
Trouble in Paradise


Under the dark-pitch clouds where leaves rustled below in the violent wind— the scene was set, and the battlefield was covered in dread.

About 99 magic circles, casting 99 swords, manifested throughout the air behind the demon Fargos. A flick of its finger launched them all. Vichba feared nothing and charged ahead. Left, right, center, though the swords came at Vichba with impeccable speed, intending to pierce him with holes, due to Vichba's extraordinary aerodynamics— he came out unscathed. Griffin getting impressed meant that the fight wouldn't be one you want to miss.

Fargos of course was confused as to how his spell didn't 'kill the insect' which was when he deemed Vichba as 'human...strong'. If it makes any sense, Fargos ran to the edge of the continent, electricity erupting the earth behind; he then ran back, he ran back to the city of Zoasos with a balled up fist, with unimaginable force behind it. He struck Vichba downwards into the ground, the impact created a crater the size of Saturn. Abandoned buildings that reached the heights of skyscrapers crumbled then tumbled below. The only problem was that Vichba blocked the attacked. He repelled the demon 100 feet back and then the two engaged in this violent exchange of blows. Vichba was thrilled, so thrilled that he felt as if his mettle was being tested within that moment. He had to show why he's nicknamed the Inhaler of History.

When Vichba's skin became darker than the abyss, his pores emits ghastly black smoke. His sword became a scythe with a chained ball at the end. The demon licked its lips before in its hand appear a great spear, "I will pierce you" it said. "Good. Come see you try" Vichba replied. Skip frame, Fargo threw the spear at Vichba's feet— it was a distraction. Vichba looked up and two Chakrams were zooming to devour his neck. Vichba performed the limbo to evade but as he recovered, the demon had gotten possession of his spear and was fully intent on piercing Vichba's chest. "Gotcha bitch."

The ball end of Vichba's scythe latched onto the sharp-end of Fargos spear, changing its trajectory while simultaneously hooking the demon with the beard of the scythe. "This was indeed, a good fight" Vichba whispered when he kicked Fargos into the scythe's shine taking his head clean off. Unfortunately for Vichba, the demon's head went through a spontaneous regrowth. Vichba had no doubt that it was rapid-regeneration but only high-ranking demons posses such ability. Vichba knew now more than ever not to hold back.

The head of Vichba's scythe pushed the demon back. In exchange, a sticky-substance from Fargos snuck onto Vichba's ankle. The demon smiled when the substance seeked to warp its way up Vichba's leg. Though Vichba found it strange as his purgatory body should destroy anything that comes into contact with just the smoke. Fargo was too stunned to react when Vichba mutilated his leg before the matter traveled further.

"Oh, (legs regenerate) you thought you were the only one?"

— Vichba to Fargo


— Fargo to Vichba

"Hmph, Arrow Blitz!" Vichba shot a volley of dark arrows that yearned to hit it's target. He summoned three clowns that carried flails out of this world. The clowns had a maniacally laugh as they bashed in the demon's torso then disappeared with a 'poof' right before Vichba entered with his barrage scythe combos.

Down, right, up, grab 'boom!' Down, left, vertical, square 'doosh' Fargo was being served the Clown King's Special: Unlimited Combo, Timless Chamber. Each attack ties to the other, with every successful hit the percentage rate of the next attack hitting is over 100. A butterfly effect or a chain reaction, however it may seem Vichba's consecutive strings off attack was endless. He carved the creature down to the bone.

"Hahahahahah, die, die, die, die, die, die, die...filthy demon. You dare to cross my path and think of yourself all mighty. Ha, this is my fuckin playing field haven't you heard? (Continues to violently rip bone for bone from the demon) creatures like you stay at the bottom of the food chain, dog (squashes Fargos corpse and collects his head)."

— Vichba


On campus ground...

"Did you hear, that Ruthal kid forfeit the duel."

— Student 1 to 2

"Really? So what he did at practice was a fluke? Haha, and after all that talk he wound up backing out."

— 2 to 1

"Yea, me personally, I was hoping to see the Prince get his ass kicked for once... just another failure."

— 1 to 2

"Like that would ever happen."

