
The Collector Came To Town

For millenniums,

they've been around for a very, very, very long time. From the Days of Dawn to the Battle of Emn, they've been around. But ever since the fall of the Demon King, the Lichlords have been dormant, watching from the shadows, building an army of undead for when the Demon King returns there will only be mass damage and chaos. Truth be told, no one knows if within this prophecy there lies any truth. However, the Lichlords' knew better than anyone in keeping their sole goal at hand— reviving the Demon King and bringing him an army of demons.



"How long has it been already? Give an take 30 min to an hour? How much have I gotten so far 10, 20, 100... no, to be precise the counts' reached above 300 by now. They just keep coming one after the other, no matter how hard I try in getting rid of them (looks beyond the dead army) he just sits back and laugh at my failures. In order to end this I have to get rid of him but first (mana outburst) let's lose the weapons."

— Luther to himself

Luther leaped into the horde Ogmoged's army with only his hands as a weapon. Being an expert in close-range combat, Luther dealt with ease the first few making it look easy. But of course it wasn't, for one the Lichlords army was relentless. On top of that, it was a strategic setup, a well panned out formation.

Starting at the front, there was a row of dead poachers, between those poachers led to the second row of forgotten sword casters. These first two rows combined created this type of in-n-out attack. While the poachers surrounded Luther, wielding their pikes to keep distance, the sword casters would continuously attack, sending sword after to sword.

"Try and try as you might, you'll never break through my formation."

— Ogmoged to Luther

Just as Luther's options seem to dwindle.

"(exhales heavily) I didn't plan on using a trump card this early (opens eyes) but to think a Lichlord was this powerful (glares) Pr: 2170, that's class Cero (grins maniacally) Blitz Speed, Mach 3."

— Luther to himself

Ogmoged's army began dropping one by one.

"(tense up) I can't seem to see what's happening. Why are my men falling to absolute nothing"

— Ogmoged to himself

It was blur or what it seemed like. Ogmoged couldn't make out what was happening before his very eyes. But he knew something was shrinking the army in ranks.

Poachers, archers, mages, knights... swordsmen, sword casters, demons, werewolves etc... it was a domino effect, undead after undead losing their soul to this unseen force. It's not as though they were weak but that their perception of time was at the norm and Luther had broke the sound barrier. It was inevitable when Luther entered within range of Ogmoged and decided to throw a punch.

"Now (stops punch) that was entertaining. There's only one other person whose made it through my undead army. (glares) they weren't as lucky with what came after (starts crushing Luther's fist). How about a demonstration?"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"(slight chuckle)"

— Luther

"Hm, you have guts. (reaches out) Grymsel, my sword (a warlord answered Ogmoged's request) you brought this upon you (severs Luther's left arm)"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"(blood gushes, turns) ha, hahahahaha, hahahaha, (looks Ogmoged in the eye) you fucked up."

— Luther to Ogmoged

"I what?"

— Ogmoged

"(laughs) ohhh you fucked up, look at your hand... now look at my hand."

— Luther to Ogmoged

"(looks at both) what is (startled)"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"(mana transaction initiated) you see, (grins) I wasn't born with any magical powers, so I'll take yours)"

— Luther to Ogmoged

"(turns to the warlords) what are you doing.. sever his hand!!"

— Ogmoged to Grymsels

(shlikk, shling) Luther arm regenerated just in time to parry the attack.

"(stares a warlords) sit and have you some manners (warlords backs away)"

— Luther to Grymsels

"(Impossible, that should be impossible)"

— Ogmoged to himself


— Luther

Luther continued sucking dry the 'abundant of mana' as he would call from the Lichlord. Meanwhile his army would slowly turn to dust only to be blown away. Ogmoged figure somewhere, something went wrong and now the tides shifted within Luther's favor.

"(weakened manner) to think that a mere human existed within this century. I was wondering why your Pr kept rising but now I get it... (smirks) with all that power in your eyes, you weren't even using 10% of that full power, how marvelous! Very well, you leave me no choice"

— Ogmoged to Luther

After a short blast that separated Luther from Ogmoged, the grounded battle now became aerial. Think of any spell and name it, the two beings casted them at each other. With every spell Ogmoged launched, Luther's instantaneous decision making would allow him to counter. If it were fire Luther countered with water. And if it were lightening Luther simply countered with an even more powerful earth spell.

For a moment, Ogmoged felt defeated. Whether close or far his opponent was an expertise in both category.

