
Meaning Beneath

A week later....

Wardoff Institute,

it was created 10 years ago after the Battle of Emn as a new way to introduce magic to the newest generation. Wizards, mages, alchemist...individuals who had an innate talent across the plane were all gathered into on location. Reason being, the previously rally for unequal treatment in the schooling system by the civilians made

Tabula's Warden, head of all

school officials and overseer of matters, review the previous decisions and laws made by the ancestors. Today was the day of the opening ceremony, to celebrate the anniversary of Wardoff Institute, where magic is everything.


EXT. King's Studyroom

"(Footsteps approaching) Father! Father...(barges in) father, (smacks a paper down on the table) what is this? (Everbleed picks up paper) Were you aware of my final rankings?

— Son to Father

"Primera Class is it? Pr: 1787, mhmm...son, I don't see what's the matter?"

— Father to Son

"How could Sissy rank higher than me? I mean...it doesn't make any sense."

— Son to Father

"Hey big bro (all turns)."

— Sissy to Farce

"(Grunts) well what do you know, speak of the devil."

— Farce to Sissy

"(Mockingly) is someone upset little Sissy debunked them?"

— Sissy to Farce

"Don't rub it in. Last year your couldn't even crack 100, now look at you."

— Farce to Sissy

"Okay, you two know it off. Aren't you both to be preparing for the ceremony? Get your asses outta' my office!"

— Father to Children

"(Sighs) even now they still act like kids."

— King Everbleed to himself

"(Door opens) didn't I say to get the...oh, it's you guys. Finally, I hope something good."

— King Everbleed to Zenn, Farr, Pann and Happy who entered the room.

"(Shit) Ahh about that sire...the mission was a failure."

— Zen to King Everbleed

"How the hell did you manage to pull that off? I sent you there with high hopes of you capturing whoever the perpetrator is...not to come back empty-handed. They were this close. (Sighs) The opening ceremony is today and still this person isn't caught to say the least. (Turns) Happy, you have anything to say?"

— King Everbleed to All

"No, whoever your after they're good."

— Happy to King Everbleed

"This my second time hearing that...then it must be true. (Gestures) let's just call it all off, we'll catch them sooner or later. Everyone can leave, Happy you stay.

— King Everbleed to All


In this shipwreck cite, Luther stood at the edge of a rotten, disfigured ship overseeing the far seas— he was expecting someone. Though he was eager he tried remaining patient for the big day.

"(appears outta nowhere) heyy Luther (tosses a letter)."

— Michelle

"(Catches, the invitation..? She's good.) are we back to first name bases already?"

— Luther to Milly

"(Folds arms) call it what you will, I don't know."

— Michelle to Lulu

"I'm a horrible person aren't I?"

— Luther to Milly

"Don't say such things about yourself, you know I don't like that. You always do that and then make me feel bad about myself"

— Michelle to Lulu

"(Approaches) it's not too late to say sorry is it?"

— Luther to Milly

"I didn't come here for this, just tell me what it is and let me be on my way."

— Michelle to Lulu

"Jeez, I can't play with you. I've missed you so much."

— Luther to Milly

"No...it's not true, your lying."

— Michelle to Lulu

"Milly, I've never lied to you... never."

— Luther to Milly

"You mean that?"

— Michelle to Lulu


— Luther

"Hm, well, no... just get to the point."

— Michelle to Lulu

"Alright, alright, I won't prolong the matter. So did you find anything? What's the situation of the Kingdom right now?"

— Luther to Michelle

"As you already know todays the day of the opening ceremony so students across the plane are all gathering there as we speak. That letter is your only key to getting into the Institute so don't lose... please. Once you hand that to the Warden and get your power rank evaluated you'll be good to go."

— Michelle to Lulu

"Power rank? Was there such a thing?"

— Luther to Milly

"Yes, there are six ranks, Cinq being the lowest and Cero being the highest. I also heard stories from Zen."

— Michelle to Luther

"Zen? The fuck is that and how do you know him?"

— Luther to Milly

"(Teases) Lulu, don't be like that, he's the one got your that letter."

— Michelle to Lulu

"You still didn't answer my question."

— Luther to Milly

"It's simple, he's my godfather."

— Michelle to Lulu

"Ha, your godfather. Don't you know whose your daddy?"

— Luther to Milly


— Michelle

"What does he has to do with this?"

— Luther to Lulu

"Haven't you been aware... the King has been looking for you. One of the most recent missions assigned, Zen was put to lead the group. I won't give him all the credit but he's the one who tampered with the mission to keep the kingdom and their men from actually locating you sooo, your welcome."

— Michelle to Lulu

"Why'd you had to go ahead and say it like that?"

— Luther to Milly

"You're lucky I decided to even help."

— Michelle to Lulu

"Yea I know I'm lucky to have you, Milly."

— Luther to Lulu

"We'll anyways, when you get settle in I'll make contact with you. (Blows a kiss) see you then."

— Michelle to Lulu


Khel Vichba soared over Belgadia in its demolished state.

"My, my griffin...where do we start? This muhfucker leveled the entire city."

— Vichba to Griffin

"(Squawk, squawk-squawk)"

— Griffin

"Yea your right, (points at Belgadia's gates) let's land over there."

— Vichba to Griffin

"(Squawk, swoops down)"

— Griffin

"This...this is ridiculous, even though I'm seeing it with my own eyes. One man (smiles) he's just like me don't ya think Griffin."

— Vichba to Griffin


— Griffin

"Ha 'not even close' that's pretty rude for a bird."

— Vichba to Griffin

Vichba released a swarm of insects that went wild in collecting any piece of trace Luther might've left behind.

"Now, let's watch them do their thing."

— Vichba


At the opening ceremony, majority of the people attending were already there, each searching for the perfect spot to stay seated during the entirety of everything. From the school officials and authorities formed a line across the center stage— the warden was preparing for a speech.

"Welcome, students of Wardoff! As some of you might've already known that I... am your warden, the Warden of this District, I'd like to congratulate each and everyone of you for your outstanding performances. And trust me, I know from personal experiences it isn't easy getting here and as reward starting today I give all of you a 'Kudo' as a gestures of kindness— later we'll speak more on that matter...."

— Warden cuts out as Luther walks in

"(Reads paper in hand) not bad.... (looks up) Everyone in this room, I find a threat. Without the rankings you couldn't tell a difference in their abilities. They're all overpowered yet somehow stand on equal-footing. They're just monsters, and if I'm going to survive in a school filled with monsters, then why not become the Monster Hunter (smirks)."

— Luther to himself.