
I was reincarnated as a Futanari

DeandreTheSly1 · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Session - 0  Started With A Lie

{I was reincarnated as a Futanari♡}

[Warning: The story you are about to read is based on mature ideas of mine and real life events that I have experienced and dealt with for the better part of 17 years. Cheating, manipulation, bullying, self doubt, bad decisions made on my part all rolled into what I consider my life along with wet dreams that I always wanted along with my own fears but I would also go with my guilty pleasures. The reason why am writing this story is based off of the fact that I love isekai type stories to where the main character get goes to a new world and I also was inspired by FUTA doujin / Hentai as these sources of inspiration gave me the courage to write this story which I have been holding off on as nothing felt right and had fears that writing it would lead into a lot of hatred. Now I don't care but no names will be used to describe those in my life, even my own name will be altered along with my nationality and my RL Origin story, it will be up to you to figure out what is real and what is not. I truly hope that you enjoy this story of mine.]

Session -0

Started With A Lie

Lie, to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive…..

My name was Devine Robinson and for many years now the word lie has stuck in my head for so long that it was hard for me to think straight without depression manipulating my thoughts, after everything that I've been through because of one girl who has become a devious woman… now I have become something even more dangerous than she was.


Ever since I could remember, I had always been that hyperactive half black half korean child that always wanted to show the world's what kind of kid I was either in the way of acting as someone else or hiding in their shadow in the way of mimicking them just to be funny. No matter how hard things got in life for me either at home or at school I always try to have a smile on my face even despite my bipolar disorder that caused me to lash out or become very defensive with others around me who didn't understand, it only got worse when my disability came up into conversations where my mother would treat me like a meal ticket and a excuse to blame certain things on me. I feel broken many times in my life because of people but I always try to bounce back or out-think them to make any situation make me feel better about myself even if deep down inside I wanted to watch the world burn for the way that they stared at me or laughed at me…..

As the years went by in a crazy household with one brother and one sister by two different fathers, it was apparent that I would ask questions about things that we're out of my control or out of my reach. The question started when I remembered one time when I was young and I tried to hug (who I thought was my grandmother) Amy but she pushed me away and told me that I was not her grandson…. That was the first lie that I had to find out from my family and not for my mom. I made more mistakes with the fact that I didn't have my father Abe much in my life and the only time he was there on my school breaks or holidays where I went to see him.

Besides the lies from my family came in the form of my own so-called friends. I've gotten the "Want to hang out at my house?" Just to be pushed around or treated like crap, offered something from someone expecting something in return, borrowing toys just for those that I trusted would just break mine out of jealousy then be told "I'm sorry that I broke your toy but I know that you're mom can buy you a new one, right?" The sad part about it is the fact that out of all of them, my favorite toy was licked so that they could keep it….. The people I called my friends would slowly either become distant when I had nothing to offer like trying to fight their battles for them or pay for their food so they would ignore me when I wasn't having fun anymore. When I fractured my skull or broke my ankle, my smile slowly faded and rings around my eyes from stress or formation. Each passing year I was scratching at my skin and popping zits on my face because of all of it, I can assure you reader I am no saint to where I have learned things because of my mother's lust and behavior, I rub people inappropriately to where schools were afraid of having me even though they never questioned my mom they only questioned me, never once did they look past a smile and innocent eyes...

All they saw was a boy with a messed up mind…..

I felt more love from a belt or wire or hanger than I did from my own mom, sure I got the newest systems and I got clothes from my dad but when it came to my mom all I wanted to do was be with my dad and see what it would be like with him but she constantly told me that it would be hard for me to coexist because I had been with my mom for so long….. I later found out what you meant by that.

To put it blankley Elementary School called me a retarded pervert, Middle School called me a retarded sociopath, and High School just calls me something worse....

Throughout my life after dealing with so many people that have hurt me or tried to understand me but were forced to back away because of my defensive nature or fears of being hurt, there was always one person that I can hate without any mercy.

