
A Troubled World: The Hegemony Order

"Of anonymous choice, a decision was made, the reunited Knights of the Royal Order, the facade of the plane, shall be endorsed and sponsored though secretly fulfilling the most heinous of acts on nostrum behalf; illi shall be kept in the dark, in an illusion, manifesting within ipsi, a belief which is illorum yet it was nostrum choices that led it this way."

— The Philosopher's King to The World Monarch

The order was passed; reconstructing the foundation of the Pecking Order with The Knights of the Royal Order at the foot, the new recruits were fresh-meat for entertainment. Be it so, if they had in their possession, anything such as weak morals, weak traditions, and weak group-willpower, those with special aptitudes, especially blind, will be pawns of subject, groomed and trained to served for technical purposes, security purposes, and as a part of the agenda apparatus.