
Thy Son and Thy Prince

"We share mind, body and soul. And for the past two weeks of being stuck to you, I observed a few unnatural things. First off you don't have your own source of magic, your entire genetic structure is a build up of molecules that feels the need to feed on magic constantly. The complete reverse of magic nature. And then there's your alter ego, that.. I'm even scared to say the name. It's a bottomless pit of mana, anyone under its influence becomes completely immobilized like a statue. I've never seen such a thing of nature, whether it's a blessing or a curse, you have something clearly untouchable."

— Ogmoged to Luther


"(Voice fades in) once again class C-1 has dominated the playing field. Not only did we receive some of the highest points in Wardoff's history, we were voted 'Class with the best Prospects' well isn't it amazing? When I call your name, please step forward: Ruthal, Maximus, Sissy, Clay, Maxmillian and Topa."

— Canyon to rest

"(continues) you've all performed exceptionally well, especially the two of you (Ruthal & Maximus). Sadly, I can't hold you guys back too long cause I believe you all have an audience with The King. So, (gestures) run along"

— Canyon finished


"They've arrived sire."

— Cheif Advisor to King Everbleed

"Good, bring them in."

— King Everbleed

The six individuals chosen to partake in the Demon Subjugation all calmly made their way up the stairs to the Royal Palace's main hall. Inside they would come to form a line before The King, and the squad leader, Khel Vichba.

"So these are the last of the recruitments? (circles them) hm, and you two were the most outstanding, what are your names?"

— Vichba to Ruthal & Maximus

"Ruthal Bleedever."

— Luther

"Maximus Derringer."

— Maximus

"Oh oh, Derringer? This is a small world indeed. (Turns to Ruthal) as for you, I've never heard of you, where are you from?"

— Vichba to Ruthal

"Of course, I'm an orphan abandoned and left alone since birth (did you heart that... father?) what you see here now is a product of the ones who did the abandoning."

— Luther to Vichba

"Ahh, (wraps arm around Ruthal) I like you, Ruthal. Me and you are kinda the same, both born from families who wanted nothing to do with us. Well I say fuck that, look at us now huh!? You hear that, I hope you all were listening cause I want you to go out there and wreak havoc on the demons. Let it be clear that this region is ours."

— Vichba to All

"Well said, Farce, won't you come out and join the rest."

— King Everbleed

"(appears) yes father (recognizes Ruthal) what is he doing here."

— Son to Father

"Hm, something the matter son. (turns to Ruthal) do you two know each other?"

— Father to Son

"(bows) Father..."

— Son to Father

"(catches on) I see, so you were the one that humiliated my son and you said your name was Ruthal correct?"

— King Everbleed to Ruthal

"Yes, I take full responsibility for my actions (sneaks glare at Farce) though they were justified."

— Luther to King Everbleed

"Before I say anything, is what he says correct?"

— Father to Son

"Yes but.."

— Son

"... but nothing. If you were in the wrong from the start then you should have dealt with the consequences. I'm only saying this because I don't differentiate, we're all magicians here and I will treat all of you equally. I'm simply making an example out of my hot-headed son right here. I'm truly sorry for his problems."

— King Everbleed to Ruthal


— Luther

"Boy, read the room. Do you really think you can take them all on? Sure in a one on one you can beat everyone here but with them together like this... if you make a move it'll be over in the blink of an eye. For both our sakes, hold on to that rage."

— Ogmoged telepathically to Luther

"(Tch, just looking makes me sick. You call that a genuine apology? These words, mean nothing to me.) it's no big deal, (rubs head) of course that was weeks ago."

— Luther to King Everbleed

"Then, let the subjugation commence."

— King Everbleed to All

Numbers, a secret order formed from the military of trained elites that served directly under the king. Situations that threatens the region and its people are the only time when they present themselves.


Numbers of the original demon subjugation squad were checking out the fresh recruits.

"Look at them, even the prince is involved. Are we to rely on a bunch a kids during this raid?"

— 4

"Ergh, they said they've selected the best of the best."

— 6

"And you take their word for it? Don't tell me all of you forget how disastrous the last demon outbreak was?"

— 3

"You don't need to remind us, that dreaded day we lost 5, 647 men to be precise, damn near half the Royal Military, how could we forget?"

— Lieutenant to The Numbers

"Ah, lieutenant Archibald, we didn't mean it.."

— 3 to Lieutenant Archibald

"However you meant it, the past is the past. Let's focus on the task we have at (shifts attention) hey, what are you doing."

— Lieutenant Archibald to 8

"(approaches Ruthal) hey, are you the strongest?"

— 8 to Ruthal

"Ahh, (smh) not this again"

— Lieutenant Archibald

"Well are you?"

— 8 to Ruthal

"Lieutenant, aren't we gonna stop him?"

— 1

"Didn't you hear the crew? Just let it play out, I wanna see if they can at least handle this?"

— Lieutenant Archibald to The Numbers

"So you decide to ignore me? (prepares attack) very well, let's see just how cocky you are (strikes)"

— 8 to Ruthal

"(disappears behind Ten) huh, (cleans ear) did you say something (blows finger)"

— Luther to 8

"(turns) Not bad kid.."

— 8 to Ruthal

"(smirks) who said I was done? Please, just look around you."

— Luther to 8

"(squints) hah, webs... (touches) and their sharp too. So I've found myself in a trap?"

— 8 to himself

"Did you see that? There's no need to continue. (gestures) alright, you can let him go now."

— Lieutenant Archibald to Ruthal

"Oh really (tightens webs) wasn't he the one who provoked me?"

— Luther to Lieutenant Archibald

"Cadet, what did I just say?"

