
Concealed Intentions

EXT. Somewhere in Nevada, 4 years ago

"So you're really gonna leave? Why can't you stay...after everything, e, everything we've been through? I told you how I clearly feel and this is the thanks I get? I expected so much more from you and, and you just straight up let me down! How could you! How could you! How could you Lulu! I fucking hate you, you hear me Lulu, I fucking hate you! And I never wanna see you again!"

— Michelle to Luther


EXT. Milly's Hide-Away Manor

"D'oh, ugh (grabs head) ngh, what was that? Was that me...in another timeline? I heard dreams are entrances to your parallel-selves...and that one was so vivid."

— Luther to himself

"(Flips over) Lulu, something wrong?"

— Michelle to Luther

"(So in the end we did come back together) good morning sunshine, why'd you ask?"

— Luther to Michelle

"Well, from the look of your face I took it something's wrong."

— Michelle to Luther

"No, everything's fine."

— Luther to Michelle

"Oh is that so? I heard yesterday you lost to sum Prince... so?"

— Michelle to Luther

"(Gets up) Do you just listen to rumors and belief it true?"

— Luther to Michelle

"(Sits up) That's why I'm asking you."

— Michelle to Luther

"I didn't lose, I forfeited."

— Luther to Michelle

"Really now? Since when did the vile and vicious Luther I knew back down from a fight? You, who would lay waste to even magic armies? Oh please, don't expect me to believe that."

— Michelle to Luther

"(Begins getting dressed) If I have you believing that then it's all going as planned."

— Luther to Michelle

"Wait...what do you mean?"

— Michelle to Luther

"I need everyone on board with the idea that (exaggerates) the Prince defeated the number 1 rank student at Wardoff Institute. If the news circulate enough then soon they'll come to view me as an easy 'prey'. The more people come to challenge me for my position the more mana I get to take. In my case, it's a win, win."

— Luther to Michelle

"And don't you think that's dangerous? The competition at this school is abnormal."

— Michelle to Luther

"It's fine, I've already scoped the entire school and the individuals who pose a threat, that is the student council, security, counselors and the Warden (pauses) even though I did steal abut of his mana prior."

— Luther to Michelle

"You did what...? (He stole the wardens magic). You're getting out of control."

— Michelle to Luther

"You think so? If only you knew what I know. Unlike you, I've seen the 'future'."

— Luther to Michelle

"Out of all the things you could say, you expect me to believe that."

— Michelle to Luther

"Just take it as I say it. Anyways, I should get going."

— Luther to Michelle

"Wait, today after school you should have an audience with my godfather."

— Michelle to Luther


— Luther to Michelle

"Yea, I think he has some new information that you might need to hear."

— Michelle to Luther


— Luther


"Yesterday...that weird feeling I had. Are they on to me...no, couldn't be possible (bumps into another student) then again, it doesn't ignore the fact I'm somewhat uneasy."

— Luther to himself

"(Voice fades in) hey, hey, (grabs Luther) don't you hear me talking to you (recognizes Ruthal) Ah, (stutters) Class Cero, rank #1."

— Student to Ruthal

"Yea, do you know me?"

— Luther to student

"Oh greetings, the names Maximilian, I'm from class C-1. Though you may not recognize me."

— Maximilian to Ruthal

"(Red hair and golden eyes, smiles) you must be Maximus Derringer...the II is it?"

— Luther to Maximilian

"No, my name is Maximilian III, unfortunately you've mistaken me for my elder brother."

— Maximilian to Ruthal

"(Duke Derringer had two sons? How could I miss that?) I guess so. Maximilian, was there a reason for stopping me?"

— Luther to Maximilian

"(Wait, why did I get in his way? I'll make up an excuse) I'm actually a big fan of yours. (That's what you went with you idiot!)"

— Maximilian to Ruthal

"Oh are you now?"

— Luther to Maximilian

"Yes, yes, you see, I truly admired the way you handled the situation between you and the Prince. (At least you're being honest here.) I've seen so many seniors cower in fear but you, you were courageous enough to act on!"

— Maximilian to Ruthal

"How enthusiastic."

— Luther to Maximilian

"No, no, I'm being serious, you have to believe me! You may not know it but you showed others to stand up for themselves that day, I mean... we're all victims of the Prince."

— Maximilian to Ruthal

"(Sounds like there's more to the Prince that meets the eye) Speaking of, here comes the Prince. (Frowns) is this how he's treated every morning."

— Ruthal to Maximilian

"Well, yea, I mean he's the Prince, one the most valuable students in this Institute simple because he's the direct son to the King. What, do you have something against the Prince?"

— Maximilian to Ruthal

"(Direct son, what nonsense. My dear father, you try to replace me with a puppet? I can't tell you how angry I am... your own son)"

— Luther to himself

"Ruthal, Ruthal... Ruthal!"

— Maximilian to Ruthal

"(Snaps out) ah, sorry, just thinking."

— Luther to Maximilian

"(Smirks) your jealous aren't you?"

— Maximilian to Ruthal

"Please, it's the other way around. And shouldn't we be heading to class?"

