
I Was Rifted Homeworld One Piece

Sequal to Crap I was Rifted, Crap I was Rifted New Game ++ Bimonthly update. Takes place the same time frame of Crap I was Rifted Thrasher, Crap I was Rifted Homeworld Highschool DxD

FrozenTidez · Komik
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12 Chs

One Piece Part 4 The Work of part of his Soul Kuina Zoro & Dracule

The Soul Shard that worked before Orion arrived-


"Hmmm, Shimotsuki Village. Homeplace of Kuina and Zoro. Hopefully, I am not to late." Orion stated as he walked forward. His captain sleeves blowing in the wind. On his left hip was the sword Slannesh. It was sleeping but was still powerful. It would not awaken until Orion awakened. On his right, the sword Khaine was there. It was actually awake and enjoying itself immensely. So many warriors around and the fact the World was so seeped in blood made it happy.

"Captain, where are you going?" A marine asked.

"To pick up some candidates. Take this time to clean up the area. Bring in corrupted officials and those pirates need to be taken care of." Orion slowed his pace and then exuded his pressure. "Uphold the law!"

"Yes, sir!" The marine said. He turned to the others. "You heard the Captain. Let's make sure everything is good to go!" The others saluted and went to work.


-Sometime later-


A few hours later at Isshin Dojo, a group of people were gathered outside. Orion moved passed each of them by weaving through the crowd.

"Woah, who is that!" A villager said.

"Duno, but he is with the Navy. What are they doing here?" A student asked.

"Paying respects maybe?" Another villager added.

"Excuse me, I am looking for Kuina Isshin and Roronoa Zoro." Orion said to the person in front of him. "Care to tell me where I can find them?"

"Of course right this way." The student said. He was a little afraid since he also use to be a pirate. He was hoping Orion wouldn't arrest him. He had no worry, since he was a reformed man, so he was not on the list of people to take care of. "The Master's daughter fell ill after falling. She is said to go any minute now. Poor girl, only wanted to be the best sword wielder."

Orion picked up the sound of faint breathing. It traveled to him as if beckoning to him.<br data-mce-bogus="1">

"Huff.. huff." Kuina's breathing was labored and pained. "Is Zoro.. nearby?"

"He is on his way Kuina." Her father said. His kimono completely tidy and devoid of any issues. The man didn't fret at all. His voice came out stoic as he thought to himself. 'Sigh so fragile.. if only you were born a boy.. my dreams could be realized.'

*Chk!* The door slid open to reveal Orion and the student that brought him over.

"Master Isshin, this Navy official wishes to see Kuina."

"Calm yourself. You are still lacking discipline." Koushirou said calmly. He turned to look at Orion with a stare. He attempted to admit a little pressure but was amazed it was ignored. 'A powerful man. Is he from that place?'

"Kuina how are you?" Orion knelt beside the girl and spoke softly. He could see the Path her life was taking. A mix of the manga and anime resulting in a weird dark combination. In the manga, she died from an illness or a fall. In the anime, she was forced to retire because of some adults who ass she beat to get revenge.

Here, she had been ambushed by those adults, beaten them and taken critical life threatening injuries. She then fell from the stairs because of the injuries. To strong-willed to seek help, not wanting her father to think she was a weak little girl.

"You wish to continue as a Swordswoman yes?"

"Kuff.. I would like that a lot." Kuina felt herself getting stronger by the second. Orion had placed his hand on her forehead and was healing her just enough for they could talk. "But.. I am just unable to get out of bed right now." Her smile was pained.

*Wham!* The door flew open.

"Kuina.. huff.. huff.. you ok?" Zoro asked coming over. He saw the coat on Orion but it didnt stop him. A fearless young man already. "You are going to be better right? You cant run away from our promise!"

"Zoro that is enough!" Koushirou said. "This is not befitting of a swordsman."

"But.." Zoro looked at him and gritted his fist tightly. "I am sorry master." He bowed and looked at Orion and Kuina. He felt a weird sensation coming from the man. 'What is this feeling?'

Orion spent the next 30 minutes talking to Kuina and Zoro. He said nothing to Koushirou during that time. The student thought it was disrespectful until he heard that Orion would help her. Even he thought their master was a little to strict on her.

Talks went on for a bit. Orion telling no lies and making no promises to the two.<br data-mce-bogus="1">

"So you and Kuina will come with me yes?" Orion asked again. "You will be healed completely, child. And you two can chase your dreams to the utmost limits."

"You cant do this. They are children." Kuina's father said. Koushirou was more concerned about the idea of his student becoming part of the Navy more than anything. His ties to Wano might be threatened if he did. "Since when did the Navy do this?"

