
The prisoner




"Even though we are here, we are of aristocratic blood! How can you change a life sentence to execution?!"

"Exactly! Also, how do our crimes result in such a high punishment?!"

The prisoners were upset and discontented. In this part of the prison wing, only nobles and aristocrats were imprisoned here. Although it was a life imprisonment on paper, it is said that the prisoners of this wing are often released within a couple of months. The standard of life in that prison wing was considered luxurious compared to that of the common prison areas and wings.

One would say that it was quite ludicrous to even consider this particular wing to be even a prison. Everything; from the flooring, to the furniture and to the food were of extravagant and lavish standards. Moreover, the aristocratic prisoners here are treated with utter respect-- they are served by a couple of servants from the prison staff and are allowed to dress as they please. The lifestyle here was not that different from how they were in their own residences.

There were only a couple differences. One, the aristocratic prisoners were not allowed to have any outside contact or visitors. Two, which does not bother anyone at all, the aristocratic prisoners were to eat well and sleep at proper hours. It was unbelievably an easy life in this prison wing. In many ways, it felt as if the prisoners were actually on a vacation here than anything else. Thus, it all came as a rude shock when a dozen prison guards came early in the morning and announced that all the aristocratic prisoners were to be executed within the next hour.

"This must be a mistake! I demand a retrial! Better yet, I want an audience with the Emperor! If not, with the Empress! It is my right to do so and I'm sure that their majesties would never intend to harm one from the Johnsten family!" yelled a short, pudgy man who was dressed in light burgundy.

The guard who had made the announcement, gave a slow smile and answered, "Oh my. What shall we do? The execution order came from His Majesty himself. Furthermore, Her Majesty has no idea of what conspires within this particular wing."

Upon saying that, the guard then passed the announcement scroll to the pudgy man to read its contents. The other four aristocrats gathered around the man to read as well. Within seconds, all of their faces paled.

"Impossible. How could--" the pudgy man trailed off as the scroll slipped from his trembling hands.

"I am Marquis Butrell! My family has contributed a lot in the name of His Majesty! How--"

"Did you really contribute for the sake of this land or for your own selfishness?" the guard interrupted.

"I-- Even so, how are our crimes worse than those common thieves in the main prison? Shouldn't you guys be trying to reduce the number of prisoners there rather than in this wing?" Marquis Butrell asked.

"Ah. How shall I say this? Of all the prisoners in this entire building, you aristocrats are the ones who would cause further grievances to His Majesty. Firstly, the expenses to accommodate all of you during the stay here. Secondly, if we were to release you, who is to say that you would not go back to your ways of trying to usurp His Majesty's influence?" the guard replied.

"What? We have always supported His Majesty! Our only crime was embezzlement!" Count Johnsten retorted.

"Yes, that is true. However, have you ever considered this? Out of all the aristocratic families who have embezzled, why were you guys the only ones to be imprisoned?" the guard asked as he smirked and leaned closer.

"I… I don't understand…" Count Johnsten stammered as he avoided the guard's sharp gaze.

"Well, as I said earlier, you five were the aristocrats who were working to usurp His Majesty and have a distant cousin of the Emperor to succeed the throne. Did you really think that His Majesty would be oblivious of your schemes? Do not mistake a sleeping dragon to be weak and unwise."

"That-- This is the first time I'd heard of such a method of getting rid of aristocrats!" yelled one of the other prisoners.

"Would you rather involve your families in this? Usually, traitors along with their families would be publicly executed." the guard replied.

"No, of course not… But why this way? There are plenty of ways to get rid of a person-- like a carriage accident, staged robbery by assassins, and so on… Why pamper us for weeks and then execute us later on?"

At this, most of the guards present chuckled and laughed as they looked at the aristocrats in what almost looked like pity. It took nearly a minute or so before the guards quieted down. Clearing his throat, the leader of guards replied, "Let's just say that His Majesty has another headache to worry about and killing you guys will be the solution to that other problem."

Not long after, the screams of the aristocrats echoed through the connecting corridor from the main building to the wing of that prison. However, no one ever heard the screams since that wing was located at the very far end of the prison.


