
Greatest Betrayal Foreshadowed

The fight was done but the battle wasn't over. Then there's the unfortunate casualty, Three of the numbers finally succumbed to his wound, prior attempts in trying to save Three's life proved to be useless, whatever the technique that Asphalt used was irreversible. The numbers came together as a fellow brother perished. When Lieutenant Archibald touch ground the numbers gave way revealing the deceased member below. Archibald knelt down and shut Three's eyes, reciting a prayer under his breath.

"Rest in peace, my brethren."

— Archibald

Archibald continued with a brave speech, reminding them that their comrades death wouldn't go in vain, that as we speak the others down in the Chamber are risking their lives for he.


Down in the chamber it was like 'Clash Royale' and if you've ever seen '300 Spartan' you'd understand how much of a complete war zone the landscape was, everyone in the subjugation squad were engaged in battle, the field was corrupted with good and evil, multiple attacks from both ends bouncing back and forth like little molecules. It was a war of attrition and the bodies were piling up on one end. Many demons fell to the groups massive wide scale damage, victory to them seemed inevitable... until it appeared.

'It' being one of the highest ranking demons, there was a crackle in the dark, then the ring of bells, and suddenly Vichba and his squad was challenged by an enormous creation of flame and grime. Four raging eyes stare at all of them with a cold bitterness, and another crackle resonates from its tusked mouth in furious defiance.

Six curved horns adorns its stocky head, which itself is covered in glowing tattoos. The sound of a roaring fire escapes the creature's skewed nostrils set within a fibrous nose. Its stocky head sits atop a slim, fibrous body. Gaping wounds show an infernal fire within, but the crew's eyes didn't linger for long.

The demon moved forward slowly, its two legs lumberingly carry its diabolical body with a poised energy. Two enormous wings extend themselves fully. Scythe-like bones, and incorporeal feathers stretch upward as if trying to block everyone completely, its eyes still affixed on the crew.

Someone yelled to disperse and everyone one in the squad leaped back in a different direction, however, Topa who leaped up was was to go. The pulled Topa from the air and plastered her against the canvas, there was snap in Topa's spine, following the methodical stomping to her head that dislocated her jaw structure and shattered her skull.

Out of pure rage Clay attacked in hopes of saving Topa's life, immediately before he could draw his weapon or a spell there was jingle, before Clay would realize he was in a trap; chains, invisible to the eye wrapped around the wrists and ankles of Clay, all four limbs were immobilized.

"Shit." the two brothers charged at the demon when Vichba warmed them not to act recklessly. The Derringer brothers each attacked from both sides with a powerful high-grade fire spell, one was in the form of a crow, the other a wolf. Both attacks assorted to nothing when an unseen force redirected them both at the opposite brother. The bothers were pushed back by their own attack, Vichba and Sissy were behind to absorb the impact from their catch. They made sure the brothers were alright when a ear-chattering scream echoed throughout the chamber.

The rest of the group looked into the direction of the demon and das Clay being ripped lim to limb. The demon tossed the rest of his body in the lava pool were he would dissolve into nothingness. The group found it horrible, the atrocities that this demon would commit gave anyone the upset stomach. The demo would smile then wave of light radiated outward around his body, Vichba was unaffected from the light but he couldn't say the same for the rest, they were apparently knocked unconscious.

"(looks up at the demon) You're a tough one aren't chy'a? (wipes his lips) it's just me an you now, just me and you"

— King Vichba to Draglaroth

"(points a finger at Vichba) You, you are worthy (materializes a half-flaming hammer) Let's put you to the test shall we?"

— Draglaroth to Vichba

"(dashes at Draglaroth) I've heard enough, Leap of Faith! (performs a triple-quadruple kick in the air)"

— Vichba to Draglaroth

"(uses hammer head to ward off attacks) I commend your efforts, (manipulates invisible chains after Vichba) unlike the others you seem a lot more... fun"

— Draglaroth to Vichba

"(dodges and weaves the unseen chains) Heads ups (strikes with a lighting spell that split the earth) the same trick won't work twice!"

— Vichba to Draglaroth

"(wapom! generates a wall of raging fire) what an interesting attack decision (disappears)"

— Draglaroth to Vichba

"(looks up as the fire wall clears) hm, where'd it go? (turns head)"

— Vichba to himself

"Well, shall we dance? (swings hammer at Vichba)"

— Draglaroth to Vichba

"(guards with his sword) he was behind me, was I too slow? (boom! plasters into a moving platform a few feet ahead)"

— Vichba to himself

"(a spears before Vichba) what, scared? (manifests a dragon of flame surrounding his hammer and proceeds to smash down at Vichba)"

— Draglaroth to Vichba

"(halts) I'll take that (absorbs fire from Draglaroth's hammer)"

— Luther to Draglaroth

"(Ruthal? He's here)"

— Vichba to himself

"(groans) What was that just now? (looks at its hammer then at Luther) That mage somehow absorbed the magic from my weapon."

— Draglaroth to himself

"Hey, you okay back there?"

— Luther to Vichba

"Yea, (gets up) as for the demon I'm kinda glad you showed."

— Vichba to Ruthal

"So, (retrieves two ring swords) untouched think we can take him?"

— Luther to Vichba

"(materialize his scythe) with to two of us chances are it'll be a fight to the death (glances at Luther) by the way, where were you?"

— Vichba to Ruthal

"(glances back) I was help up."

— Luther to Vichba

"(suspiciously swings scythe around) held up by what?"

— Vichba to Ruthal

"Another demon, slightly less powerful than this one."

— Luther to Vichba

"Well you don't say..."

— Vichba to Ruthal

"Look out ( leaps up)"

— Luther to Vichba

"(leaps up and looks down at the scene) I guess all that waiting actually had a toll on him (lands)"

— Vichba fo Ruthal

"(grounds) He's coming"

— Luther to Vichba

"Again? (glances at Ruthal) His senses are keen"

— Vichba to himself

" (dashes over to Luther and Vichba) Hrgh! (performs a spin attack generating heat in the surrounding area)"

— Draglaroth

"(fwit, fwit!)"

— Luther and Vichba leaped away

"Arghhh! (manipulates it's bone like wings who chase after Luther and Vichba who tried to get away in different directions)"

— Draglaroth

"How annoying (slashes scythe back and forth destroying a few Draglaroth's wings)"

— Vichba to himself

"Ah, slish, swish, slish, slish! (destroys a couple wings that kept regenerating after him at the same time) what a strange ability... (allows Algarorh's wings to grab hold of him) do you mind sharing? (bows head with a smile)"

— Luther to himself

"(stretches word) yesss, I caught one of them (looks in the direction of Luther then Vichba) while the others' still struggling... (here Draglaroth felt a rapid depletion in energy) as if my mana's being stolen! (turns toward Luther's direction)"

— Draglaroth to himself

Draglaroth reeled in his wings also bringing Luther closer to him; on his left side he was also still fighting off Vichba with the other pair of tentacle like wings, Vichba was having a hard time so the beast initially turnt its up attention back to Luther.

"What have you done? (tightens grip around Luther) answer, what have you done?"

— Draglaroth to Luther

"(chuckles) What have I done? What a stupid question for a demean like you (lifts head) I'm sure you feel it by now, (smiles maliciously) I'm taking your mana, your mana is mine."

— Ruthal to Draglaroth