
I was reincarnated as 'Kenja no mago'.

A very ordinary young man suffers a tragic and embarrassing accident, at the moment he meets God he realizes that he can't go to heaven or hell, so God decides to reincarnate him in another world with some gifts. Join him in his journey to another world. In this story there is Harem, since many people apparently do not find the label that I have put, so I emphasize it. ------------ Important: I hope you enjoy this story, there may be many things that don't make sense, but it's normal since it's not a perfect story, it has several things that didn't have in the original story. The main character will generally follow the story, but he won't get carried away with it since he has his own issues. Sorry in advance if there is a grammatical error or something like that, English is not my first language. None of the characters belong to me, only the main character. New chapters will be uploaded every 2 or 3 days.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Komik
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62 Chs

register as an adventurer

The next day, the girls and I got up early, we had breakfast and I took the opportunity to ask the owner of the inn for the location of the guild, since yesterday I did not find it all day, when she told me where it was, I called the girls and we headed towards the most central place of this great city.

When we arrived at the place, we discovered that the name of the guild is "Eastern Guild", Curious isn't it, but this time it's not because of the lazy author, the real reason is that normally there is only one guild for each kingdom or country there is. So most of them have the same name as the sector where they are located.

At the moment we entered, we could see many people inside it, it may sound cliché, but it is the same as in some anime, there is a group of people drinking alcohol, playing cards, laughing and serious people with the face of a born antisocial.

They all stared at us for a moment, but I didn't pay much attention to them and kept walking to the counter. But in the middle of the way, a group of about 7 people crossed us, and the leader was guy about 20 years old or so, he was tall, about 190 cm, who looked at us with a mocking tone while talking.

"Little babies, this is not a place for you to come, besides why are you wearing those hoods that don't let you see your faces, don't tell me you want to act mysterious?"

Many people around us in the guild started to laugh, while others just looked at us and shook their heads, seeing this situation I couldn't help but smile, since this gave me a chance for the others not to mess with us in the future.

From one moment to the next a strong coercion appeared, making the whole group of young people kneel down, but this time I kept increasing it, to the point where they were all on their knees with their hands and heads on the floor.

After that, I made a small movement with my sword, causing all the clothes on the upper body of the group of people to be torn to pieces, only leaving a small mark on each person's neck.

I put my foot on the head of the head of this small group, while speaking in a calm tone:

"You little group of scumbags, who are you that dare to talk to us like that, I warn you, the next time you or any of your little tadpoles dare to disrespect me or one of my followers, I assure you that you will never see the light of the sun again, OK?".

When everyone saw the situation they were very shocked, for they did not believe that these children could force a D and E rank adventurer group to kneel in front of him just using their coercion, everyone in this place are not fools, they know that if there is such a young child with such a great strength, it is that he must have a great sponsor behind, so in their hearts they remembered never to bother them.

On the other hand, the group of people who had approached us to try to tease, uh intimidate us, were scared to death, they never expected to mess with someone like that, so they quickly apologized.

"Excuse us little young master, I promise we will never mess with you or your followers again, I swear on my life."

Seeing that my action was successful, I did not continue the subject any further, so I had them remove the coercion on them and spoke to them:

"All right, go away now, I don't want to see you."

"Yes sir" Said in unison all the young men and quickly left the place.

"Let's continue "I said to the two girls, who were looking at me with some stars in their eyes, since what girl doesn't like boys who are strong and handsome, they would all like to be able to find Prince Charming.

We arrived at the receptionist who greeted us cheerfully, it didn't cross her mind, to underestimate us, since she had also seen what happened just now.

"Good morning, my name is Ena, how can I help you?"

"Good morning, we would like to sign up as adventurers, also I would like to know the basic information" I answered in a calm tone.

"In order to sign up in as an adventurer, you need to fill out the following form, also, each adventurer is defined by their rank, from the lowest order to the highest, it would be

F < E < D < C < B < A < S < SS

In order to move from one rank to another, you simply have to win a duel with an instructor there is for each level."

When I heard the main information about the adventurers' ranks, I nodded in understanding, after that, I followed up by asking her some necessary questions to be clear about all the important issues.

After we all finished filling out the form, we handed it to Miss Ena, who gladly received them and started making the adventurer cards.

"Thank you for joining our guild as an adventurer, on the left side are the available quests, remember you can only do quests up to one level above your rank" said the receptionist.

"I have a question, can I take an adventurer assessment?" I really didn't want to be collecting plants, so I wanted to skip that step.

When Ena heard me, she was silent for a while, until after a moment she answered me again:

"For new people, you can only be evaluated up to rank C, after that, you will have to complete a certain amount of missions to be able to rank up again."

Listening to her, I became very happy, since there is a possibility, so without thinking twice I accepted that option:

"I understand, I hope you can help me call the C rank evaluator to be able to evaluate me and change my adventurer rank, also I want to know if I can continue to keep my rank by being in other cities, or if my adventurer card is valid."

Upon hearing my question, Ena calmly replied, "There is no problem with being evaluated today for your adventurer level increase, regarding your question, you should not worry, since your adventurer card will be valid in all the major kingdoms, since there is an alliance between all the surrounding guilds."

I was very relieved to know that, since this would make a lot of things easier for me and I could leave with more peace of mind to go on quests elsewhere, plus I could make my rank continue to rise over time.

After we finished talking, we headed to a seat with the girls, while waiting for the evaluator to be ready.

"When this topic is over, we'll take some missions and start training, so they'll be at ease."

Both girls nodded to me in response, while the people around us looked at us sideways, no one dared to approach, not only because of fear, since in this place there were B class adventurers, the main reason is that they do not want to get in trouble with that supposed powerful sponsor of ours, regarding those of rank A or higher, they are very famous and do not always appear in these places, since their missions are usually very long.

We didn't wait more than thirty minutes, until we were approached again by the receptionist:

"The evaluator is ready, so please follow me."

We all nodded and went behind her, we passed through a large hallway that led us towards a room of about 100 square meters, in the center of it, there were 4 people, one should be the evaluator and the other three should just be evaluating themselves or watching the program.

I don't care anyway, so I left Sara and Eva with the receptionist and headed to the center of the room to begin my rank promotion evaluation.