Deep within the heart of the land, lies a place which is unknown to most and far from civilization. Not even the rats would venture this far in a place of hard stones. Devoid of life and light, this was a place built for the worst of the worst-- or rather, those who were deemed as inhumane. One may call this a prison but in reality, it was hell for the inhabitants here.

It was indeed for the inhuman in a number of aspects. Food was scarce and the prisoners were forced to starve for many days and even weeks at a time. The guards of this place refuse to enter where the holding cells were out of fear that they would get lost within the labyrinth leading to the prisoners. It was always an elaborate thing when anyone ever attempted to enter. Thus, even a simple thing as having torches lit for its prisoners was never done unless it was time to feed the prisoners-- or if there was a special visitor.

It was pitch dark and cold. It is said that the isolation and silence were so great that it could break the will of any sane person. As a result, numerous prisoners had committed suicide in the past. This led to the practice of having all its prisoners chained and subdued to an extent that they were incapable of exerting much force despite being fully conscious and aware of their surroundings.


'How long has it been?', he thought to himself. It was hard to keep track of the time, but he was fairly certain that at least four months had passed since his capture.

'Well, not 'capture', per say. It was more like I'd just willingly submitted to being imprisoned. What would that sorceress think now if she were ever to see me like this? She would probably be dancing on her grave.'

At that dark thought, the man chuckled but was cut midway due to his throat being extremely dried. It has been nearly a month since the guards had last fed the prisoners. 'Then again, I am their only prisoner now. So, the chances of them even coming down here just for me is less likely.'

Just then, he could hear the distant sounds of approaching footsteps. From what he could tell, there were three men-- guards, to be exact-- from the sound of metal hitting against each other as their swords hit against their armors as they walked. However, they were still a distance away for the prisoner to see or tell what the men were carrying with them.

'Whatever it is, I need to prepare for the worst. They had taken Carnes from his cell a few weeks back and he is probably dead now. Regardless of the reason I'm here, I must not die. I simply cannot. Otherwise, who is going to protect--' the prisoner's train of thought was interrupted by a sound yell in the distance. With his acute hearing, the prisoner listened.

"Ah! I almost spilled the contents of this bowl! Why did you do that?!" a squeaky voice was heard.

"Because it is funny to see you so jumpy!" a second voice was heard.

"Yeah! I'm with Andy! Honestly, how are you even a guard?" said a third voice.

"It's…" then the squeaky voice spoke in almost a whisper, as if afraid of being heard, "It's because it's a monster."

In a taunting tone, Andy replied, "Oh my, is the poor baby afraid? Howard, what should we ever do?"

The man named Howard chuckled, "Tommy, didn't you already see that half-breed monster the other day? Was it scary?"


"Why? It was totally rendered helpless thanks to the mage's collar. Even as its body was dissected bit-by-bit, it could do nothing but scream" Andy said.

"T-that... That was an unfair advantage we got against him. Plus... this monster we are about to feed is the original, full-blooded one. What's to say that the mage's collar would not be as effective?" Tommy still spoke in a whisper.

'So, they have killed Carnes. I better escape from this cell as soon as possible', the prisoner thought to himself. Over the months, the prisoner had actually been slowly loosening the hold of the mage's collar on him. Unlike Carnes' collar, the mana in his collar was more potent. That was the main reason it had taken him so long to loosen it. In fact, with just a snap, he could break the collar and chains. However, he had stayed on just a little longer in hope of learning of what happened to Carnes and getting more information about that person.

"You worry too much. Ah! I can't wait to get this over with! Tonight is the night! I'd love to be there to hear those lovely screams again!" Andy complained.

'Screams?!', the prisoner instantly stilled. 'It better not be her…'


"Ah. Tommy, my boy, there are many entertaining things you will come to witness in the time to come." Howard said.

"Oh! I just had an idea! How about we have the monster relocated close to where that room is tonight? I'd love to see the anguish on its face as it hears the screams. After all, it was caught because of her~" Andy said in a sing-song voice.