
I Was Rifted Homeworld One Piece

Sequal to Crap I was Rifted, Crap I was Rifted New Game ++ Bimonthly update. Takes place the same time frame of Crap I was Rifted Thrasher, Crap I was Rifted Homeworld Highschool DxD

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12 Chs

One Piece Part 6 The Crews strength

Captain Orion and crew at the ready. The ship was outfitted and stocked. Coyosi island was the leaving port as they were going to sail just to test the ship and crew working togethor since coming back. A few years had passed just as they wanted it to.

Matching back up with the memories, the strength they wielded was immense. Nojiko 20, Nami 18, Kuina 20, Zoro 19, C.C. 21, Helmeppo 20, Bellmere, Morgan, Faye, Mihawk, all looked to be in their Prime. Which was a result of the System and healthy training from cultivation boosting it even further. Which would cause problems later but they had ways to account for that.

"What is that sir!?" A crewman asked. He pointed to a ship pulling in port. Looking at the flag, he saw the Fishmen flag. It was Arlong with a few other ships they had never seen before. "That's three more warships sir."

"Haaa, they will be dealt with. Alert the Lieutenant at once." The watchman officer said.

"No need." Kuina walked out onto the pier and looked out. "Nami, Nojiko, and Bellmare, your times are up."

"Oh, he has returned." Nojiko said. She was on the deck snoozing away. The modified military clothing she wore kept her feeling good. She pulled out her rapiers and was ready in an instant. "I want Arlong for myself!"

"Shouldn't I do it!?" Bellmare asked.

"No mom." Nojiko shook her head. "He held a gun to your head. I cannot forget that. I will not be satisfied unless I take his head." Her eyes flashed a little coldly.

"Hah!" Bellmare exhaled. Her cigarette almost finished. Mihawk came up behind her. She on instinct leaned into him. The two were close in both World's now. "Do what you must. We will be watching from here."

"I am going to take all his treasure." Nami scowled. Payback was something she developed really well. The only one that was an Ensign amongst the lot. She hopped down from the Crow's nest where she snoozed. "Plan to milk us dry and torment us, fat chance!"

"Mental Cleansing." Orion said plainly. Instantly the young women's heads were cleared. He then walked up behind them with Zoro following. The two had been training until just recently. "Do not get to crazed. I understand your desire. But I rather you did not get hurt."

"I want to fight some of the fishmen." Zoro said. The rank of Lt.Junior grade on his clothing. He would have been higher, but he and the instructor got into it. "Me and Helmeppo need the training." Helmeppo looked a little off about going to fight the creatures.

"Tch, time to grow a little." Morgan said. He grabbed his son by the collar and threw him across the way. He sent him to one of the smaller ships at least. "Show them what for! Hahahaa!"

"Oh jeez." Kuina shook her head in dismay. "I better get over to help him. He still gets spooked to easy." With a jump and a kick, she flew over to Helmeppo. 'He is so scared of himself, it is unreal.'

"Oh.. I wonder if she has fallen for him?" Orion said offhandley. "My student might be in love. How nice for her."

"Love!" Zoro said shocked. Everyone turned to look at him weirded out by his outburst. Slightly embarrassed looked very funny on him. Not wanting to say anything else, He jumped and kicked after them. "Let me go help them!"

"Wow.. you did that on purpose." Faye said. She did not hide her grin. 'Hmm, Kuina and Zoro. Nami and Helmeppo. What about C.C. and Nojiko? Maybe they will find someone out there. Or in each other. Then again..' Her eyes trailed to Orion. 'C.C. adores him like a real father through and through. Nojiko is close to Orion in a weird way. No telling what will happen.'

"No, I just said what I thought at the time." Orion shook his head. "Then again... maybe she does like him. They have spent a good bit of time togethor lately."

"Maybe they do." Morgan said. "Would that be bad?"

"Nah. Just as long as they are careful and dont do anything to weird just yet." Orion said. He then gave a shrug. "Hmm, Nojiko, be careful. The World may give him the strength to keep from dying. Do not take it to easy."

Nodding, Nojiko pulled out both of her rapiers. "I understand." She kicked off and flew straight to Arlong. Nami and a few following as well.

"I think it best to shield the Island." Faye stated. She turn to one of the crewmates to do so. "Walls up!" The other was clear and carried high authority. The crew respected her greatly.

"Yes, mam!" The crewman turned and got to work with the first set of troops that Orion saved when he first arrived.

"This should be a decent fight at least." Mihawk said. His sister, Vera with her new identity just stood back. Looking through a spyglass not to interested in fighting fishmen. Two pistols and a spear on her person. "They are younger than Arlong's crew but stronger."


-Arlong's ship-


Seeing the flying people, only a little amusement passed over their faces. Seeing a few humans that did so in their travels before.

"Ho ho, weak little human has some tricks." Arlong said. "Little girl why are you here? Is it to die faster?"

"A few years ago, you came to our village to cause problems. You left with your tails between your legs like cowards." Nojiko's voice became colder as she spoke. Her rapiers rattling from her strength. Sparks bursting around her. "You pointed a gun at my mother's head! Right in front of me! I am gonna kill you Arlong! Your entire crew as well! When it's over, I am gonna hang your bodies across the docks as a warning. That my home is protected!"

"Hmph! What can a weak.." Arlong started to say. He felt the killing force come from her and shut his mouth.

