
Closer Thy Creeps


Early, the next day...

"(Someone barges into the warden's lair) W, warden... quick, somethings happening in the training room."

— Wing-man to Warden

EXT. Wardoff's Training Center

Over at the training center, in the middle of the platform with everyone staring, Luther held Prince Farce in the air by his neck.

"So you're the prince...? I'm disappointed. You might as well walk around with a wrist band that says 'I'm the prince' if you think status matters in this place. In this place... it's all in here (taps head) it's all in here. From what I'm seeing, that very much you lack (unhands Farce).

"Ugh, (cough, cough)"

— Farce

"(Warden appears, the prince?) Will someone please tell me what's happening! (Turns) Prince Everbleed can you? (Turns again) and you...you are..."

— The Warden to All

"Ruthal greets Warden."

— Luther to The Warden

"Ruthal huh? What's the meaning of this?"

— The Warden to Ruthal

"Your little highness over there thought is was better to blatantly flaunt his status around here. I gave him nothing but a reality check."

— Luther to The Warden

"Can anyone confirm this incident? Prince, I'm specifically talking to you. You off all people should know the way of conduct when in this place. I expect better."

— The Warden to Farce

"And as for you (speculates Ruthal) you said your name was Ruthal right?"

— The Warden to Ruthal

"That's right."

— Luther to The Warden

"(Who is this kid..to talk to me...to do that to the prince) though your methods were justified, you took little precautions and acted recklessly."

— The Warden to Ruthal

Luther remained silent.

"Alright everyone, that's the end of todays session, wrap it up."

— The Instructor to All

"(Walks by) you (rest hand on Luther's shoulder) don't let anything like this happen again... you wouldn't want the Royal Army against you would you? Just an advice."

— The Warden to Ruthal

"(Sighs) you just had to touch me, didn't you? Oh well, (begins mana transaction) if you insist on sharing...it'll be useful against the kingdom."

— Luther to himself

It worked both ways, all it took was contact. Whether he's touching you or your touching him, Luther still has the ability to finesse mana like taking candy from a baby.

(As Luther walked away the warden analyzed his arm) Instructor (turns) keep an eye on that kid... somethings just off."

— The Warden to the instructor


After scanning both the terrains of Belgadia and Kredena only to find nothing, Vichba made haste to the next city— Zoasos. Initially when Vichba landed in Zoasos, he repeated the same process as he did in the previous cities. Scan the area: far and wide, high and low. Results, Vichba came upon a piece of cloth with a triangle drawn into another triangle.

"Hm, (holds up cloth) an unfinished circle?"

— Vichba to himself

"Squawk, squawk"

— Griffin to Vichba

"Something wrong Griffin?"

— Vichba to Griffin


— Griffin to Vichba

"Ahh, (looks in a direction) dark energy... a substantial amount too. Let's go check it out."

— Vichba to Gerffin

"(dashes forward) why's there dark matter in such a place (leaps up to a building) could it be... (observes below) a demon? (Realizes) it is. But why appear so sudden?"

— Vichba to himself

A squeal in the darkness, a rustling of leaves, and suddenly Vichba faced a gargantuan demon of dread and blood. Two fierce eyes stare at him with a malevolent mania, and another squeal pierces from its putrid mouth with deafening intensity.

Six thick horns adorns its chunky head, which itself is as dark as the abyss itself. Calm breathing escapes the demon's deformed nostrils set within a bony nose. Its chunky head sits atop a high, greasy body. Several bizarre wounds ooze a thick, foul liquid, but Vichba didn't exactly want to take a closer look to inspect this further.

The creature strides toward Vichba, its two legs gracefully carry its draconian body with a grim energy. A shadowy tail slides behind it, electric energies pulse from it with every movement.

Four draconic wings extend themselves fully. Cracked bones, and feathers like daggers stretch upward before curling up. The creature ignores Vichba, it doesn't even look in his direction anymore.

"[unintelligible language]"

— The Demon


— Griffin to Vichba

The demon, in the blink of an eye transitioned from its spot to attack Griffin.