"New Navy. Well, my division anyway. I wish to see how far they can go. I rather not see them wasted here." Orion pulled out his pocket watch and looked at the time. "You are running out of time." It was mostly for himself as well. He used a lot of the power and fought against the World. A lot of injuries bore down on him changing things.

"It.. is.. my .. decision.." Kuina said. "You.. never.. Really.. Supported me." She stood up and walked forward on wobbly legs. Staring at Orion she shouted. "I want to be the strongest Swordswoman in the entire World! Every World there is! I will do whatever it takes!"

*Boom!* A bit of power went through her from her soul. She fought the will of the World. Which was really something considering her condition.<br data-mce-bogus="1">

"Kuina…" Zoro mumbled.

"My daughter.. you are a girl.. you cannot.." Koushirou stated slowly. He felt a stare from Orion silencing him.

System: Kuina Isshin has become a Follower. + 1 to ??? for altering the Path of someone meant to die.

*Wooom!* A light left Orion's hand and engulfed Kuina. He stepped forward and place a Full Restore and a High Pull inside her. She winced in pain as both went to work. Her illness was forced to retreat as she was healed. The soul piece in the Pull boosted her greatly.

"Haaa!" Kuina exhaled loudly. Her breath containing power. "I feel so light." She looked at her father with mirth. "You would let me die then let me go with him? I hate you!" This was not just the anger of a child. But a promise born from within. She would return one day to make him pay for this.

"Easy now Kuina. Even though I would love it for you to hate him and gain strength that way. I rather you go a different path." Orion put his coat on the girl and looked to Zoro. "What about you?"

"I.. have nowhere else to go. The dojo has been home for the longest time." Zoro looked at the ground then to Kuina. "I will come to. I will show you that I will be a great swordsman. Even better than you!"

"I look forward to that day.. My friend." Kuina smiled then fainted. The ordeal to strong for her little body. "Zzz.. mmm.. Zzzz.." She was out like a light. Orion picked her up and turned to leave.

"If you wish to gain your right to be her father again. Gain strength and beat me. Better yet.. Beat her. I dont think you will amount to much in either case. Your old ways are even outdated for this place. Filthy "Wano" people." Orion smiled coldly at the man. He gestured for the one marine that followed to leave some cash for them. "That is 5 million. Enough to help with whatever you need for now."

The four left and stepped outside. Seeing the cart with the supplies they got on and left. Once out of town, a rift opened and they entered onto a boat. The ship changing course and leaving the area.


-A few weeks later Kuraigana Island-


"Found him!" Orion declared looking at the ocean. To his right, Kuina stood with her two weighted swords. "Oi! Dracule Mihawk!"

"Hmm!" Suprised, Mihawk turned to see a ship with the Navy flag but not on the sail. A second one waved higher, a flag with a fist in a palm. "What is it you want?"

"Teacher.. he looks.. Dangerous," Kuina said. "That is going to be Zoro's teacher?"

"Correct. While I will be your teacher primary. However, you can learn from him as well." Orion stepped off the railing and walked down to the ocean in front of Mihawk. He walked afloat with his understanding of water. "I wish to duel you. When I win, you join my crew and become a teacher and a Lieutenant. You win and I will give you whatever you want. And I mean anything."

"Hah! I doubt you could. But a duel.. I agree." This Mihawk was younger and seem to not have settled completely to his stoic future self. Which was good to Orion. He still had the special sword. So, that was at least happening. "Well, there is enough room here to fight. Will your ship be ok?"

"Oh yes." Orion turned to the ship and placed his hand out. "Hah!" A force of energy protected the ship and kept it a good distance away. "Shall we begin?"

"Hmm yes. You are weakened by something. How odd that you think you can beat me." Mihawk had observed Orion with a glance. Seeing that his breathing was slightly off he could tell the man was either ill or weakened by poison. "I am Dracule Mihawk. I wish to know the man I am getting ready to fight." He pulled his sword off his back.

Mihawk attire consists of a wide-brimmed white hat decorated with a large plume. A white coat was to the side. A white shirt with red, flower-patterned sleeves and collar. The sword he used was the one from more of the manga it seemed. Yoru is a curved black blade in the shape of a Latin cross, with a golden crossguard decorated by red gems.

"I go by the name Orion.." Orion pulled out Khorne. It was ready to fight this man. "..Orion Void. Just someone passing around for a while."

*Woosh!* Mihawk swung with little effort. However a blast of wind left out. Mihawk had used One Slash as an opening move. It traveled effortlessly to Orion, it met a flickering light.

*Shing!* His attack hit against Orion's Biotic Shielding.