Rapiers wrapped in her spirit energy turned even more dangerous. The concept of cutting was easy to her. With both understandings of piercing and slashing added, the weapons could hurt the toughest of creatures.

*Schlick!* His nose was cut off. *Schlick!* His left arm went next. His brain finally caught up with the situation. With his right arm, Arlong punched at Nojiko.

*Fwip!* He missed as she moved her head to the side. *Fwip!* Arlong sent a kick next.

*Ting!* Nojiko put both rapiers in a x formation to block. She slid back only a few inches from the impact. Her balance holding strong as she pushed back. The crew staring in aww. The ones not dead from the others that made quick work.

"Hah!" Nojiko sent a wave of spiritual pressure directly at his mind. Arlong froze as she lifted her rapiers.

"Void Style: Mind Shatter!" Nojiko started to stab out. At first, her hands could be seen. In less than two seconds it became a blur as she stabbed out feriously. Concept of lighting in her strikes giving more speed.

Faster and faster she poked at Arlong building up a sweat. His crew couldnt move as they felt a powerful pressure weigh them down. "Grr!" Nojiko growled in frustration. Whatever she did to him would not be enough. Years of anger pouring out in each blow. "Every trace!" Lighting ripped into the air. Guided by her very will.

*Woosh!* The maelstrom of spirit energy wrapped them both up. She was breaking through the next Mental Realm. As the tribulation started to form, it was forcefully stopped by Orion. He pulled it into his Nether World freezing it for later.

*Woosh!* With it gone. Nojiko stopped her stabbing and put away her Rapiers.

"I changed my mind." Nojiko walked over and turned Arlong around. "Haaa!" She breathed onto his body. Arcs of lighting condensed taking over his body's system.

"Ugg what did you do to me!" Slowly Arlong walked over and started to kill his own crewman. "No stop!" One by one they were ripped apart by his very hand. Some were bitten from the chest to the neck. Chewing on their flesh as he moved at intense speed. "Nooo!"

"Sniff, sniff." Nojiko started to cry. It was a good thing the others were below deck and couldnt see her really. Bellmare was beside herself as she turned into Mihawk's chest. She knew her daughter was hurting from that time. She trained hard to get over it. "Never again.." The words were for herself more than anyone else.

*Schup!* Someone appeared right behind her.

"This one time.." Orion appeared behind her. "..cry till your heart can cry no more. You have grown strong and have avenged a past history. And one that still tried to happen."

"Captain.. I .. hate him so much." Nojiko turned to look at Orion with giant tears. A small snot bubble made her look terrible. He was tempted to make fun of her but decided not to. "Will this ever go away?"

"Huh, of course. You can force it away. Or let go naturally. You can even make peace with it." Orion gave her a warm smile and cleaned her face. weaving small bits of water to clean it all up. "Let's get you back to the ship."

"No. I will finish wiping them out." Nojiko said. The steel in her voice let Orion know she was serious. "They are scum. They must be removed." Orion gave her a nod and watched as she went towards the other ships with the others. The deaths of the others were clean deaths.

"Tch, tch, poor Arlong." Orion walked up to the fishmen and smiled. Nojiko's stabbing attacked the man's mind and soul. After what he just did, the chance of recovery was slim to none. "Oh, lighting is bursting about your body as you move. Should I send you after the rest of your people?"

"Free me human!" ARlong forced out. He then bit the body of one of his crew that stood there unable to moe still. "No.." His bites powerful and going through the body with ease.

"No, Perfect thing." Orion grabbed his arms and infected him with D.G. cells. The order was clear. He would down every evil fishmen that tortured humans and devour them. The D.G. cells would make sure he recovered while doing so. "Go. Become the scourge of your people!"

System: Condemning one to a Dark Fate. Complete Rewards 25,000 Points, Medium Pull, Map of Fish-Man Island.

Mira: Plan on doing anything good there?

'Nope. Not really. Maybe help just a little tiny bit.' Orion answered then looked at the ships. His eyes shining in mischief. Going below deck, he created a few Forces from the bodies of the Fishmen getting broken down. 'And a little mana, good.'

Several people left from his Nether World with out clothes for the most part. Dressed in tunics at the least. All playing the part of people that were snatched up by Arlong's crew. The ships would be given to them to use.

After processing at the local Naval branch of course.

Mira: A good way to build good will in the public eye. And free ships. Four more to fix up and change to join the fleet to patrol and protect the smaller islands that are neglected. A nice quests is building up to match this.

'Can not wait to see what it is.' Orion went back topside. The others already finishing up as well. Loot was taken count for. The few that were alive, were knocked out. To recieve trial on the island. Then execution or hanging depending on the offenses. 'Slaanesh, Khorne, how were the souls?'

Slaanesh: Salty but nice.

Khorne: Not enough really. But enjoying them.

With a small pulse of his Pather power, the psychic impressions that lingered were pulled in. With no Ardat Yakshi's to feed, it was shifted for information and then used to make more mana. A nice little process.

"Hey!" Faye flew over. She landed delicately by Orion. "A message came in, Don Krieg has been spotted. Ready to take him out?"

"Absoultely." Orion grinned in excitement. "I want to fight him to see what he is like really. I think Morgan can deal with the assignment for here. And I am sure Bellmere and Dracule would like to stabilize things as well more."

"Then, we will go to deal with it." Faye nodded agreeing. "Me, you, Nojiko, Kuina, Zoro, and C.C. can take care of it."