"(Intervened) oh no you don't (pulls a sword)...(shling!!) stay away from Grffin, if it's a fight you want then it's a fight you'll get."

— Vichba to Demon

"Fargos accepts."

— Demon to Vichba

"(It speaks, smirks.)"

— Vichba to himself


Sitting at the back of the class, Luther had a lot on his mind. Hands at his jaws, he thinks.

"This morning...

— Flashback

It was the first training session of the school year where both upper and lower-class-men had joined together, maybe even learning a thing or two from one another. Prince Farce had spotted Luther in the upper-class crowd, immediately distinguished him from the others as being 'new'. And knowing Farce, he hates when the new guys don't know their place. Initially he confronted Luther and as you already know, displayed ostenstatiously his status and power as if he was telling Luther 'I'm boss around here.'

We all know what happened next...

— Present

"... yea we do, tch still pisses me off though (looks up) woah who is that?"

— Luther to himself

A woman of glamorous beauty had stepped into class late. Excusing herself for not being on time to the instructor, she made haste up the steps to the nearest empty seat.

"Um, hi... is anyone sitting here?"

— Sissy to Ruthal

"I think not."

— Luther to Sissy

"(Takes seat) wow... he has amazing hair."

— Sissy to herself

"(Reaches out) Hey I'm Sissy, what's your name? You looks new here?"

— Sissy to Ruthal

"(What the...I'm pretty sure she saw me at training. Oh whatever but share me some magic) It's Ruthal (shakes hand)"

— Luther to Sissy

"Ruthal...are you an upper-classmen?"

— Sissy to Ruthal

"(Seems she hasn't realize what I just did) yea, I just transferred."

— Luther to Sissy

"Wait...then you must've received your PR-ratings? What is it? (Realizes) sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

— Sissy to Ruthal

"It's fine...I mean it's just a number, Pr: 1942"

— Luther to Sissy

"(What... this kid ranked top of the class?)"

— Sissy to herself

"(Instructor walks in) good evening everyone, (looks around) I see some of you are already acquainted...so let's proceed. First and foremost, this years student with the highest Pr-rating goes to Ruthal Bleedever...congrats. And as promised, you have a free waiver for this classes upcoming exam."

— Instructor Caninn to All

I guess you could say the class was jealous of Ruthal at the moment.

"(Looks back at Ruthal who stuck a tongue at him) You brat... he got the highest rating? Impossible, I the famed Prince was bested? No wait, then what was his score?"

— Farce to himself

"Ruthal... would you like to give a word?"

— Instructor Cannin to Ruthal

It was 5-seconds to one, Luther had got up within that short time span and greeted everyone person in the room— friend or foe —stealing portions and portions of mana to add up. Before the clock struck one, he was already next to the instructor before the instructor realized it.

"W, what just happened? Did I miss something?"

— Cannin to himself

Luther began speaking.

"Thank you everyone, for giving me this moment. I'd like to say one thing, just one (watch this so called prince) as long as I'm here, no one is above me. You all know what you were in for coming here, this is a competition and don't expect me to play nice."

— Luther to All

"(Clears throat) okay, this have gone on too long."

— Farce

"Is there a problem, Mr. Everbleed?"

— Caninn to Farce

"No, let him speak. I wanna hear what he has to say."

— Luther to Caninn

"You know damn well what I have to say, you and I have unfinished business (rips off arm-band) and right now I challenge you to a duel."

— Farce to Luther

"(Oh, the good old arm-band toss) and if I don't accept?"

— Luther to Farce

"Heh, (stares) scared?"

— Farce to Ruthal

"Me, never. (Smiles) I'm more worried about you."

— Luther to Farce

Luther hit a nerve.

"Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself. More importantly, you've still have yet to answer."

— Farce to Ruthal

"(Shrugs) I accept."

"(Intervenes) now that that's over with it, I'd like to get back to teaching the class. The duel can wait til' after."

Luther went back to his seat, catching a glimpse of Farce on the way.