One person who didn't find me funny at all was when I was in my final teen years, her name was Fate Prudent…..

She accused me of r--e.....

Sadly enough this wasn't the first time…..

The first time was when she accused me of stalking her by deleting her messages or conversations that she had with me and then posting it where it would look like I was stalking. She tried to take that to the police but they could see past her crimes. But then when she decided to allow me to date her after three weeks she changed on Valentine's day, she accused me of assaulting her at school and at a graveyard. I could tell there was something going on but I couldn't put my finger on it….

This day was where I could tell that there were more people that were trying to take me down, because the graveyard story hit me like a ton of bricks when I remembered this girl who I dated less than a week in who had ghosted me. Her name was Sandy and she had her own problems at home as I could tell from the fact that she had bruises on her and didn't know much about dating at all. I didn't care about any of that in the beginning and when we were in a graveyard trying to, well let's just say that things became embarrassing when people saw us.

Funny enough she's the one who picked the area in the first place and it's even funnier when someone else is using said story to try and take me out of school….

Looking back on it I try to ask her if it was okay and not just jumped into having sex with someone that I consider a friend, like I said people saw the worst in me and never the best….. Unlike her parents, I was actually trying to be nice when she had no idea about how to test how to do anything besides run...

Well almost everyone there was playing the blaming game, this girl that I lost my virginity to who became my best friend and the only woman to have a miscarriage with my child…. We will call her Nale….

Nale was there for me through it all, I thought that I was going to be able to survive this…. It was only until the police ACTUALLY believed her….. All it took was the biggest lie about documents and folders about all the sexual experiences that made her head when all I had was one... bout In front of people she cried from what everyone believed but behind their back she would give a Cheshire Cat-like smile as if she had won, I was taken to the police station.

[4 Hours Later]

I was at the police station wearing a towel over my head to not show the tears in my eyes along with the swollen blackeye that was a gift from a police officer who had to take out some frustration. You see, the police officer happened to be Fate's father so he roughly beat the shit out of me in the interrogation room without anyone trying to stop him. Once they were done they set me in front, put things into my nose and mouth so I would be able to talk and look at least a bit healthy compared to the fact that I felt like my skull was fractured. My mother soon came as everyone saw a smiling woman before them but I could tell that she was bottling up all her anger and frustration....

"We are sorry to contact you ma'am but your son has been accused of assaulting a woman at his school and he became quite hostile. Officer Roberts tried talking to him but it seems he doesn't want to talk to us so we thought that maybe-" The cop explained but the woman turned out to be my mother and she had already dealt with me many times before but this was beyond so she cut the man off.

"Is he free to go?" My mother said in a intimidating voice as she had questions that not even the police man could answer, all he could say was:

"We are doing the best we can by the looks of it. He'll probably be sent to jail."

It was until the police officer said these words that sent chills down my spine as I could tell there was something wrong with this man as it was not normal. "Until the situation is taken care of we ask that you keep your son under complete house arrest as we will make sure that he gets home and court hearings." The cop said before being given by one of his fellow officers a leg brace.

I shook my head repeatedly not wanting to have that on me, it was only until the police officer warned me about choices while grabbing onto my leg tightly. "Listen to me, there are two options that you can have at this moment. You can either allow me to put this brace on your leg and go home or be sent to A psych ward for 3 months before being sent to jail?…. By the look of it I can tell that you have been there before."

My thoughts on the last time I was placed in the mental institution within slum town, there was barely any food, they would fire hose the individuals like animals for showers, kill those who break the rules then make up a lie to cover it up, especially sexually assaulting those who are way too far gone including the use of drugs to make individuals more docile…..

I let the officer put a brace on his leg where a bruise was made by the officer.

"You made the right choice." The officer said before bringing the young man in for a bear hug but he was really trying to whisper in his ear. "I know personally that a slum town's mental institution just loves your type, you could be beaten up and tricked into doing their dirty work or just mess around and kill pieces of shit like you without any form of worry." The officer said before slowly licking around my ear without my mother knowing, soon the officer let me go while making it seem like nothing happened and slapped me on the ass forward to get going which truly made me feel uncomfortable.

