women and machine for a large quantity of cultivation resources. Then, they would find a random place that no one knew about and hide there to cultivate until legend-rank. When the time is right, they would reappear and be free to roam around the world.

Since the gang leaders were already planning to escape, they did not mind sacrificing their subordinates. After all, keeping them would become a burden.

The motorcycle troops began chasing after Valkyrie.

Robert instantly aimed the Vulcan cannon at the gang members who were chasing after them.

Bullets started to rain on them.

The motorcycle troops were traveling at a very high speed. When the bullets hit the wheels of their motorcycles, they began losing their balance and fell to the ground. Meanwhile, their companions behind them did not have time to break or dodge so they just crashed into each other head-on, resulting in heavy casualties.


 In an instant, more than ten motorcyclists were crippled.

"All of you, charge!"

The gang leaders were no longer cautious anymore. They did not mind exhausting all their resources, since they were already planning to run away. Keeping them would just be a waste.

The motorcyclists were not afraid of death and continued to follow the gang leaders' instructions. They reorganized their formation and started chasing Valkyrie once again.

"Boss, why does the enemy have infinite bullets? We launched multiple waves of attacks, but they managed to counter it all. We also suffered heavy losses. If this continues, the motorcycle team will be wiped out."

"What are you afraid of? I don't believe that they have infinite bullets. Continue to charge! Tell the members that regardless of whether it's the machine or women, whoever gets it first will get to keep them. Even I, as the boss, won't fight with them for it. Just get the deed done."

In order to boost their morale, the gang leaders painted a bigger picture for their subordinates. They did not really intend to give the women or machine to them but they needed to lie in order for them to work fearlessly, 

Meanwhile, Robert quickly mastered how to operate the control panel. Under his control, the bullets of the Vulcan cannon accurately hit the motorcyclist that was chasing after them.

Robert did not care about how many shots he took or how accurate he was. At this moment, he only wanted to send all those ignorant gang members to hell.

"Mr. Robert, you have killed a total of 24."

"Master, you have killed a total of 27."

Every few seconds, Valkyrie would report Robert and Shireen's battle results.

"Sister, you're amazing. You've already surpassed big brother by four people."

"Big brother, you have to work harder. Ellie will be supporting you."

Ellie was cheering for the two of them excitedly, but she secretly hoped that Robert would win.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Shireen calculated her results. Three more motorcycles had been destroyed by her. She said to Robert proudly, "Robert, you have to try harder. If you lose, you'll have to do whatever I want."

It seemed like victory was within her grasp.

"Big brother, don't give up. Don't lose to big sister."

Now, Ellie was completely on Robert's side.

"Ellie, I'm your sister. Why don't you cheer for me?"

Shireen pretended to be angry at Ellie.

Ellie smirked.

"I just want big brother to win."

"You're really taking his side. No matter. In the end, I'll definitely win."

Shireen's fighting spirit sparked after hearing Ellie's words.

"Valkyrie, which one of us had killed the most?"

"Master, currently, you and Mr. Robert have the same number of kills."

She was slightly ahead of Robert earlier.

Less than a minute had passed, but he had actually caught up to her, and the number of kills was on par with her own.

"Robert, from now on, the real battle has begun. I'm going to show you what I can really do."

Shireen's fighting spirit was high. 

"Alright, it's still not certain who will win. Let's keep going at it."

Robert accepted Shireen's challenge without any hesitation. In order to win, he had to show her his true abilities. So far, Robert had actually only been familiarizing himself with the Vulcan cannon.

It could be considered as a period of adaptation and practice.

Robert clenched his fists as if he was ready to show off his skills.

"Honey, I'm going to win for sure. Don't say that I'm not letting you win. We had an agreement before, so we can't go back on our words."

"Come on, do you think I'm afraid of you?"