— Lieutenant Archibald to Ruthal

"(voice fades in) what's the matter here?"

— King Everbleed and King Vichba

They were surround by Royal Guards including Zen that walked side by the king.

"Tch, (unsets trap)"

— Luther

"Pay them no mind sire, just a squabble between friends."

— Archibald to King Everbleed

"Well then, Zen the portal."

— King Everbleed

Zen stepped from behind the guards and proceeded as ordered. He opened a portal just long enough for the subjugation squad to get through, their location— Chamber Chamber Tume.

Prior investigation had led to believe that the Chamber Chamber Tume was finally opened and otherworldly demons began pouring out. Word has it, the Mother of Demons was awakening from her 'slumber imprisonment' returning to bath in the blood of her partners enemies, for she will enact vengeance against the traitors of the king.


"That boy, what do you think of him?"

— King Everbleed to Zen

"Sire, I don't exactly know what you're asking me."

— Zen to King Everbleed

"Come on, lose the formalities it's just us. But that Ruthal kid, I can't get my head around him but every time he's around it's like I get this feeling... this feeling I can't explain. The fact that he managed to escape the competition right after things went hay-way says a lot. Well, what do you think?"

— Everbleed to Zen

"I wouldn't know what to tell you. He's a top of the class product with no familiar background. Maybe that feeling you get is telling you to take him in your care."

— Zen to Everbleed

"(thinks) i'd say let's leave it at that. Who knows if having him around will bring us great fortune"

— Everbleed to Zen

"(Thy son and thy prince, what will it be sire?)"

— Zen to himself


The location the subjugation squad were looking for would be located at the bottom of the Ancient Seas, closest to the forest-line of the Dark Forest.

"We're here (lands). Check the perimeter."

— Vichba


— Archibald to Vichba

"Good, then let's get going."

— Vichba to All

"(Chamber Chamber Tume. Boy you best be careful when down there)."

— Ogmoged to Luther

"(Ha, why's that?)"

— Luther to Ogmoged

"(Sighs, you must not have heard of the rumors. Chamber Chamber Tume isn't just an access point for demons to cross over into this world, it's also where the Mother of Demons' takes her slumber. I'm just saying, if and when she wakes up while you're down they're , even King Vichba himself can't save you."

— Ogmoged to Luther

"(Clicks tongue, thanks but if it comes to that I think I'll take her down myself)"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"(Ha, you, take down the Mother of Queens. I can see how you took me out but she's on a whole other level. You'd be lucky to get out unscathed)"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"(Is that so, she's that powerful?"

— Luther to Ogmoged

"(Yes, very powerful)"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"(smiles with a hum.....magic, magic here I come.)"

— Luther

"(That brat, I bet I can tell you what he's thinking of)"

— Ogmoged to himself

"What's he so happy about?"

— A number

A few members of the squad glared a Luther annoyingly taking this mission as a joke— to them.

"Hey, focus back there. We're about to enter the waters."

— Archibald to All

What happened next... Vichba thought it was best to create two air bubbles before entering the water. One with Lieutenant Archibald and the numbers, the other both Vichba himself and the recruitments. This was just to make sure that if they were seen as prey, one group could play as apart of a distraction. Inside the bubble they sorta floated up then the next thing heard was a big splash beneath the waters below. The two bubbles shot down parallel to one another. Both Vichba and Archibald used a similar type of light spell to lit up the way as they sunk deeper and deeper.

"I wonder what it's gonna be like down there, with the demons you know?"

— Maximilian to everyone

"Tch, what you mean? It's gonna be infested with demons of-course, of all kinds, shapes and sizes. Wouldn't be surprise that as we get there we'd enter a complete war zone."

— Farce

"The demons don't give a shit about us. Since the death of their King they've been acting up. It's about time we put them to rest."

— Clay

"You're talking? Pfft, as if. You might be the first one that gets laid out."

— Topa

"And who are you to talk? You're just a low-life bottom feeder. Outta everyone here you barely made the list... tssk!"

— Clay to Topa

"You wanna say that again... huh? Say it louder!"

— Topa to Clay

"Guys shut up."

— Maximus

"Listen. Somethings' coming."

— Vichba to everyone

In a matter of seconds of saying that something like a torpedo whipped between the groups, shooting straight up to the surface. Both groups surveyed the waters above and with eyes infused with mana they could clearly see, 2000 meters up, a half-demon half-kracken like man. It held a gold trident in its hand, denying the natural law of how fast one can move under water, the demon began submerging at a rapid speed.

"(analyzes) Pr-rating: 5000, (looks) King Vichba there's no other choice, we have to decide, one of us has to hold it off so the others can proceed with orders!"

— Lieutenant Archibald to King Vichba

"Right, right. Listen up, I'll take the others through to the opening, it shouldn't be too far ahead. Can you handle that much?"

— Vichba to Archibald

"Hmph! Who do you think we are"

— 1 yelled

With the number morale at its peak, King Vichba had no worries or concern that they wouldn't get the task done.

"Alright, let's go."

— Vichba to the rest

The bubble with the numbers stayed in place while the other traveled...


and further,

and further,

and further down.

And then they saw it... the light, decamping from the fiery pit. Sudden burst of molten rocks splurged out every now and then, Vichba had to time it in a mannerly fashion for the bubble to carry them through safely. Due to the extreme heat from pressure vents Vichba made sure to sink with caution.

"(Hm, a platform?) Everyone, (points) we'll land there. Listen, I don't know what we'll encounter so stay on your toes."

— King Vichba to All


— All synchronized

"(Telepathically) Boy get ready, the Queen knows your coming, the moment you touch ground... well can't say exactly"

— Ogmoged to Luther