*Chish!* The power from the slash breaking it instantly. After the swing, Mihawk had his sword gripped overhead behind himself.

"Ho ho, nice." Orion smiled. "Your attack One Slash. Here is my own." Orion outstretched his sword arm at a 90-degree angle. He stepped and slashed in the same go. 'Judgement Slash!' The silhouette of a devil appeared behind him. It looked a little like the Egyptian God Obelisk the Tormentor.

*Fwoosh!* A blue red gale of pressure went straight to Mihawk. Eyes wide, Mihawk countered.

"Black Blade First Day!" He shouted. A counter move he had waited to use. With Orion's next attack containing more power than he thought, he didnt hold back as a smile formed on his face. Bringing his Black Blade with a double grip from over his back, Mihawk counterattack quickly with a powerful downward slash that wrapped around Orion's slash.

*Twist!* As the attacks clash, Mihawk watched blood leave from Orion's mouth. He was disappointed his opponent would not be able to conine. It was short-lived. "Oh!"

"Overlord's Fury!" Orion swallowed the energy in the area to supplement his own. "Heh!" With a kick of his feet, he was off. Fire and Water wrapped around his hands.

*Tap, boom!* An explosion sounded from where he kicked off from. His strength was uncontrolled.

"Black Blade Arc Moon!" Mihawk attacked with his Yoru at great speed. He did not underestimate his opponent after that display. He cut through and engaged Orion in a clash.

*Fwwwooosshhh!* Air pressure wrapped around as the blade's collided, a force of wind blew everything away. The ground broke apart and the clouds parted.

*Ching!* Orion pushed back slightly. Mihawk was not having any of that, as he pushed his sword back in a clash. *Ding!* Orion left one hand on Khorne and grabbed Slannesh.

"Tch!" Mihawk jumped back. Just in time as Orion swung sideways in a swing. "Grrr." Mihawk growled as he felt a cut across his chest. Mihawk made a downward swing, he launched Flying Slash Attack. It traveled through the cracks in the ground. and splintered off. Attacked from all sides Orion was a sitting duck. 'How will he escape this? What!?'

Mihawk was surprised that the man did nothing. He did, however, feel a weird energy in the area. 'Cycle Up, Haste!' Orion triggered both spells. In seconds he ran through the broken terrain pass the slash marks.

*Tap, tap!* Each step destroyed the ground more. Jumping from an almost finished platform, he directed the remains Overlord's Fury into his next strike. Fire and Water wrapped around his swords as he placed them togethor.

*Wooom, wooooommmm!* The combination of the forces was causing the area to fluctuate with power.

'Flying Slash Attack!' Mihawk launched it again to build a few seconds to prepare his next move.

"Stop!" A voice said from the shoreline. Mihawk and Orion turned to see Kuina and Zoro covered in water. The two swam over at some point. "You will kill each other, you idiots!" Kuina said. Zoro next to her said the same.

"Yeah! How can we learn if you two are dead?"

"Hah, your right." Orion sighed. He pulled all the power back to heal himself. "Koff!" Mihawk's attack had passed through uncontested and cut into him. With the energy just taken in by himself, he just received a bad gash on his shoulder. The wound already sealing up.

"Teacher!" Kuina yelled.

"Easy now. I am going to be fine." Orion sheathed both swords. "See, still standing."

"Hmmm!" Kuina and Zoro searched him over. Circling around little animals at something weird. "Ok. We just need to find Zoro a new teacher. You two will most likely kill each other before yielding."

"No," Mihawk said. "We can call this a draw. That way neither lost nor won. Since you can give me anything, give me back my sister if you can. Then I will teach the boy."

"Hmmm, where is she?" Orion asked surprised. 'This cat has a sister? No way!'

"Yes." Mihawk told him of what happened. His sister was arrested by the Navy. He was then convinced to work with them for her survival. "Can you free her?" He was hopeful since the man was just a Captain with this kind of strength. He had to know of someone that was powerful enough to help.

"Hmm give me a few years and yes." Orion responded. He was referring to when the remainder of his soul arrived and he gained access to all of his System abilities. "That is what I can offer you."

"I will give you five years! That is all I can give you." Mihawk gave him a deadly look.

"Alright. Excuse us, we have some other things to see to." Orion nodded and picked up Zoro and Kuina. "Time to go. No swimming back this time. What would you two have done if you were attacked in the water?"

"Kick its butt!" Zoro and Kuina said togethor.

"Hahaha. Very well." Orion laughed. He was surprised when next to him another was laughing.

"Kukuku." It was Mihawk. "What amusing children. The best way to see you try, is by coming with."