
Dual of Foes

Prior Luther's face-off with Draglaroth....


"(smashes into a stone wall before landing on the ground) euh, (coughs, coughs) something pulled me into this, this...(checks perimeter) where am I?"

— Luther to himself

"(voice fades in as a figure transcended the darkness) Hello, you're in my world now."

—The Mother of Demons to Luther

"(Luther stared upon the magnificent creature) The Mother..."

— Luther whispered

"(zaps towards Luther and stops right in his face) grrrrr (begins sniffing around Luther who found the situation awkward) why? (stops in-front of Luther again) why is the demon kings stench so strong on you? (protrudes a million spider-like legs from her back that curled in at Luther) why... human?"

— The Mother to Luther

"Well, beats me and you're a bit too close?"

— Luther to The Mother

"You even have a nice spark, I wonder where'd you get that. When my husband, the Demon King perished his entire existence was erased, do you understand where I'm coming from?"

— The Mother to Luther

"I don't get what this has to do with me."

— Luther to The Mother

"My, a fascinating human, you show no expression whatsoever even in my presence, a wonder why it took such a high-level spell to get you here. But since this has to do with your demonic energy..."

— The Mother to Luther

"That's absolute ludicrous, to be clear, I wasn't born with any magic."

— Luther to The Mother

"Yet you hide such a bottomless pit of mana, I might be 1000 years but I am far from a fool."

— The Mother to Luther

"Why don't you come over here, I'll demonstrate."— Luther to The Mother

"(Not even for second... he's not kidding) I brought you here to negotiate young man, it is my concern that the Demon King's resurrection might be very well linked to you, there's no doubt that deep down inside you there lies the key"

— The Mother to Luther

"What a brave proclamation, and how'd you come to that conclusion when I clearly stated... I wasn't born with any magic."

— Luther to the Mother

"In the Book: No Morals, Prophesied is the Demon King's last attempt at resurrection before death, he chose at random, a newborn across the plane birthed on the day of his death, the 'mark'— he who bears the mark will rise to great power and the requirements for the revival of the King, in he will be fulfilled"

— The Mother to Luther

"(Luther's life flashed before his eyes) Ah, but if that's true, then this power I've had the entire time was from the demon king?"

— Luther to The Mother

"It's a paradox bearing the mark, your mana is based upon the power absorbed, consequences to this is sealing of your own potential mana"

— The Mother to Luther

"(Indeed, you should have 10 times the mana you posses now)

— Ogmoged interjected to Luther

"And where have you been, you knew this all along?"

— Luther to Ogmoged

"Well I wasn't sure but now I'm positive."

— Ogmoged to Luther

[Luther shifted his attention]

"So, what is your end goal, by telling me all this I mean?"

— Luther to The Mother

"I'm glad I finally found you, in fact, you came to me... and now here's the deal..."

— The Mother to Luther

"(The deal?)"

— Luther to himself

".....listen closely cause this is very important, I need you to help me overthrow the Sun King."

— The Mother to Luther

"You need me to what?"

— Luther to The Mother

"Come on, don't be surprised, your reaction says it all... we both have a common interest and a common goal don't you think?"

— The Mother to Luther

"You've been observing me?"

— Luther to The Mother

"Maybe, I knew this day would come... I await your answer."

— The Mother to Luther

"Indeed it was already my plan, but what role will you play?"

— Luther to The Mother

"Me, oh? I'll provide you with whatever resource you need, anything you name it, in exchange for my support I'll need two things: one you already know, the second is the complete resurrection of the Demon King, once you have enough power for the mark to fully activate, you will be the bridge to this world for the rebirth of the new Demon King!"

— The Mother to Luther

"An enticing offer, (but you're very mistaken to think I would let the Demon King be reborn into this world but what the heck, I'll go with it for now) who am I to not accept?"

— Luther to The Mother

"A wise decision, here (floats over the paper of agreement)"

— The Mother to Luther

"(looks) Sign here huh?"

— Luther

"(Wait.. use my blood)"

— Ogmoged to Luther

"Ah, really. Okay, (signs paper) there."

— Luther to The Mother

"Now, when you back out, wait a few minutes for 'that' demon to show up, when it does slay it and persuade the others that the Queen's not here."

— The Mother to Luther

"How do you expect me to do that?"

— Luther to The Mother

"Once my demon is slayed I'll purposely withdraw my army making it seem like that demon was their leader... you get where this is going?"

— The Mother to Luther

"Well then, I guess I'll be in your debt."

— Luther to The Mother

"What's already said doesn't need to be understood... then go my child, The Demon King's Successor!"

— The Mother to Luther



"What, he's stealing my magic? Quick, I need to let him!"

— Draglaroth to himself

"Oh, bad choice. Haze, Bine, grab him."

— Luther to Draglaroth

Two dark, malicious looking entity latched onto Draglaroth, though he struggled as he might it was no use. By this time Draglaroth unknowingly let go of Luther; Draglaroth's wings had stopped attacking Vichba who now watched from a distance.

From Vichba's perspective, Ruthal's dark manifestations shoved Draglaroth to his knees, then Ruthal himself palmed the top of his skull. Draglaroth made any attempts to break free however, the dark entity's were siphoning his mana, not for themselves but for the successor, Luther.

They were yet an extension of Luther's newly-evolved power, he didn't leave the Queens' lair empty-handed, he left with 13 demonic-spirits by his side, the Bavarian Seers who served directly under the Demon King. Being a reflection of the successor they posses all his abilities including their own.

Vichba couldn't tell what was happening, neither the ones who were beginning to regain consciousness. The seers, or Ruthal turnt Draglaroth into a mummified portrait, *snap of a finger* it happened so fast, just like that, Draglaroth and the other demons faiths' were sealed, momentarily after Draglaroth died the remaining demon army vanished thereafter. In short notice, the room began to crumble, violent burst of lava erupted the sanction, the group had not time to delay, though Vichba seemed on edged he knew it too, that he had to prioritize getting everyone out of there first.

[Scene cuts up above]


The numbers were gathered at a campsite on a cliff, ever since their Barlow and mourning of a friend, Lieutenant Archibald has been observing the waters' surface below, hellbent on the arrival of the rest of the group. Here and there a few of the numbers would approach Lt. Archibald, insisting on persuading his dedication to waiting up for the others. But to Archibald, nightfall was beginning to creep in and who knows what monsters would linger around plus he was still awaiting a sign that the rest of the squad was alive.

Fortunately that's when 'it' hit them, a large burst from the seas surface and there they were, the sieving members of the squad. Following Lt. Archibald the numbers descended the cliff to group up with the team. It was immediately noted that two of the crew members were missing and when asked Vichba coldly stated "dead."

More importantly, he was bothered by the fact, if it wasn't for Ruthal they wouldn't have been here but needeth haven't the time to fully approach the matter, instead everyone was to head to this camp site and lay low til' morning, where they set out to relay message to the King— the mission was a 'success’.