"Don't get into any trouble tonight because after all we are going to be working together for the time being until you have to go to court." The officer said with a smile on his face that honestly looked sinister to me, actually feeling like I had to be VERY careful around this officer along with Officer Robert who was watching the entire time.

Before I knew it, I was taken by the back of my neck by my mother's strong hand and dragged me out of the police station with these words to the officers. "Don't worry officer, I will take care of her now and we will definitely have a serious conversation once we get home."

[.....At Home....]


The sound of a belt could be heard hitting across the hallway on the second floor as my flesh became bruised while blood scattered across a wooden floor, sound of a woman screaming with rage and disappointment could be hurt.

"Is this how you repay me?!"


"All the sacrifices!?"


"All of the pain that I put myself through?!"


"What is wrong with you?"

Wack! Wack!


Wack! Wack! Wack!

"I'm not gonna tell you again to say something or I punish all of you!"

Wack! Wack! Wack! Wack! Wack! Wack! Wack! Wack! Wack! Wack!

"I'm sorry mom…..Please forgive-" I try to do as I was told but when I lifted myself off the ground with my damaged back gushing out blood through the wounds, to make matters worse I see my siblings watching for a second before hiding again in their rooms, I was honestly embarrassed to have my siblings see me like this and the pain became worse when my mother used her belt again so that I would drop back down to the floor-






This abuse continues throughout the time of 5 pm to 6pm….

I was tossed into my room by the woman that was once my mother who had the eyes of someone who had lost hope while only seeing red, even my own half siblings had the same eyes of no hope…..

Slam! Click!

Once the door was closed and locked, my mother spoke once more.

"Once this court case is done I am going to send you off to spend time with your father in Korea and see how you do there because it seems that you don't want to be here with me! You need to learn this lesson the hard way and you chose this lesson for yourself!…."

My mother walked away with tears in her eyes, which led to my siblings once disappearing one by one as the sun went down making the entire house filled with darkness.

Once it seemed like everything was too quiet, it was only until I felt a vibration in my pocket and I used a bit of the remaining strength that I had to find out that it was my smartphone. The screen was kind of cracked but I still used it to find out that it was my best friend Ken.

"I heard what happened, how are you feeling?" It seemed like Ken was worried about my well-being.

I barely can speak as my voice is hoarse but I still try to pull through with some words. "I've been better…."

Ken didn't sound quite worried or anything as I couldn't tell Ken's emotions from behind the phone at that time. "Well my family is having a party and since you're like family I would like to invite you. I'm guessing that you are probably having trouble over there but I know you will make it, right?"

Ken Mass AKA Ken Killer, 1/2 of the brass blade brothers, two guys that are not ones to be fucked with as one is a playboy pimp while the other is a pervert sociopath.

I didn't know any of this because I only crossed pass for both of them once and I survived somehow and I ended up becoming close friends with both of them even though they didn't feel the same….

I trusted Ken like a brother.

I trusted him as if he was my best man at a wedding.

I trusted him as if he was going to be the godfather of my future children that will call him uncle…..

"I'll be there Ken, see ya soon."

…..I was so naïve to think of him that way…..

I painfully crawled towards the window, lifted myself up and grabbed the sheets off my bed and used it as bandaging for my waist since my back was still bleeding quite heavily. ("I definitely need to go to a pharmacy to see if they have any bandages that I can use, even if I have to steal them.") While thinking about this, I ripped the loose bars off the walls around the window.

"This is gonna hurt a lot."


Used my elbow to break the window with a lot of force but that just alarmed my mother who ran towards the door and tried to open it but I was quick enough to finally jump through the bars and out the window from the second floor. Luckily for me, I landed in the next-door neighbor's rose garden while wearing only a bloody T-shirt and sweatpants along with socks on my feet that were also bloody…..

