
I was reborn in YOU as Joe goldberg

A psychopath gets reborn in YOU with the power of Compulsion and as none other than Joe Goldberg. He was reborn when Beck was in the glass cage and Joe was trying to convince Beck that everything he did was for love. How will he use his power and what will happen to all the ladies out there? . . . . . . . . . This is a project i started recently and don't worry i will still write Reborn as Damon with wishes. But i was seeing YOU and when i tried to go to bed i just couldn't go to sleep without this idea out of my head. My MC will be Ruthless, Evil as fuck, Abusive, Gentle, Kind, Caring, Psychopathic, Manipulative, Sadistic and Loving. I know, some of you may ask 'What the absolute fucking hell on sweet heaven is this?!' But don't worry, your trusty author will try to make it work. The first chapter will be introducing the MC's past and trying to introduce him to you. Alright I am done. Just wanted to add something, i promise it's the last time. If you like my shit (my writing) please give some reviews and some o' them power stones. If you don't like my shit just fuck off if you don't have a valid and constructive criticism. Just wanted to add another thing, I promise th- whatever. None of the characters (unless i create my own) are my own creation. Thanks and Enjoy!

ZOuther · Televisi
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 Nancy was right. I need Jesus.

Waz' Up! You! This is your boy back with another vi- Ahem! Sorry, just saw this on youtube and thought i would do it too. Now let's get serious. Especially me, since i am destroying the life of Beck Guinevere.

This chapter's beginning maybe a little emo, so, please bear with me.

Thanks and Enjoy!


Beck was sitting and crying her heart out. After a while of crying her heart out, she stood up with a look of resignment.

She sat at the desk in front of the typewriter and the laptop. She sighed and looked up to the sky, to the roof really but... You get my point.

Again tears started rolling down her face and she started to cry. She started thinking about her life.

'You know what?' she thought 'I will write a good poetry out of this. It's not like i haven't done it before.'

She scoffed, 'You know why? BECAUSE I AM CURSED TO MEET SHITTY GUYS!'

'Oh gosh. Why is my life so crappy?' she said, 'Maybe Nancy was right, i need jesus.'

She started chuckling. Which in a while turned to a so . Which in a while turned to a heavy sob and turned to a full out cry.

At this moment, Beck felt... Anger, sadness, Humiliated, Funny... It was just mixed what she felt about her situation.

'Why can't i choose good guys?!' she screamed out in her mind, 'Why couldn't i see the signs around Joe?! Why didn't i fight him harder?! Why...'

Beth couldn't breathe, she felt cramped. She stood up from the desk and started pacing around. She was breathing heavily.

She wanted to scream, to tear the wall around amd destroy things. And that's what she did.

She threw her laptop to the ground. She picked the chair up and started hitting the table with.

The innocent typewriter, which was sitting on table was samshed together with the table.

Beck didn't stop hitting the table even when the chair legs broke after breaking the table. She scramed out, cried, cursed with every curse word that existed and finally she just sat down on the floor in silence.

She stayed that way for a few minutes. Then she tried to collect herself and her emotions.

Beck took a deep breath and like a dram she awoke from her earlier emotions.

'Shit!' she thought, 'What have i done? He is gonna kill me when he sees what i have done. Well done Beck, give that psycho a reason to murder you.'

She sighed, 'Maybe that's good for me. Maybe he will kill me and i don't have to libe this shitty life.'

'Well, that confirms it.' she chuckled. 'Nancy was right. I need Jesus.'

While she was in thought, she heard a car pulling up downstairs. She ran to the window at the side of the kitchen and she saw Joe's car pulling up.

She scrambled to salvage anything that seemed salvagable. The typewriter was surprisingly intact (What the fuck was this made of!) while the laptop was Done. Gone. Destroyed.

She ran to the door quickly and stood there with as any convincing as she can conjure on her face. Then she returned to the bedroom and put on some makeup as fast as she could. Some light lip gloss, small perfume, Tied up hair....

/A.N: For my dear readers who may say 'What? How could she finish that fast?' Let me tell you. Ladies can be fast at putting a make up when they want to. You just have to threaten their existence. Just kidding Ahem. Anyways, let's go back./

She ran to the door again and started waiting at the door. The door opened and, There he is. The person of her nightmare.

She smiled and went towards him. "Heyy You! You left me here alone for long. How was your day?"

He looked at her suspiciously. Beck's heart started beating fast.

Joe POV(I am trying to do it like how he Narrates in the Tv series version)

When i left the house, I, of course locked the house. I mean, I trust you Beck. But, a guy gotta protect himself.

