
Negotiated Proposals


Up above...

It was madness, pure madness and chaos. Chaos and damage. Unlike nothing ever seen before, it was only ten minutes in and the demon performed a magnificent feat, dividing the seas with a whale-devouring typhoon, with it hovering in the middle.

Lieutenant and the numbers were using wind magic to keep themselves afloat in the air, they were in what they called 'safe range' rom the demon. Lieutenant Archibald would immediately send numbers' 2 and 3 to attack, they were well respected masters for both aerokinetic and mid-air combat.

They were the first two to clash with the demon, but it took the demon little effort in bouncing off attacks with it's trident, grinning all the while calling them feeble humans. When number 3 managed to make a dire mistake in trying to rush the fight in an emergency protocol, he suffered the impaling from the demons trident.

Numbers 7 and 8, the heavy-hitters, back-bones of the group moved as fast as they could to prevent any further damage. It was then 8 pulled of a sneak trick, 8 whacked the hammer into the demons' spine, it let out a grunt and turned to 8 with a smile. "Is that all?"

1 foresaw the demons move and intervened before he could do any harm to 8. "Wham!" a smack sent the demon flying into the edge of the typhoon, beyond its water walls. He initially took the chance the demon was off guard before retrieving 3's body. 1 tried rushing back to land when a sudden burst from behind made him dread the next seconds.

Unfortunately for him, though the demon was somehow right on his tail Lieutenant Archibald was just fast enough to slice its hands of before it could attach to 1's leg, where he then kicked the demon back into the ocean as if he was playing "Keeper and Goalie" (soccer reference).

4, 7, 8, 5, & 9 all came together in the sky, they placed out their arms and each illuminated a different light, momentarily spells were being cast, the next moment they parted the seas with a massive beam of all colors— destruction magic —magic that erased existence upon touch.

For a moment, nothing happened. Nothing?

No, something was happening. There was heart-wrenching stomp that could be heard at the bottom of the ocean floor, is such a thing possible? Moments after the Lieutenant and the numbers couldn't believe their eyes. From above, a hole opened at the surface of the ocean, when you look into that hole, it was a straight shot down like you're looking into this long, unending cylinder. The demon was centered at the bottom of that cylinder.

"It survived the attack... time for plan b."

— Lieutenant Archibald

"Wha? What's plan B?"

— 8 to the rest

"(tenses up) just stay back, I forgot you just joined. Well, (shrugs) plan B is as simple as it gets, the Lieutenant will engage in a 1v1 fight with our opponent."

— 4 to 8

"Say what?"

— 8

"Yea, don't stress. It's always been like that, if we can't control the situation... who else other than Lieutenant to deal to with it?"

— 6 to 8

The numbers proceed to free back to land where 1 was performing medical attention to 3 the best he could.

"(laughed off) and where do you think you guys are going (reaches)"

— Demon

"Insolence (kicks the demons across the sky) didn't you learn your lesson."

— Lt. Archibald

"(Hovers) Address me by my name. (Yells) the names Asphalt!!"

— Asphalt to Lt. Archibald

"Whatever (fixes shades) just come, come demon."

— Lt. Archibald

Archibald tossed his sword into the air and as the handle came back down with pin-point accuracy, Archibald kicked it, the sharp end aiming at Asphalt. Asphalt thought he would catch the sword before it struck but it was a facade, Archibald's prior action was just an illusion, he didn't even move from his spot.

"(angry) you, you tricked me?"

— Asphalt to Lt. Archibald

"(gestures) come."

— Lt. Archibald

Like a silent night, not a single sound was heard when the two opponents zoomed at each other. Briefly sparks started flying all directions in the sky, this was not a crossfire you'd want to cross. It was violent, horrific and yet it was downright marvelous to watch. Lieutenant Archibald was holding his own against this demon Asphalt.

"(grabs) come here I said (elbows) tired? (knees Asphalt) when we've just started."

