
I, Who Kept a Low Profile, Pulled Out the Sword in the Stone

[Magic Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Mage]. [Granite Child] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Granite Giant]. [Alchemy Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Alchemist]. [Holy Knight Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Holy Knight Technique]. [Martial Arts Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Martial Arts Master]. This was a cultivation world where superhumans constantly appeared. Spells, mystery arts, technology, and the cultures of east and west intertwined. Robert arrived in this world. The people of this world regarded bloodline with utmost importance. He had wanted to study hard and strengthen his abilities, but he got attacked by a superhuman organization when he went overseas.

Kled Carl · Fantasi
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40 Chs

Battle Junkie Senior Sister

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At this moment, two wide cracks had appeared in the middle of a few of the oil paintings. Waves of dark aura emerged from them.

However, Audrey and the others' bodies suddenly started to flicker with golden light, emitting an immensely sacred and holy aura.

When the black aura touched the golden light, it was instantly annihilated into nothingness.

An indignant roar rang out from the cracks in each painting. Then, the cracks slowly disappeared as if they had never appeared.

The light enveloping the girls had also disappeared.

With sheer intimidation from the girls, whatever those creatures were, they did not dare to intrude into this world.

Audrey's beautiful face had a hint of infuriation.

She looked at Mulan. "It's all your fault. Can you fix that poisonous tongue of yours? Robert must be angry now. If anything happens to him in the holy city of Rome, I'll never forgive you!"

Mulan also realized her mistake. Her tone now was much more docile. "It was my fault. I shouldn't have said that about him.

"If there really are more than 10,000 cultists in the holy city of Rome, Robert must be in grave danger. We have to save him! " Fubuki exclaimed with her arms crossed.

Kael stood up and said, "Don't worry. I've already sent people to find him."

Amongst the four of them, Fubuki was the one who tended to overanalyze things.

She suddenly said curiously, "Haven't you guys noticed that Robert's tone when speaking to us today has changed? In the past, he wouldn't even dare to talk to us like this, much less hang up on us. Could he be recognized as an owner by some holy relic? Maybe that's why he became so arrogant?"

"Now that you pointed it out, Robert did seem more arrogant than before. A holy relic? That's possible. What a dishonest brat! He better not let me find out what his holy relic is, otherwise, I'll definitely snatch it." Kael cracked her knuckles, seemingly raring to go.

"Once the holy relic recognizes an owner, even if you snatch it from them, it would be useless," Fubuki reminded.

Kael looked at Fubuki. "I know, but I'm just a bit peeved that that little brat Robert actually dared to be so arrogant in front of me. How preposterous."

Audrey and the others did not respond. They were more interested in the possibility that Robert was recognized as the owner of a holy relic.

To be able to act so arrogantly in front of them, it only meant that Robert had some foothold to stand up to them.

"I'm worried. I'll head over there myself." Kael walked towards the door after deliberating momentarily.

Audrey and the others did not stop her.

They still had the duty of guarding the paintings.

Soon, the sound of feathers flapping could be heard from outside the door.

Kael flew towards the holy city of Rome as fast as she could.

"There goes our resident Battle Junkie. Worrying about Robert is probably just a lie. In fact, she's probably just itching for a fight." Mulan saw through everything at a glance.

Audrey covered her mouth and smiled. "With Kael gone, we don't have to worry about Robert's safety anymore."

Fubuki nodded and picked up the book again.

"I hope she can bring Robert back here."

Robert did not know that the four of them made up the most mysterious and powerful organization in the supernatural world. They had been searching for a suitable partner all these years. Robert was the one they were most satisfied with.

Although Robert was only 17 years old and his realm was only bronze-level 9-stars, it did not bother them at all. They had planned to wait for another year or two until Robert came of age. If his realm still did not improve by then, they would use special methods to help Robert improve his strength. At the end of the day, they would never allow Robert to be a loser.


The holy city of Rome had been ruled by the church for many years. On the surface, it only seemed logical that it would be filled with believers of the church.

However, pagans did still exist within the city.

The church preached its truths and taught its people to believe in the Lord. They used the holy light to dispel the darkness in people's hearts, bringing them the light of the Lord, the baptism of the soul, and redemption.

However, not all the darkness in people's hearts could be cleansed by the holy light.

In a long-abandoned castle on the outskirts of the holy city, there was a secret room located underground.

A few people clad in black cloaks stood in front of a circular array.

The array reflected a pair of terrifying eyes that emitted a faint blue light, giving off a terrifying aura.

"O' Venerable One, I am truly sorry. According to the latest news from the spies who we planted in the church, it has been confirmed that the church has discovered our fellow believers who had disguised themselves. Please give us your instructions on what to do next."


The pair of blue eyes started to tremble. Anyone could tell that the entity was very angry. Everyone present lowered their heads as they continued to prostrate themselves.

The blue eyes calmed down and then let out a voice. The voice seemed to ring out right into their ears, yet, it still felt distant. Its tone filled with a harsh intimidating aura.

"Although I had long expected this outcome, that idiot, Shamir, has once again disappointed me. What a useless fool. It seems like smuggling people into the holy city is the limit of what he can do.

"Tahla, I'll tell you the next step..."

After a long time.

"Tahla, I hope you won't disappoint me. I've already decided to punish that fool, Shamir, to the frozen snowfields. I hope you won't have to join him."

Hearing those words, Tahla's body trembled.

Others might not know about the frozen snowfields, but he had been to the place once before. That one trip was enough to leave a deep impression in Tahla's mind. That place was even scarier than hell. He swore to himself that he would never go to that place again in his life.

"O' Venerable One, please rest easy. I will complete the task. I will not disappoint you. Our believers are already scattered throughout the holy city. As long as I give the order, they can move at any time."

The blue eyes let out an appreciative voice.

"Good. Then, I shall await your good news. Remember, do not disappoint me. You should know how we treat failures here."

After saying that, a flash of blue light shined out from the array and the blue eyes disappeared.

The basement returned to its usual silence.

However, everyone, including Tahla, was drenched in cold sweat. Every time this happened, it felt as if they had just walked out from the gates of Hell.

"Lord Tahla, what's the plan?"

A subordinate asked.

Tahla chuckled.

"Of course, we're going to find the best spot to enjoy this show. The holy city of Rome, the headquarters of the church. Today is not only your celebration, but also our celebration. Hahahahaha."

The others also laughed loudly. Their laughter reverberated in the basement for a long time.

Back in the holy city of Rome, Robert had wandered into the inner city and followed the crowd towards St. Peter's Basilica.

The crowd was lining up at the door.

By the time it was his turn, two church clerks reached out their hands towards him. "Dear believers, please display your invitations."