By the time my mom got down the stairs and into the backyard to check out the rose garden, I was long gone but I could hear her screams of anger from down the block.

By the time I got to Ken's house I could tell that something was truly off from the fact that there was no real music going on and the fact that I could hear something happening, something familiar but unfamiliar at the same time…..


For some reason my heart was racing, everything in my body was telling me to stop or do go but my heart and mind was so curious about what was behind the curtains.

Before I knew it-

"Awww Ken~!♡♡♡"

I was watching my best friend fuck the woman who tried to call herself my girlfriend but also mess up my life, not only that but her sister was with him, yes they were both having fun with him.

"Do you really think he is gonna come?" Kimberly / Fate's sister asked Ken who was fingering her while he was still fucking Fate who was moaning as if she was in a porno.

"Devine ain't gonna do anything, he wasn't satisfying you with his baby dick and he is too stupid to find out about the fact that we're using him." Ken said as he had a twisted smile on his face while becoming even more aroused while pounding away at fate who was pleased by his Fate.

"Exactly as I planned as he is too trusting when it comes to women and after my ex boyfriend decided to cut me off I decided to deal with the next simp on the block." Fate said with a wicked smile on her face.

"Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!" All three of them were laughing at me while enjoying their sexual experience, all this new information that I was learning with too much for my mind as I couldn't hear anything and couldn't see anything as everything around me was black. Before I knew it, I felt someone tapping on my shoulder.

Turning around was easily the worst mistake that I made. Instead of running away, the last thing I could remember was seeing Matt (Ken's teen brother) with a brass knuckle blade combo….

….Good Night….

I fell unconscious and hit the ground in a puddle of my own blood.

Log 002 - Nine Years In Bangkok Hell

If I thought things couldn't get worse, I surely did not want to remember those days at all.

Within my mind I whispered songs or counted numbers for how many days are how many hours I've spent drugged up and docile to either be used or abused by others.

I didn't get any trial that I know of and I wasn't conscious when put into the situation that I'm in right now so there's that. In the mental institution those three months went by so fast but later found out that they added an extra few months to my stay along with an extra few years because of what they were told:

Ken got a text from me saying that made him think I was going crazy, he was going to come over to his house and was told to bring the girls over so I could violate them which he texted saying no but I supposedly threatened him and his brother to bring the girls over which they agreed to.

Ron was also told by me to come over as there were supposed to be snacks and was shocked to see the girls who were scared as Fate was being assaulted.

Fate and her sister only had tears so good enough for a crocodile if it may, they could only point out certain things that were already said but when they looked at me all they could do was shiver and show the character traits of two actresses that could fully quart room without even needing to flinch, but even in my days of drug-induced coma not knowing what was going on around me I could tell that they were lying through their teeth with their heads down so they could chuckle and smile while everyone in that courtroom looked at me like a monster with no common decency or sense.

Fate's father didn't want to just throw away the key with me and have me rot for a few years in a normal jail where I might have a chance of probation. He bribed the judge to send me out of state so that not even my own family would be able to find me, not even if they had the money or power behind them.

I was sent to North Korea Prison AKA the hermit kingdom a.k.a. one of the worst places that you wanna be on this planet has North Korea does not play when it comes to their inmates, sadly it took months of me blinded by what was going on since the drugs were still in my system, but the time I finally snapped out of it I realized how bad of a situation I was in when I was being raped by a man 10 times my age. I didn't yell, I didn't cry, all I could do was just do as I was told because I could tell that it didn't matter anymore…..

I had been destroyed, dominated and damaged beyond repair, but that wasn't the worst part of it all….

….Yes, there is worse….

The years went by I had to learn how to fight, I had to learn how to kill and I had to learn how to become something that not even the world was ready for if I ever got out, the only thing that was keeping me sane what is the thought of getting back at those that have wronged me to the point where I was in this hell hole that broke me just because of the fact that I was not fully of culture.