— Lt. Archibald to Asphalt

On Land....

"Oh, there it is. He's done it now."

— 6

"What, done what now?"

— 8

"Three words. Match. Point. Set."

— 4

"Right. The captain isn't just your typical mage, he's a maniacal sword-magician for fighting. And the more riled up he gets during a fight the more dangerous he is... (though lately it seems he's gotten far stronger)."

— 6

The numbers watched as the battle dragged out.

But now the tides were shifting with Lieutenant Archibald being the cause. At some point, Asphalt began to falter, it's defenses became unstabilized, Asphalt no longer could withstand the massive power behind every attack Archibald got in. He was neither fast enough to to clearly see the attacks and after spell after spell and attack, there was limited window span for action.

In its final attempts, Asphalt lifted a portion of the sea, sole bent on drowning everyone and everything. To it's surprise, when Asphalt commanded the sea to engulf Archibald and the numbers, it's attack failed to follow orders.

"Hm, what? (motions) move, (motions) move (motions) move!"

— Asphalt

Asphalt tried and tried and tried... but it's attack wouldn't go through.

"What's happening! Go, go, I said gooo!"

— Asphalt

"Stop resisting, it's futile. I hold your life in the palm of my hands"

— Lieutenant Archibald

Lieutenant Archibald was doing something to stop Asphalts attack— Raw Power.

What Lieutenant Archibald posses was an extreme and raw level of overwhelming power so tremendous and destructive that can make him by far one of the most powerful and mighty beings in his world and by far the most dangerous to have ever been known because of his unrivaled might.

The level of such power is so great that Archibald forced Asphalt's attack to stop. Instead he used Asphalts' attack against it, warping him in a whirlwind, large chucks of rocks smacked against one another and Asphalt during that time. Archibald lit the whirlwind with fire and here we had a ginormous firestorm spinning atop the ocean with Asphalt trapped inside both weeping and wailing in very terrified manner. It still hadn't end there because suddenly the fire became lava and the lava became ice and the next thing you know Asphalt was frozen inside like a gem.

The numbers couldn't believe their fucking eyes, the battle was remarkably jaw-dropping, eye-popping to anyone who witnessed it from the very beginning. Archibald wasted no time and ended the demon, shattered into tiny snowflakes Asphalt remains plundered into the Ancient Seas, it's fossils now used as nutrition to the entirety of the sea.


Down below...

"You guys make me sick, hmph!" Vichba casted blast magic which decimated hundreds of zombies in its direct line of travel.

"Burn, you imbeciles." Farce manipulated the lava on either side of the lava lake, melting dozens of zombies that surrounded him.

"He, show off!" "I agree." Sissy and Clay made swift with a bunch of Duke demons in an expert manner.

"Get out the way lil' bro (pushes Maximilian)" Shoving his brother aside, Maximus split the canvas beneath and earth opened up swallowing many hordes of demons.

"(hmph, leaps) it seems as though we're not doing enough (quickly, checks around) there numbers a dwindling but they just keep multiplying just as fast. Everyone is in constant battle, and this still feels like it's just the tip of the iceberg. There are still stronger demons sitting just waiting in the back. Are they hoping to tire us out. But if that's their plan..."

— Luther to himself

"Luther, look out,"

— Ogmoged to Luther

Da, da...

Da, da...

Da, da...

Da, da...

"It was too late... and before I know it I found myself utterly useless. I can feel it, that spine-chilling, nauseous presence behind me. I can feel it... I dared not move for I feared the worst. I feared... for the first time in my life... am I feeling I felt fear?"

— Luther

Fear which developed when the Mother of Demons herself appeared on the battlefield unannounced, undetected to everyone unaware of her presence except Luther. The reason was simple, time was warped, slowing down drastically, Luther thought his mind was playing games but in fact he was being warped into the Mother of Demons personal space-time.

"Wait... ugh, they can't hear me. Hey can't they hear me (voice fades away)"

— Luther