
I was Suddenly Dropped into a Dungeon.

Our Main Character was having an ordinary day walking to the store for groceries for his family when he suddenly fell into a portal that appeared under him and when he com to, he finds himself in a cave like places with a video games like window in front of him saying [ Hello Human you have encountered a dungeon complete this dungeon to leave] and then it closed without any more information about the dungeon. He confused and yell to get out at first until his cries attracted monsters. Hope you like this story! :3

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22 Chs

Why Me!

Walking to the store to buy groceries for his mom our protagonist suddenly feels like he is falling he hits his head on something and passes out after some time he opens his eyes and sees nothing, so he touches the floor. he freaks out because it is dark and can't see anything in front of him, so he stands up, he proceeds to walk forward and hits a wall "Ow" he says then a video games system screen appears before him and shows words that read. 

[Hello human named Charlie you have encountered a dungeon to leave you have to complete it have fun hope you survive]

"Huh what the fuck this has to be a joke." he said to himself "Hey the is not funny please let me out I do not consent to this please let me go." he screamed out hoping they let him go but nothing happens after waiting a little bit he turns around continuing screaming but after a while he hears some weird sounds getting closer and closer waiting to see what it is he sees a light coming his way with those weird sounds he stopped yelling he wait for whatever is coming close to him once it turns the corner he sees a wolf like monster walking in the section of the cave he is in see a bolder to his right he goes to hide behind it he hears it make some more weird noises than leave him in the dark once again "Hu hu hu hu what is happening what was that all I need to get some food for mom why am I here," he said in a whisper like voice but soon his heart drops because he feels something drip on to him looking up he sees a pair of red eyes looking at him so he stats sprinting out of his hiding spot once he gets out the monster pounces on his last places hitting his teeth and nose on the floor while he running to the places he sees a little bit light coming from turning the corner he sees the touch on the floor he runs and pick it up and turn to the cave section that he was just in and sees the monster running at him he steels himself and swings the torch at the monster it hitting it in the eye making it cry but Charlies does not let up and continues to bash it head after a while he kills it and is left with a broken torch but suddenly an window appears in front of him that shows words that say

[User has Killed a Kobold in the Dark you Gain its |Night Vision| Passive Skill and a rusty dagger]

Suddenly he can see clearly and a rusty dagger fell into the cave walking past the dead body that disappeared into particles and dropping the torch on the floor he goes to the room he was just in and sits down with his back against the walls facing the entrance of the room he places the dagger on the floor and then checks his pockets and feels his phone and money that he was going to buy groceries with and a pair of wired earbuds nothing to protect himself from the monsters "Wait a dungeon maybe I have a cool power hmm~ okay shazam nothing happened maybe." pointing his hand forward "Avada Kedavra" and nothing happened again he then close his eye with force and says "I wish I wish with all my heart. to fly with dragon, in a land of heart" and again nothing happens "Hmmm~ Gate, Open, appear before me, maybe Open says me." Nope, none of that worked so he ponders some more, and then "Status." a game-like window appears before him and reads.

[Name Charlie Carroll

Age: 17

Job: N/A







Skill A/P: Night Vision (P),


Huh cool, I am really weak wait if the kobold had night vision why'd he have a torch!" He said sad and confused then realized "What no level up what is this system at least an inventory." he said putting his phone, money and earbuds into it he stands up and head for the entrance when he spots some leather on the floor "Ooh it drop stuff like a video game crazy." he said to himself picking it up and continuing outside of the room he walks the path that the kobold and sees six paths picking at random he path in the left he hears some of the noise the kobold made and ready's himself for a fight walking he was suddenly hit by a club swing by a rope in the crotch "he falls down in pain and hear the noise getting closer so he stands up in pain and grabs the club as a safety measure he sees three walking to him they see him and bare their teeth the one on the left rushed him and the others follow suit Charlie wait until the kobold was at arm's length then pushes in and stabs one in the shoulder and swings the club and hits another in the chest and backs up dodging the third one but barely he is still deeply scratched on the arm.

[Bleeding has been Inflected on User]

Rushing back in he swung the club and hit the third one on the head making it bleed from the top of its head and dazing it the second one swung its claws at him, but he blocked with the club and stabbed it in the neck quickly pulling it out he swings the club hitting the first on in the head then stabs it in the chest and back up he killed two now for the third one that was dazed he again slams the club on its head and stabs it on the head after slamming the club on its head killing it.

[User has killed three kobolds and gained their |Claw| skill and an old worn chest piece] 

"Huh claw skill what does it do," he said confused then |Claw| he used the skill, and then his hands morphed into the kobold claw, and he slashed the wall, and it does no damage was done to the wall, but he felt tired, and his hand morphed back after the skill was used, he then continued to walk down the path he finds a big room with a platform in the middle he cautiously.

(Scene Break)

There appeared to be a small two-story house with a small garden in the front and you could hear people talking inside.

"Hey, Sarah, have you seen Charlie he went out to buy groceries but never came back it has been about eight hours." A woman said out loud.