"(axe materializes) to hell with it (charges) I'll just rip you flesh for flesh down to the bone, (strikes) do you hear me human!!"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"(blocks attempts) good, (opens eyes to glare) it's about time."

— Luther to Ogmoged

When Luther opened his eyes they were different. Apart from his current disguise which had grey eyes and his last which were golden, this one was red... just pure, blood red. From the eyes everything was already said, Ogmoged knew this too.

"(r, eyes filled with blood)Blood-eyes?"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"No, call me Pressure"

— Alter Ego to Ogmoged

Ogmoged felt a pull, a push, then his body did a full on 360. It was unnatural, Ogmoged entire body denied him motion. The only movable part were probably his eyes. And the only thing he could see was constant blur and static as he was being flung around like a wrecking ball. Left, right, up, down, twirl, spin... repeat again. Left, right, up, down, twirl, spin, repeated again.

"(gets tossed into the platform, cough, cough) somethings not right here (looks up) at first I felt one source of power from him but now there's two. Mixed in I'm also getting the faintest bit of demonic energy... just how much mana, how much of a monster is this human?"

— Ogmoged to himself

Luther hovered in the air, the tattoo-like inscriptions covering his body glowing. Ogmoged felt as if it were staring at a god... no, a demon-god.

"After millennium after millennium, I've never imagined this would be out it all end. So this is my faith?"

— Ogmoged to himself

"(Luther hovered down to Ogmoged) Your magic is mine."

— Luther

Luther gripped up Ogmoged by the head, all five fingers digging deep into his skull even touching its brain... it's brain? Luther suddenly finished what he started— draining the Lich's mana. When he was done, his appearance changed and the inscriptions covering his body were gone.

"(Voice fades in) hello, master."

EXT. Somwhere between Labyrinth of Decay and WitchQuest Center

"What are, no, how are you even alive? I mean I siphoned every bit of your mana. And then there's your appearance, you've now became a floating brain that only I can see, Tch. "

— Luther to Ogmoged

"Kid, you defeated a king and you don't even know it. I am, I was a Lich king not lord as you were saying. But as for my appearance, this is my true appearance, I live through a conscious brain, the form before was just a useless tool.""

— Ogmoged to Luther

"Oh, I see (hold up an object)"

— Luther to Ogmoged

"Hm, my heart! U insolent brat! How dare you take my heart, give it back!"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"Oh, I thought you didn't need it. This right here is my confirmation for killing you."

— Luther to Ogmoged

"You mean I was victim to some sort of side quest?"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"Ahh, what else did you think?"

— Luther to Ogmoged

"(chokes on words) nothing."

— Ogmoged to Luther

"So, how does it work? Me and you I mean."

— Luther to Ogmoged

"Simple, we've created a symbiotic relationship, I need you to live in exchange I serve as an extension of your (says funnily) brain power."

— Ogmoged to Luther

"Ahh, shut it. I don't even know why I asked, let's go."

— Luther to Ogmoged


Upon arriving Luther held the Lich's heart in a jar of preservative liquid. What he didn't expect was the crowd of students at the center most likely each trying to find a quest to earn them points for the exam.

"Look at them, they've finally figured out how the exam works. All scrummaging like a bunch of scavengers. Well anyways, let's go turn this bad boy in."

— Luther to Ogmoged

Luther strolled through the doors, he thought he'd seen the full crowd up until now. Everyone, everyone was scrambling around like maniacs trying to get a quest before they ran out. It was unfortunate someone already got the biggest quest. Which person wants this quest? Or which person wants which quest? It was a whole paradox at the center.

"(Sighs heavily, scratches head) will someone please, shut the fuckkk uppp!!!"

— Luther out loud

"Geez, I just had to let that one out (approaches does lady before everyone) and here you said I wouldn't make it (hands off jar)"

— Luther to Desk Lady

"(gasps) The Lich's heart... i, i, impossible."

— Desk Lady

"Did I hear that right? He defeated the Lich King?"

— Someone said

Momentarily, this commotion was a side-track as someone else entered the center with their catch of the day— Maximus.

"Oy, desk lady (throws a bag)"

— Maximus to Desk Lady

"(grabs) T, t, this is another Lich's heart (faints)"

— Desk Lady

"Ha, nice. Where'd ya get that one?"

— Luther to Maximus

"Won't you tell?"

— Maximus to Luther

On this day forward, these two would be marked as demons.... not the demon your thinking but power-wise demons.