One thing i wanna tell you is, Mind control makes your life easier. Beck.

The whole day, when i was preparing the big surprise for you, i didn't need to do anything but ask nicely. And voila! Everything is done.

I know mind control is... sensitive subject for you now, Beck. But, tonight's surprise will make you forget everything. I promise.

I am coming to you now with your tonight's dress. A Red dress that would have cost me an arm if i hadn't my mind control. I know if you knew, you would say that's immoral. But for me, it is love. I am doing things that i have never done in my life, For You.

But we shouldn't forget what the main point is here. The Red dress. I bought it in your size and from a very renown brand nonetheless. I know your size because, well, i have seen your dresses before and i know your size by heart already. Your bra size, your panties size even your socks size. I know it by heart.

See Beck, this is how much i pay attention to you. I am committed to this relationship. And you will be too. Once you see that i am pure of heart and all i did was for you.

I pulled my up car downstairs. I am coming for you Beck. I am gonna make you the happiest girl ever, today.

I unlocked the door. There you were standing in all your glorious beauty. Is that lip gloss and a mascara.

You didn't have that this morning. I know this because i pay attention to you all the time, Beck.

You look at me with a smile. A smile? Is this a ploy or have the universe seen my true love for you and softened your heart?

"Heyy You!" you uttered. 'You left me here alone for long. How was your day?"

What is... Happening right now?

3rd POV

Dan stood there stunned and looking at her suspiciously. "What's with you?" He asked.

"I am just excited to see you. Haha." She laughed nervously.

"Really now?" He tried to enter, but she blocked him. She looked at him with a pleading eye.

"Okay, i need you to promise me that you won't be mad." she said. He chuckled.

"Why would i be mad at you, Beck?" he said resting his palms on her cheeks. "You know loving someone means accepting all their faults and the shit they do. Right?"

Beck wasn't sure if he was telling her to love him or telling her he loves her. But she will take it. As long as he doesn't get mad and do something crazy. To her.

"Yes, i know." she hesitated, "It's just..." She stepped aside.

When joe walked in, he was DUMBFOUNDED. 'What the hell happened here?!' he thought. 'She did this ALONE?!'

'People are not what they seem.' He thought and turned towards Beck. When he turned towards her and saw her standing there looking like a rabbit caught in a trap, he knew what to do.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly. Beck was DUMBFOUNDED. And relieved.

"Wha...?" Her jaw dropped open."I am fine. But, are you not mad? or Angry?" she asked.

"Why would i be mad at you, Beck?" he said. "You were just letting your emotions out. How do you feel? Was it good?"

'How the fuck did this turn into a therapy session with him?!' Beck thought. 'Anyways, Thank God he is fine.'

"Yes, i just felt cramped and i wanted to let some stuff out. Thank you for understanding me." she replied.

"I know and i understand." he said and put the bag in his hands down.

"What are those in your hands?" she asked. Joe smiled.

"It's a surprise. You're gonna love it." he said and took the bag into the bedroom and put it on the bed.

"Look, why don't we just go out for a walk and i will call some cleaning service to clean this house." he said taking her hands in his. "We will get coffee... or anything you want. Then we will come back and we will go to the surprise i prepared for you."

"Okay, Joe." Answered Beck. "I would love that."

"Okay, go and change your cloth if you want. I will call the cleaning service till then." He took out his phone and started a call while Beck went to the Bedroom and was changing her clothe.

On the bed, the earlier bags can be seen sitting there. The bags were of famous and expensive brands.

'He won't buy some murder tools with such an expensive wrapping bags, right?' She thought.

When she couldn't resist anymore and was about to open the bags, Joe came back.

"Are you finished?" he asked.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I am finished." She answered turning towards him quickly.

"Alright then, let's go." he said holding her hand and intertwining their fingers. "We have about an hour and a half. Let's make the best of it."

And then, they walked out together. Leaving the disgruntled house and their ugly private life. Painting a picture of a lovely couple to whoever saw them on the streets.

To be continued...


Hey guys, Author here. As i said at the beginning, this chapter is a little emo and i hope you had borne with me.

And from the next chapter on, the next chapters will not be confined just to Joe and Beck. It will touch more areas, they will interact with more characters, joe will go to therapy, he will go to church, there will be... Non consensual sex (If anyone is triggered by this or all that jazz. Fuck off! This is psychological and Abusive fan fic.)

So, hold on and just wait. I will be giving you the best chapters that is in my power and MIND.

All you need to do is Review, Comment and Throw some o'them Power stones.

I will try to post a chapter that explains the characters for those of you who hadn't watched YOU.

Peace out!✌️