— Luther to Maximilian

"(Checks time) shit, we're gonna be late! (grabs Ruthal) let's go!"

"(Sighs) didn't I say that."

— Ruthal to himself

(Scene shifts to Ruthal and Maximilian strolling down this gothic hallway. They'd take a left then a right before seeing class C-1 just down ahead)

"Am I gonna have you dragging me around all day?"

— Luther to Maximilian

"Boo, hoo, cry about it. Let's just hurry and take a seat (gets hit with a paper ball)"

— Maximilian to Ruthal

"Yo Max, (gestures) pick it up."

— Clay to Max

"(freezes)Y, y, yes (proceeds to pick up paper)."

— Max to Clay

"(stops Max) Oi, what're you doing? (Sighs) get up, stop making a fool of yourself."

— Luther to Max

"(Looks up) ah... right (Luther picks up paper)"

— Max to Ruthal

"Hey new kid or whatever, I wasn't speaking to y (wapow! gets hit with magic enforced paper ball)"

— Clay to Ruthal

"(When did he throw it? I didn't even see him throw it)"

— Clay to himself

"(Chuckles) new kid... is that the best you can do? I mean, really."

— Ruthal to Clay

"Hey now, you're that guy, that shut eye guy that lost to the Prince. (Laughs hysterically) guys look, it's Mr. #1 (continues laughing) more like (forms a zero with hand)."

— Clay to Ruthal

"I'm glad you find it funny. Come Max, (walks by Clay & crew)."

— Luther to Max

"(Voice fades in, it was another student sitting in Clay's crew) Max, I see you've found yourself a friend, well good for you."

— Maximus to Brother

Maximilian didn't respond.

"(Turns, is that... that's him alright, Maximus Derringer. I didn't sense him at all...that immediately bugs me. Now I really want to steal his magic."

— Luther to himself

"I know you must be wondering and yes, that's my older brother."

— Max to Ruthal

"I didn't ask."

— Luther to Max

"Yea I know but judging by the situation you must be confused."

— Max to Ruthal

"I beg to differ. All I had to do was read the room to know that you and your brother have your differences. Maybe you were close then but not now. I take it something happened between you two then that changed everything."

— Luther to Max

"We've been close for a very long time up until recently with the death of our father things took a turn. Maximus began ignoring me, each arrant I made I was rejected out his life. It makes me think the only reason we were close was because father was still alive."

— Max to Ruthal

"(I feel for the dude, I really do. But it's not like I can straight up tell him I'm the one who murked his pops. In another case, I can use this to my advantage) Hm, heart-touching. Tell you what,

"(A woman instructor walks in) Great, seems everyone's here. Now listen up because I'll only say this once. There has been a dire situation causing your exam for this class to come earlier than expected. Instead of their being class today you'll all go home and prepare yourselves. This is your opportunity to prove to the Kingdom why you're all was worthy. With that... you're dismissed."

— The instructed packer things, and exited the class

While the class entirety was frustrated as this information came out of the blue, there was nothing they could do.


Homegrowns' market was a place out in the open where groveled streets intersect. And on every street you would see a shack setup with a person selling whatever product they're advertising. Luther was in the area because it was Maximilian mothers' birthday and he pursued Ruthal to accompany him in buying a gift.

"So, what is it we're looking for?"

— Luther to Max

"Well, something nice that she can wear you know..."

— Max to Ruthal

"... like a necklace?"

— Luther to Max

"Yea, yea exactly. But where to find one (kept looking around)"

— Max to Ruthal

"(points to a shack) that place looks good over there."

— Luther to Max

"(reads sign) Refined Jewelry in Mystical Arts, yea let's check it out."

— Max to Ruthal

"Geez, slow d...(a figure obstructs Luther)"

— Luther

"Found you... Luther, or is it Ruthal? ?"

— Figure to Luther

"(This presence...) Zen"

— Luther to Zen

"We meet again."

— Zen to Luther

"It seems so. How did you find me?"

— Luther to Zen

"First (puts up an invisible, sound-proof barrier)"

— Zen to Luther

"(A barrier of this caliber... I guess it was a good idea to steal some of his magic) what's this for."

— Luther to Zen

"(clears throat) what I'm about to say cannot be heard by just anyone. (Gets serious) in just a few days you'll be taking the final exam, do you what that is? The exam is to see who'll qualify for the Demon Subjugation. The only reason I'm telling you this is mostly because of your involvement with my god-daughter but also if you really want to get closer to your father this is the first step."

— Zen to Luther

"She did that? However, you know of my father?"

— Luther to Zen

"Yes, we were close but we can speak later on that matter, right now I don't have the time."

— Zen to Luther

"Tch, and the subjugation, when is it?"

— Luther to Zen

"In a month, you'll have to be ready to outshine the others."

— Zen to Luther

"That I plan to do (breaks free from barrier) since that's all I'll leave first, until next time. (Locates Max)"

— Luther to Zen

"Hey, who was that?"

— Max to Luther

"Oh, I don't know. Some old geezer looking for directions."

— Luther to Max