
Knights of The Royal Order

Luther got up sometime during the middle of the night, too bothered at the idea he's the Demon Kings' Successor. He escaped his tent to the side of a cliff where the moon shone the brightest, Ogmoged couldn't help to ask the question:

"What's wrong boy?"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"(sighs) well first off don't you see I'm the successor to a king and that's without counting the other"

— Luther to Ogmoged

"Yes, you mean the Sun King, your father. I know it must be challenging but on the bright side you've learnt the origins of your power, now its about controlling and unlocking that inner-strength."

— Ogmoged to Luther

"You know... you might be right"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"Hmph, gimme my respect"

— Ogmoged

"Oi, whore you talking to?"

[There was a whisper in Luther's ears. He didn't flinch, now did he budge just..]

"Oh, no one but myself."

— Ruthal to Vichba

"You always talk to yourself too?"

— Vichba to Ruthal

"I don't know, call it a habit"

— Ruthal to Cichba

"Which takes me to my question, I've been meaning to ask you, what did you do back there, that neat little trick of your's?"

— Vichba to Ruthal

"Wouldn't answering that considered being a violation to my rights?"

— Ruthal to Vichba

"A question with a question, however you do have a point. Well tell you what, we never had this discussion."

[Vichba exits]

"I wonder what that was all about"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"You ask me, I have no clue."

— Luther to Ogmoged

The next day...

Just before sunrise the remaining subjugation squad set forth for the palace, beyond the Crown Range they passed through Turner's Jungle, from there to the Royal Palace was a straight shot northeast. The crew would make it back just under an hour without any complications.

Vichba and the others instructed the recruitments to take the day to themselves and await furthers orders as they prepared to relay message to the king. Focusing our attention on Vichba and Archibald, they including the numbers reported to the palace's main hall where King Everbleed sat upon his throne.

To address the king was Vichba:

"...in our findings, we went out to discover a portal, hidden deep beneath us, leading to the demon world. There is no doubt that they are on the verge of crossing over, their numbers are high in ranks, when we experienced that for ourselves two of the many were most likely warlords."

— King Vichba to King Everbleed

"So the mission was a success"

— King Everbleed to King Vichba

"Yes, our guesswork isn't so much of a guess any more"

— King Vichba to King Everbleed

"Hm, I see... do the rumors are true"

— King Everbleed to King Vichba

"And if I may add, the numbers lay eyewitness to Lt. Archibald show of prowess in partially making this mission a success"

— King Vichba to King Everbleed

"Lieutenant Archibald, you never displease me. With that said, you said partially."

— King Everbleed

"The other warlord was token out by one of the recruitments"

— King Vichba to King Everbleed

"Really... who?"

— King Everbleed to King Vichba

"That kid... Ruthal. He initially helped be defeat the beast in its final moments."

— King Everbleed to King Vichba



Luther had caught a single room at a less popular Inn to fortify a plan for what's next, his main goal was to infiltrate the kingdom, and get as close to the king.

"I guess, all I can do is wait."

— Luther

"Wait, for what? Don't you need to go out and eat?"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"What, what the hell are you talking about? Eat, really?"

— Luther to Ogmoged

"Precisely, you need to feed, feed on the mana of the many wolf beasts out there."

— Ogmoged to Luther

"Oh, that's what you meant? Yeah, but deciding where's a good hunting place..."

— Luther to Ogmoged

"Well I know just the place"

— Ogmoged to Luther

[Receives a knock at the door]

"Who could it be at this time?"

— Luther to himself

[Proceeds to open door]

"Yea, who is..."

— Ruthal

"Are you Ruthal Bleedever?"

— Messenger of the Palace to Ruthal

"Who's asking?"

— Ruthal to The Messenger

[Hands Ruthal a note]

"Your presence has been requested at the palace."

— The Messenger to Ruthal

[Takes note]

"I see, you may leave."

— Ruthal

"But sir, sir, I'm to be your escort! Please let me do my job!"

— The messenger to Ruthal

"Hehe, I guess that means change of plans."

— Ogmoged to Luther

30 minutes later...


[Exits carriage]

"Here again, at last."

— Luther to himself

When Ruthal entered the palace he thought Maximilian waving caused for an embarrassing scene but also noticed that Farce, Sissy and Maximus were present.

"Are they also guest of honor?"

— Luther to himself

"Now that everyone's here I believe there's reason enough as to make it clear, why? Regarding "Operation Paperclip" as we now call it, I've heard you've all performed astoundingly (sneaks a glance at Ruthal) which brings me to this, as a reward to serving your country, I anoint you five as the newest members of The Knights of the Royal Order."

— King Everbleed

"Knights of the Royal Order? We're being sent to that platoon?"

— Luther to himself

"(steps up) Father, what is this? You mean to say we're at the lower-level pyramids?"

— Son to Father

"Farce, I suggest you hold your tongue... son."

— Father to Son

"(bites down) Tch!"