— 2 to 1

"So you don't think number 1 stands a chance against the Prince?"

— 1 to 2

"Ah, I wouldn't know. But we all heard the cruel rumors of the Prince."

— 2 to 1

"Oh, look...it's him."

— 1 to 2

After forfeiting his duel, Luther was looking to leave campus when he came across Milly at the Institute's gate.

"(Milly? What's she doing here? Oh geez, don't tell me she heard about the duel already?"

— Luther to himself

"Hey Lulu, get in quickly."

— Michelle to Luther

"(Enters carriage) Where are you taking me?"

— Luther to Michelle

"(Hya!) To a nearby Tavern."

— Michelle to Luther

"Really... is it okay for you to be out in the open like this?"

— Luther to Michelle

"Don't worry, godfather placed eyes and ears everywhere (points at coachman) speaking of, he's one of ours."

— Michelle to Luther

"Then who am I to worry? You seem to have everything under control."

— Luther to Michelle

"Lulu, don't mess with me. What's that supposed to mean huh? Do I have to remind you if that story?"

— Michelle to Luther

"Milly, relax."

— Luther to Michelle

"No, because I thought you were dead!"

— Michelle to Luther

"I know and I'm sorry. It never should've been that way but now I'm here to make things right. The present is my presence being here with...you."

— Luther to Michelle

"Hmph, charming. Anyways (looks out carriage) seems we're here. Let's continue this inside."

— Michelle to Luther

"(Ah, here we go again) so this is The First Leg."

— Luther to himself

From the outside it looks modest, welcoming and well maintained. Stacked stones and intricate stone carvings make up most of the building's outer structure. It's difficult to see through the stained glass windows, but the energy and excitement from within can be felt outside.

As Luther and Michelle entered the tavern through the thick, metal door, they're welcomed by aromas of roasted meats and a sense of home.

The bartender is busy, but still manages to welcome then with a wave. It's as enchanting inside as it is on the outside. Sqaured, stone beams support the upper floor and the sconces attached to them. The walls are covered in photographs of personal achievements, all related to the nearby mountain. Some of people who reached the summit, others simply of happy people..

The tavern itself is packed. Travelers seem to be the primary clientele here, which is often a good sign. Several long tables are occupied by seperate groups of people, all enjoying themselves, but they keep to themselves. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who seem to be strangers to each other, all sitting here because there are no other seats. Though they all clearly enjoy each other's company. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.

Luther did hear rumors about this tavern, supposedly it's famous for something, but he can't remember what for. Though judging by the warmth and joy radiating throught the tavern, it's probably the atmosphere that makes this tavern famous. Luther and Michelle manage to find a seat and prepare for what will undoubtedbly be a great evening.

EXT. Somwhere between Zoasos & Silcro City

"(Looks at Fargos decapitated head) Griffin, why didn't you stop me? I could've gotten a few details before killing him."

— Vichba to Griffin


— Geiffin to Vichba

"Well, at least the fight was worth it. We should make it to Silcrow City by nightfall. But also (Vichba palmed the base of Fargos skull) Soul Siphoning."

— Vichba

Vichba ate away at the memories of Fargos. At first they were all jumbled up, yarns of stringed-memories waiting to be unraveled. But as Vichba looked through the memories one particular memory stood out, it kept reappearing, reappearing, reappearing. It was the image of this coal black figure of human stature, standing in an ocean of blood under a red sky. Vichba thought he was inside this figure's world, when he cautiously stepped back that thought became a fact. Below him, Vichba realized the cause of why the ocean was red, it was filled with more than a million dead corpses. At this point, Vichba realized he needed to leave the memory.

"(Escapes memory, rapid -hyperventilating) what...what was that? Such monstrosity...really exist? Those cold, blood red eyes...(legs give out) I haven't even met the guy yet im already shaking in the knees."

— Vichba to himself


"(Senses goes off radar, a voice fades in...)"

— Luther

"Lulu, Lulu... see this is what I'm talking about. What's the matter?"

— Michelle to Luther

"Oh, (smiles inside) nothing. Why don't we continue where we left off?"

— Luther to Michelle