


When the Immortal Phalanx was on the brink of despair. After the death of the Wolkin, the enslavement of the Demon Kin, and the capture and seal of the Witch Queen the surviving Kin (the Soul Kin) on their side fell quick-sand into hiding.

The unaccounted Kins took control of the operation, meaning--the Sevre Plane was in their hands. These three (The Sun Kin, Vamp Kin & Myne Kin) originated an inside pact which then overturned the Immortals' Phalanx foundation in return creating their own: The Finite Trinity.

This new treaty seemingly formed out a group that when put together becomes the living, breathing, embodiment of the "Dark triad" seen to it that the Old World was destroyed bringing birth anew.

The three gathered at a safe sight, the highest overview where they watched as everything perished before them. From villages to towns, towns to cities, cities to conurbations-- the entire settlement hierarchy. Crash, like the ice of polar sea.