
Plane Below

"There is a secret to a secret"


Across the horizon, down the steep mountains, over the shallow, depressional wetlands—are piedmonts. On the geographic scale, a transition zone between high plains and low plains, and that’s’ without the exception of the small hills being symmetrically adjacent to one another. Our focus on one of those hills bloomed mystical flowers, their very structure giving off a particular aura, when in contact with the molecules in its surroundings, produces light similar both in motion and picture to that of ‘twinkling stars’. These flowers bloomed in clusters like large, fine shrubs.

Quickly expanding our view, a withered down tree in the rear, its placement about ¾ ways up this hill. Now under this peculiar tree stood a young man; his head, a very dark, sunken orange with swirls of brown in its concoction. Brown, red made for maroon gazed at an ossified gravestone:

[L. Duke Derringer The First]

.5th ABC

.8th XYZ