
War Behind Scenes

Three weeks ago....

EXT. ROYAL PALACE, Courts Balcony

Squaw! squaw!

A hawk came swooping in dropping a letter wrapped in a red ribbon that carried a very familiar emblem. Swoo, wooo, an unseen force blew the letter into the king's hand. As he opened the letter it read:

"Ahh, to hell with it! I need you to come meet me ASAP. The situation is dire and this new information cannot wait— I have something very important to show you."

— signed Vichba

EXT. Somewhere & Nowhere

"(looks around) you alway chose to meet in the most secluded places. Where are you... Vichba?"

— King Everbleed

"Of course (drops bag from above) why don't you take a look?"

— King Vichba to King Everbleed

"(looks down) what's this? (reaches down) is that.. that's a demon."

— King Everbleed to King Vichba

"That it is (leaps down) so what... you just let me on a wild goose chase?"

— King Vichba to King Everbleed

"No, I never knew demons were lingering around in any of those cities."

— King Everbleed to King Vichba

"Then tell me, where did this one come from? It has to trace back to some sort of source. (Gets serious) I thought the 'Demon King' was dealt with."

— King Vichba to King Everbleed

"(The demon king, how could I forget us betraying him and the other?) Indeed he was, do you think blood eyes and the demons returning somehow connect."

— King Everbleed to King Vichba

"Even though anything is possible at this point (thumbs down) I doubt it. Blood-eyes seem to be a popular loner. I mean we all know him, no I worded that wrong... we all know of him because the ones who know him (looks around frantically)"

— King Vichba to King Everbleed

"I see what your saying. But then who's behind the demons reappearance? (frowns) Could it be?

— King Everbleed to King Vichba

"I had the exact same thought."

— King Vichba to King Everbleed

Present, two weeks later....


When he showed up at the quest center in a dark-patched cloak with a black mask possessing a carved-in, pointy, scarecrow smile— of course he was the center of attention. He approached the lady at the front desk and pointed at a quest posted on the wall behind her. The lady turnt around to see what exactly this person or whoever was pointing. When she realized what the quest was...

"Um, (pauses) sir is it? Are you sure (worriedly) as you can see magicians tend to avoid this quest because of the difficulty and the target...(stops)"

— Lady to Luther

"Ma'm, trust me...I'll take care of things, (gestures) give it here."

— Luther to Lady

"(hands Luther quest) I wish you great luck young magician."

— Lady to Luther

"(takes paper) yea, yea...(proceeds to leave)"

— Luther to Lady

"(With this perfect facade, everyone in the room is itchin' to figure out who's under this mask, and what are they doing taking a quest now. Between me and you, I'll explain. I didn't figure this out until now, they said the exam was coming up but the 'demon subjugation' was in a month. I figured, the exam started the day they told us it's supposedly 'coming' and that by successfully completing quests is how they'll validate who'll be qualified for the 'demon subjugation'. With this knowledge I have a two weeks head start, (smiles sinisterly) I wonder how long it'll take for the rest of the class to figure out?")

2 hours later....


"(steps before the doors of Ogmoged) so this is

where it resides, the Lichlord of Abomination, Ogmoged the Decaying. Well (begins pushing doors) why don't we open this little sucker up."

— Luther to himself

"(grunts heavily) hm, it's not budging. (looks around) huh, never seen that before (walks over to the tablet)...

"(reads) A test of strength, whoever can open this door with their bare strength, only then they shall pass

... (scratches head) whoever wrote this must not know to give information correctly (scoffs) I might as well try again (walks back to doors)."

— Luther to himself

Luther began pushing at the doors, nothing still was happening and the doors seemed immovable. He calmed down and took a deep breath, then pushed at the door again but this time with a magic force. The enormous engravings on the door illuminated in the form a degenerate skull, caged inside a skeletal structure. Here the door slowly began to shift, it's rigged bottom dragging along the marbled pavement.

Upon entering the labyrinth the first set of traps immediately caught Luther off-guard. Stone plates walls embedded with flame engulfed arrows on either side. Luther a accidentally set off the trap below and a bountiful of arrows came flying his way. Combining wind and ice magic, Luther dispersed the incoming arrows before freezing them in the air. Moving further along, Luther speculated that the labyrinth may very well be run by a system. He made sure to take specific paths that avoided certain traps and creatures that might be roaming nearby.

Of the few traps Luther escaped one proved to be difficult. In an open area was a 30-foot wheel with needles sticking up, covering the entirety of the wheel. In order to make it through safely, Luther danced between the needles, synchronizing with the movements of the wheel. He suffered a few scratches here and there but ultimately survived the experience.

Later on he was approached by another set of doors but this one had a sort of alter with a might large orb off to the far right.

"(approaches alter) I guess this door requires a blood sample before opening (slits wrist)"

— Luther to himself

After dropping a few droplets on his blood onto the orb the particles inside started to move around before duplicating to fill the entire orb. Here the second set of doors progressed to open. First it was a gush of wind that blew by Luther's face, then came the overwhelming sensation of power... power never felt before. Luther decided he had to have it.

"(dreadful exhale) finally.... a visitor. And what...after waiting 400 years tops, someone made it through my work of art! To whom do I, Lichlord of Abomination, Ogmoged the Decaying, owe thy pleasure?"

— Lichlord Ogmoged to Luther

"(unsheathes blade) you seem too eager for a quick demise (teleports) how should I oblige?"

— Luther to Ogmoged

Luther appeared behind Ogmoged's throne with the intent on striking him through the chair.

"(feels a tap) hmph... (turns around) when did he get behind me?"

— Luther to himself

"(malicious smile) suprised, human?"

— Ogmoged to Luther

Ogmoged pulled a reverse-uno on Luther that he tried to backfire by reappearing again behind Ogmoged, this time he dug his blade through the back of Ogmoged's heart only to realize a dissipating figure. The debris traveled from one spot to the other and the embodiment of the lich lord lived again.

"(chuckles) well at least you tried (a dead army began to rise up in the back) but don't stop there, (gestures) come at me."

— Ogmoged to Luther

"(what... he wants me to come at him? I walked in here thinking this would be child's play but it turns out this just might be a massacre)."

— Luther to himself

(Scene ends with Ogmoged and Luther locked in a stare-down.)