"No maybe with his friend's mom," Sarah said coming into the kitchen.

"You and I know that he does not like staying outside his anxiety can't take it and to be gone this long is worrying." the mother said.

"Okay, I will call him to make sure." Sarah said pulling out her phone and scrolling through her contacts she tapped on ^Brother^ and it rang for a couple of seconds it said "This customer is either out of range or has his phone turned off." both heard it and immediately thought the worst. "Will call your father and make a police report." the mother said worriedly. "Wow not too fast Mom he could have gotten lost he is bad with directions or listening to music you know he takes his time when listening to music." Sarah said, "Yeah your right but FOR EIGHT HOURS you're crazy." Sarah's mother screamed calling their father "Honey Charlie is missing ... no he does not like going to people's houses you know this... I sent him to buy groceries, but he never came back and that was eight hours ago should I make a police report... okay going to make one soon bye love you." she ended the call "Okay let's go to the police station." and she ran outside with Sarah behind her.

(Scene Break)

He walks up to the platform and after stepping on the platform Charlie's whole body is enveloped with light. Once it was finished, he was in a bigger cave-like place, and he could see a staircase going up to the left and nothing to his right just an open area. He then sees a window appear before him.

[Ding tutorial finished welcome to Phocase Dungeon you are in a safe space their many like this in and around the dungeon and I hope you survive your stay]

"Will that was a scary and open status," he said sitting down after all the adrenaline cleared.

[Name Charlie Carroll

Age: 17

Job: N/A







Skill A/P: Night Vision (P), Claw (A)


"Okay my attributes went up goodwill except agility but it's cool." he said looking back at the stairs "Will not get out by just sitting here am I now will I," Charlie said standing up and going to walk but the room started to shake then a window appeared.

[Sorry residents for the tremors the dungeon is going through some design changes please be careful about a couple of minutes hope you have some happy hunting.] 

"So, there are other people in this dungeon cool but not too keen on meeting them not good with new people," Charlie said scared after what seemed like forever the dungeon stopped shaking, and he decided to go up the stairs and check out the floor above him walking up the stairs he saw some vegetation at the end of the stairs walking out he saw a field with smiles bouncing around and to the right a forest and a couple of wooden tribes like sculptures near the edge of the forest.

"Will Charlie this your life until you can make it home by completing this dungeon," he said determined looking at the far-expanding ceiling of this dungeon.

(Scene Break)

In a room full of stars and galaxies in the far there could be seen tables with 10 being shrouded in darkness sitting around discussing something.

A man in a tuxedo appears before them and says "Now that all the runners have been put in the dungeon a little about them will go with the first person to pick a runner Drax. He said to the being in darkness.

"Will she be a girl with smarts and from a poor family who lost her mother young and has an abusive and gambling father? Who have you picked Mote who have you picked for this dungeon run." said a being with a long tail and horns.

A smaller being round and tubby "If you have to know Drax she is a strong-willed person, and how about you Emily." Mote said back.

"He is a short-tempered gangster I found about to die and will do anything to survive, and I promise a lot of money and we can't be the only people to put names out there going left since Mote went let's go with Cristal," Emily said smiling.

"Will I went with a smart neet that loves video games but is pretty big and promised to make his life a video game and he said yes what a selfish guy leaving his poor mother all on her lonesome what about you Michael? She said uppity and cheer.

"Just say fat but for what I went for will an orphan and promised him a family after he completes the dungeon and you Nixan," Michael said bored.

"I . . . . went . . . . for . . . . a . . . . martial . . . . artist . . . . Creed," he said slowly and roughly almost creepily turning to the next in line.

"I went for a Military man who was betrayed in duty, so I saved him and promised a safe return when he finishes the dungeon and your trope. Creed said sounding muffled.

"Picked older man he will do nicely next Bud," said Trop sounding wise and old

"I picked a heartbroken man with nothing to lose and promised him a lover and you Crane. said Bud sounding fast yet clear.

" I pick/Kidnapped my runner, and he is very bad with people and a person that stays calm under pressure and is good with puzzles," he said.

Now that we know about your runners now for the rules.

1. No helping runners when they are stuck, and no revivals once died there died unless they have a skill that helps them.

2.No changing systems once they got it okay.

3.No giving OP skills and Items that are to be found in the dungeon.

4. Fight between the runners is allowed but you can't help them.

5. No fighting in the conference room

6. You cannot see other runners only your own.

7. Please give a fighting chance for your runners *cough* Crane *cough*

"What I pick my runners fair and square and if they die it's on them not me. he said offended.

"Will you give almost no skills and armor to your runner last time and we will talk about this later crane back to the rules. the announcer said.


9.No giving directions to runners

10.No changing runner's mid-way

"Okay those are the rules back to the runners and let's see what they are doing," he said as a screen appeared before the being with their runner on it.


Hope you like my story so far not all are going to be this long, but most are going to be around 1000-1500 please leave a review I you liked it hope to see you tomorrow goodbye. :3