I try to keep my fighting Spirit Alive I tried everything to try and Escape it was either me being shot and thrown back into the cell or me trying to get out for good behavior but I realized that this was not the United States. The only last hope that I had in that cell was a female guard that came around from time to time as we shared smiles and sometimes she even brought me fresh bread which was nice… I was not able to smile whenever I was hurt or abused or touched as if she was that nice scientists willing to give a simple lab rat cheese for good behavior while the same Lab Rats gets tortured every other day…..

Little did I know that my aunt on the other side of the world was trying to make a case for me having private detectives do everything in their power to find out the truth. She along with my other Aunt did everything in their power to find out the truth but it took my mother finding out what was going on through my ex who wrote me letters but she ended up stopping after two to three years when I was there for 8 years….

By the time I was 26….

My aunt finally got my freedom as it turned out that Fate had lied, her father was already convicted for assaulting a black man in public and killing him while in handcuffs. My aunt personally went to Korea just to pick me up but sadly by the time she got there…..

With Tears In Her Eyes bye what I was dealing with and what kind of living arrangements I would know of….

The horrors only got worse when the smell lingered in her nose and she finally got to myself just to see me…


She dropped to her knees, shocked that her nephew who had already been through a rough time with his mother had to go through this as she could see the scars along with bruises and blisters….

The officer saw that something was wrong with her as she nearly fainted since my aunt felt truly soulfully ill. Luckily the emissary tried to hold her from dropping on the ground, she was trying her best not to faint. My aunt cried painful tears in the emissarie's shoulder, he looked on to see the dead body that was once mine...




Anticlimactic enough, before I died I was visited by an angel who had the body of a goddess and the beauty of Aphrodite herself. "Brave men, you have been through so much hardship in your life, it is time for you to finally find the peace that you have been looking for and what you have been longing to have. You have been granted the chance for a new life, a better life than thou has you have been given. This is the chance that many cray for the chance for rebirth. Now close your eyes and may you find much happiness with many women and not just men pretending to be women."

I didn't understand that last part but I closed my eyes that had become weaker than before and I was finally able for the first time in nine years.


By the time I woke up, my body felt different and my voice.

My body had changed and I didn't even need to open my eyes to know that my entire body had been altered but I did know one thing, some 'things' didn't change between my legs.

My chest was no longer manly and my face was now clean with no facial hair in sight, I was Reborn…

Not as a man nor a female but as a Futanari…

Before I had a chance to freak out, I realized that I was in a cell, more importantly a dungeon. It honestly was shocking to me but what scared me the most was the fact I had visions, visions of a girl who was part horse…. She was used and abused throughout her life until...


The thought of what she went through filled me with rage and made me mad enough to rip the chains off myself since I was lucky enough to get my strength along with my new skills like how I can smell the guard coming.

He smelled of women and booze along with blood, something in me was scared but my heart told me to get revenge….

Revenge for what they did to her….

What they did to me…..

By the time the guard came to the cell he thought I was gone or just the girl he tortured was... I hid in the shadows and waited for the moment….

"Damn it, this can't be as she's never gotten out before and i could have sworn she was de-"


I quickly took the cloth I had on and came from behind just to choke him tight enough that he couldn't move his arms to grab his weapon without feeling a sharp pain in his hands.

"Yeah she's dead but i'm not and the fact you don't even know her name when you assaulted her! Do you believe you should live?" The guard was done listening and reached for his dagger but it sickened me by he still was trying to kill me even though he was on death row.

("Pathetic") "This is for Pona, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!!"

He tried to stab me but he only could go in with the tip showing that even in his final hour he was prideful of what he has done to others, even with me being naked, angry and filled with pent up strength-


I couldn't hold back and didn't care one bit as it was a death needed, which led to me taking the guard's sword, clothes, and the keys to each cell. I freed all caught in the dungeon which led to me leading the scared humanoid enslaved women until they saw I killed the guard who was a noble…. I lit a flame in them and they fought with me as we burned this dungeon to the ground.

After a while, we all became free and I stopped to look at the surrounding area with all its beauty on top of a hill…..

"So it begins….."