
I, Who Kept a Low Profile, Pulled Out the Sword in the Stone

[Magic Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Mage]. [Granite Child] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Granite Giant]. [Alchemy Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Alchemist]. [Holy Knight Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Holy Knight Technique]. [Martial Arts Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Martial Arts Master]. This was a cultivation world where superhumans constantly appeared. Spells, mystery arts, technology, and the cultures of east and west intertwined. Robert arrived in this world. The people of this world regarded bloodline with utmost importance. He had wanted to study hard and strengthen his abilities, but he got attacked by a superhuman organization when he went overseas.

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40 Chs

A Loli With An Extraordinary Background

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"From now on, I have to work even harder. Let's stop our chat for now. Goodbye, Senior Sisters."

Robert did not want to continue chatting. He was afraid that the conversation might go awry.

"Mulan, stop scaring Robert."

Audrey berated Mulan gently.

"Robert, we do not know what level of strength the sword spirit of the Divine Sword will grant you, and I have a faster method. When your strength reaches legendary level, I'll take you to kill a false god. Don't underestimate the false gods. When the time comes, you'll understand. It'll be more worth it than cultivating day and night."

Killing a false god?

How brave of Audrey to say that. As expected of his senior sister.

Robert did not expect Audrey to be so domineering either.

Robert then calculated the level of his current strength and how far he was from the legendary level.

According to the memories left behind by his predecessor, Robert learned that the strength of this world was divided into ten levels.

[ Iron Level: Level 0 (This is the level of the ordinary people before their awakening) ]

[ Bronze Level: Level 1, Silver Level: Level 2, Gold Level: Level 3 (These three levels are collectively known as warrior-level bloodlines) ]

[ Platinum Level: Level 4, Star Diamond Level: Level 5, Obsidian Level: Level 6 (These three levels are collectively known as demon-level bloodlines) ]

[ Half-saint Level: Level 7, Saint Level: Level 8, King Level: Level 9 (These three levels are collectively known as legendary-level bloodlines) ]

Robert still had a long way to go before reaching the legendary level. This was not something that could be done by just talking. However, Senior Sister Audrey's proposal earlier had tugged Robert's heart.

"Then, I have to continue to work hard. If we really kill a false god, I guarantee that you'll be the one to reap the benefits, Senior Sister Audrey."

"You're the sweetest. I didn't dote on you for nothing."

Audrey was laughing hysterically on the other end of the phone. Robert's words satisfied her.

Mulan's expression then turned a little strange and she immediately said to Robert, "Robert, if you manage to reach legendary level in ten years, I'll give you one of my sea battle fortresses."

Audrey and the others looked at Mulan.

Was she jealous?

Robert was shocked when he heard about the sea battle fortress. He knew that the fortress was priceless, as it had high attack and defense. Only a few people could afford to buy it. As expected of his senior sisters, they spend their money extravagantly!

Robert felt motivated after hearing that.

"Senior Sister Mulan, I only need five years. When the time comes, you'll definitely hand over the sea battle fortress to me."

They came to an agreement.

"Robert, since Sister Audrey and Mulan have already made an agreement with you, I will too."

"How about this? If you really raise your strength to legendary level within five years, I'll let you cultivate in the church's secret realm for three days."

The secret realm of the church had always been a mysterious existence. Although the outside world knew about such a place, there was very little information about the so-called secret realm.

Robert remembered that Senior Sister Kael had once mentioned that the secret realm of the church was not a separated space, but a place that was connected to many mysterious spaces of different sizes in the real world. In those mysterious spaces, there were all kinds of opportunities. Of course, it would be dangerous as well.

Robert's eyes lit up. That was another chivalrous offer!

"No problem, Sister Kael. When the time comes, the church better be ready for me."

After hearing that, Kael smiled. She liked the confidence Robert had.

Robert's the lucky son. He had received recognition from the Stone God Sword and became its current master. At the same time, he had also received the promise of the Stone God Sword's sword spirit.

Perhaps, in five years, his strength could really reach legendary level.

"Lord Robert, don't forget about me. If you can keep your promise to me, I'll tell you the whereabouts of the Kusanagi Sword. Although it's not God's weapon, it's still a legendary weapon. Its power is no less than that of a sea battle fortress."

After listening to Fubuki, Robert was even more tempted.

According to his predecessor's understanding of this world, the Kusanagi Sword and the Yasagani's Magatama were the godly weapons of the ancient Fusang Kingdom. Although they could not be compared to the godly sword in the stone, they would still be valuable bargaining chips.

"It's a deal, Fubuki. When the time comes, feel free to hand over the Kusanagi Sword to me."

"Then, let's wait and see," Fubuki said with a smile on her face.

"Fubuki, do you really believe in him? Haven't you heard that 95% of a man's words are untrue?" Mulan asked.

"I admire Robert's confident attitude. At least he doesn't submit to fate, as others did in the past," said Audrey.

Kael smiled. "Hehe, if you want to kill a false god, you have to bring me along. You know that I love to participate in such matters."

"Senior Sisters, I have something to attend to. I'll hang up now. Let's talk another day."

After saying that, Robert immediately hung up the phone.

He was satisfied.

He could be considered the only person in the world to be able to obtain the promises of multiple demigods.

Robert quickly realized that the people of the church could not see anything from the outer city. It made sense when he thought about it. The inner city was attacked by cultists, and it had caused quite a commotion. Maintaining the inner city was enough to keep the church busy. Under such circumstances, the church did not have enough power to care for the outer city.


Robert was about to leave the outer city when he heard a cry.

He turned his head and saw a cute little loli sitting on the ground, crying. She was trying to wipe away her tears. The people who were walking around ignored her. The little loli looked very helpless and pitiful.

"The world is really going downhill. Doesn't anyone see such a cute little loli crying? Nowadays, nobody even dares to help a little loli?"

"Little girl, did you get separated from your family? I'll bring you to the church. The people there will help you find your family, okay?"

Robert walked towards the little loli.

The little loli looked as cute as a porcelain doll. She wore a white scarf that was tied into a bow on the left side of her head. The little loli was also wearing a dress that looked very much like a monastic outfit. However, it looked fancier than a regular monastic's outfit. Additionally, she wore white socks that reached her knees and a pair of delicate-looking red shoes.

Robert could tell that this little loli was of noble birth just from her clothes.

He walked closer to the little loli and reached out his hand to help her up. She had sat on the ground for a long time. It would be bad if she fell sick.

"Big brother, don't come near me!"

"Eh? Big brother, you're alright?"

The little loli blinked her big eyes and stared at Robert in disbelief.