
I was reincarnated as a Crow? (DROPPED)

A man dies and comes back as a crow in the MCU. How thrilling! But then dies again and comes back as a crow (again)? What the heck? It has a bit of a rocky start up mostly because I wasn't taking it seriously, but I promise it balances it out later in the story.

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19 Chs

Renewed Majesty.

*Drip, drip, drip*

I felt water hit my face and when I opened my eyes, I was met with the same sky as when I first used [Twilight Vessel]. Only this time it was raining, and the rain was black.

I laid in the shallow water for a couple of moments before getting up. I knew Syntax wasn't reachable, so I was here alone...for the most part. Despite the raining pelting my body, I felt at peace, if home was ever a place it would be here.

Once I decided to move around, I felt a brief pain come from my ear. Next thing I knew an all white book with a black moon cover was in my hands. Curious, I opened the book and on the first page were symbols that I couldn't recognize, yet I could read and understand them.

'Goh-rye-oh, Martial arts of the Moon God.' I flipped through the book and found various movements for what looks like a mixture of taekwondo, boxing, kung-fu, and jiu-jitsu. After flipping through the book, I went back to the first page. I had nothing better to do so why not learn something without the aid of my system?

The instructions on the first page were to relax and convert your Organic Energy into Primeval Energy. Apparently Organic Energy was the purest form of energy, but was chaotic in it's raw form. Primeval Energy was the condensed and calmer version, while also being stronger and more stable.

I closed my eyes and focused on my Organic Energy, something I've never done before. It took me a few minutes before I could feel it and it felt like a large chaotic ocean. The next step was to focus on a small portion of this ocean and smooth it out like rolling dough. That's easier said than done, this ocean was super chaotic.

'Look's like I'm going to be here for a while...'


(1st month inside of the Twilight Realm)

It's been around a month and I've converted around 5,000 units of OE into 5 units of Primeval Energy. Every 1,000 units of OE is equal to 1 unit of Primeval Energy, which means I have 1,003,040 more units to convert.

The good thing was that this conversion got easier with time. I exhaled and opened my eyes, it was time to practice Goh-rye-oh. I've only got enough PE to practice the first move, Burst Pressure.

This move consisted of moving your limbs fast enough to create a burst of air pressure that could be incredibly lethal. Think Rankyaku but way more deadly. I closed my eyes and got into the signature stance. I felt my Primeval Energy flow to my right fist and I let it gather before my fist began to vibrate from the sheer amount of energy it was withholding. My goal was to use Burst Pressure three time successively before I grew tired.

I released my fist and a huge column of air created a long crater in the ground and split the shallow water before everything returned back to normal.

'That would easily kill a group of people...' My attack power only grew as I converted more OE into PE. I clenched my fist, whenever I woke up I was going to be so much stronger than before.


(3rd month in the Twilight Realm)

I stood in front of a mountain I found and channeled my Primeval Energy to my legs. I successfully converted 400,000 units of OE into Primeval Energy bringing my total up to 405 units of Primeval Energy. I've almost mastered Burst Pressure and now I've moved onto the second move, Crescent Kick.

This move was like taking Burst Pressure and internalizing it, giving me outmatched attack power and speed. If I used a bit more Primeval Energy, it would send a thin line of air pressure capable of cutting mountains in half, as I will demonstrate.

"HM!" I let my leg loose and nothing happened for a moment until a loud rumbling was heard, and the mountain was cleanly cut diagonally. The top half of the mountain was sliding and I smiled proudly at my work. My body, which I didn't know could grow muscle, was getting more toned every passing day. Shockingly, I also a had a few scars on my arms and legs despite my regeneration. I guess Primeval Energy can bypass it, I'll have to keep that in mind in the future. My hair also grew longer and slowly transitioned from straight to spiky, along with my pupils becoming moon crescents.

The moon tattoo on my forehead also began to grow and sadly, my wings completely disappeared, leaving behind a pale white monkey tail. You know, if someone called me a Saiyan, I wouldn't even correct them. Needless to say, my body had undergone drastic changes. I suspect it having to do with Primeval Energy and the realm I was in.

Both of those things felt apart of me, like it was natural for me to have and exist in. I shook myself out of my stupor and got back to training.


(6th month in the Twilight Realm)

I quickly ducked under a Crescent Kick and counterattacked using Burst Pressure. The top half of the entity I was fighting was obliterated and I gained some time to jump backwards. Currently, I was fighting a twilight entity, at least that's what I'm calling it. It appeared around last month and we've been fighting ever since, all day, everyday, with 0 breaks in between.

Despite me having no time to convert my Organic Energy into Primeval Energy, it was still being converted, and at a much faster rate than before. So I guess the conversion can be stimulated by fierce combat. I weaved a series of rapid punches and used the third move of Goh-rye-oh, Half Moon. It was basically Burst Pressure but taken to a super lethal extreme. I hit the twilight entity in the chest and a strong shockwave blew it to pieces along with destroying some of the environment around us.

Half Moon was a strong strike that channels a small amount of Primeval Energy into my opponent, creating a powerful shockwave, doing immense internal damage and external damage if their body can't handle the sheer force of the shockwave.

Throughout the past three months my appearance took another change. My hair was down to my butt and was black at the top and slowly faded into white. My hair also grew extremely spiky and a two thick strands laid over my shoulders. The moon tattoo in the middle of my forehead grew large enough to be visible and I also gained a new tattoo in middle of my chest. This tattoo was a black tree and just like the moon tattoo, started off small.

I also gained a large X scar over my right pectoral, due to the twilight entity hitting me with an advanced Goh-rye-oh move. That shit wouldn't heal at all and I had to spend like 3 days running. I dodged another blow from the twilight entity and resumed fighting.


(1 year in the Twilight Realm)

It was raining and I stood in the middle of the rain with my eyes closed. I exhaled and when I opened my eyes, the raindrops were falling in slow motion. This was the fourth and final move of Goh-rye-oh, Full Moon. I realize this is what the twilight entity hit me with, no wonder I couldn't react.

This move overloads your body with Primeval Energy and multiplies your strength by 25x. The longest I can use it for is 30 seconds, but that time limit grows as I familiarize myself with it. Once the 30 seconds were up, I fell to my knees in exhaustion. The downside of this move is that it puts a heavy strain on the body if you use it up to it's time limit.

After about 15 seconds, I recovered my stamina and looked up. I felt my time in here coming to an end and I recounted my entire year. If the previous me fought the person I am now, he would lose before he could even react. I clenched my fists and realized how complacent I was, I got comfortable with my strength, forgetting there are beings out there who can destroy realities with the wave of their hand.

I won't allow myself to grow complacent again, I won't allow myself to grow arrogant again, I will become stronger. I have to become stronger, I cannot protect those close to me if I stay at my current strength.

Soon after strengthening my resolve, a beam of white light engulfed me and I was taken out of the Twilight Realm. I soon found myself back in my body and immediately flew above the atmosphere. I flew far away and once I felt like I was far enough, I let my soul and body combine, releasing enough energy to make a supernova look like a firework. My energy sent waves across the universe and every dimension it housed.

That day, the universe knew, that a new God was born.