— Farce

"Anyone else have a problem (scans around) and would like to speak up now, I think not. You were each brought here to represent the power of the Academy through this war, it's already bad enough we're down to five of you (leans) and it'd be a shame to lose anymore."

— King Everbleed to Knights of the Royal Order

With that said, King Everbleed dismissed the rest however his son stayed back.

"Everyone, clear the area, (focuses on Farce) seems my son still has his part."

— King Everbleed

"That's right, I don't understand father. Why was I placed in the lower-levels of the pyramid... I find it... displeasing."

— Son to Father

"My uneducated son, in order to climb this pyramid there are requirements, so far you've just hit the first milestone. Tell me, were you there when the warlord was slain?"

— Father to Son

"Yes, well, not so much."

— Son to Father

"And why was that?"

— Father to Son

"(I really have to say it) due to my shortcomings as a magician."

— Son to Father

"You let a nobody take all the spotlight and you speak of being displeased, you're lucky I didn't place him in the mid-levels... i hope you'll understand from here on out nothing will be given to you and all that you've received will be what you've taken, dismissed."

— King Everbleed

Our prince, Farce, seem to not only have forgotten his manners but also overestimated himself, too infuriated Farce blindly walked into a forest 2 miles away from the palace, there he had a wild tantrum scorching all-life around him.

"Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why,(destroys the entire forest)... can I never get his aprprovallllll!!!"

— Farce yelling in the open



There was Luther, mounted on the carcass of a 6-headed hydra, but beneath all that lies also the carcass of another monster, the kirland kracken.

"(yawns) huh... (pauses) a messenger bird is headed this way"

— Luther to himself

"Squaw-squaw! (swoops down with letter)"

— messenger bird

"hmph (catches letter) red seal... a letter from the King?"

— Luther

"Must be.. open it."

— Ogmoged to Luther

"(reads letter) a private audience with the king"

— Luther to Ogmoged

"Well does it say a location?"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"Indeed it does (crumbles letter) let's bits keep him waiting."

— Luther to Ogmoged


Set in a secluded garden, a good distance away behind the Royal Palace; this location was used as a private, off-the-grid, layaway by the king himself. It was only a matter of time before Ruthal showed up being escorted by a few guards. King Everbleed, on the other hand, sat at the gazebo; a cup of tea was prepared for himself and his guest.

The king gestured Ruthal over, insisting that he take a seat and have some tea, Ruthal did exactly so, went as far as commenting "It's... good."

King Everbleed needth to beat around the bush, stead he went straight to the topic, offering Ruthal a chance to excel the others. Luther thought to himself that the king had to be joking but the expression he wore said otherwise, this was very serious question. But why did the king had an interest in Ruthal? He himself couldn't figure that out in the moment.

"What's the offer?"

— Ruthal to King Everbleed

"I want to strictly advise your trainings, maybe sometime even indulging in private lessons. You see, there are rumors surrounding you, that you could be this all-powerful sorcerer but what the heck, I'll take the risk and see for myself, who you truly are?"

— King Everbleed to Ruthal

"Who I am is a student of Wardoff Academy, there's nothing else to it. More importantly, why me, not to disrespect but there's your son and daughter who are a better candidate for this offer."

— Ruthal to King Everbleed

He made a disgusted face at this question, though it was well hidden or played off, Luther saw.

"The simple difference is you have talent... talent that perplexes it's viewers, I see the a future we're the both of us can compensate for the other, with me backing you, you could become the strongest mage across the plane, stronger than the Seven Kings... one you've already met (King Vichba) and they directly serve me. As for my ill-mannered children, I just don't think they're up for at task this large, I don't even think neither is ready for the throne. Oh, what am I saying I'm rambling to much now..."

— King Everbleed to Ruthal

"(This isn't a bad offer, despite the fact he's basically abandoned his "kids" I could use this opportunity to infiltrate the entirety of the kingdom. These so called seven kings, they'll be nothing when I'm done growing... by slowly consuming every and everything around you... father)"

— Luther to himself

"...now, your answer."

— King Everbleed to Ruthal

"(thinks) I guess, I'll accept on one condition"

— Ruthal o King Everbleed


— King Everbleed

"If I must be under your guidance, then I should be made heir to the throne."

— Ruthal to King Everbleed

"(This boy... marvelous. I can't tell if it's because his eyes are closed but he indeed has resolve. But for the throne...?) The throne is not just some toy boy, being a king takes great responsibility to this kingdom, shoulders like yours can't bear the weight."

— King Everbleed to Ruthal

"I dare say, in the long run we'll see. (holds out yea cup) me or your son you seem to have abandoned."

— Ruthal to King Everbleed

"Abandon you say... well the way I see it the world is a jungle, it's every man for themselves, it's lucky opportunity I'm giving you, one neither of my children proved worthy to receive, in other words I advise you make the most of it (finishes tea) maybe then we can speak of being heir."

— King Everbleed to Ruthal