
I was reborn as one of the three dragon sages in a Mystical world

“Name and cause of death.” These were the first words Max heard when he found himself in an office where he was told he would transported to a world as one strongest beings in the realm: A Dragon Sage. Thrown into a world full of malicious beasts, magic, and religious conflict, Max will have to use his wits and abilities to survive the harsh land he was transported to. Will he be able to save the world from damnation or will he be the one to destroy it. -W.T

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14 Chs

Chapter 4 Tori


Throughout our protagonist's journey, several people "attached" themselves and disrupted the planned course of the story. For that reason and, under my good friend's suggestion, it is invaluable to the narrative that we step away from our protagonist and evaluate another character. The records from the RenoTech state that Humanoid actor# T0aR3I was one such character. They played a vital role in the story's development and subsequent downfall. So we will resume the story with them. — W. T




Tory is late again. No matter how early he slept, or how much warm milk he had, he had always




The Academy for the Magically Gifted does not tolerate lateness, nor does it tolerate anything short of perfection. Tory has fallen short in both regards. With the highest tardiness rate, the lowest possible passing grades, and the lowest affinity for spirit, Tory is not, by any means, the picture-perfect example of a model student.



It is for those reasons that Tori is punished. It was a customary scene—a ritual if you like — that thirty minutes after class started, Tory would waltz into class. He then gives his usual excuses as to why he came late—the chickens didn't sing; got lost in the halls; forgot to wash his clothes. After his charade, the professor would grab his trusty, wooden ruler and--


"You know the reasons for your punishment. Speak," said the robed teacher.

"Because I was late," Whimpered Tori.

"Wrong," the hardened man struck Tori's knuckles again. " You are being punished for your lack of commitment. The academy has acknowledged your deviation from the path of enlightenment and your lack of effort towards your training in spirit affinity. What say ye?"

"Sir, with all due respect, I have done all that is in my power to stay in the Holy Emperor's path."

"And you pretend to achieve enlightenment by lounging around the Dagat pen?"

Chuckles whispered throughout the classroom,

"Sir, what I do in my free time has no bearing on my train—"


The professor walked to his podium. He looked at the room full of robed students, where each sat on individual desks, and to their sides sat a variety of creatures. Profesor Hardstone struck his podium and addressed the students. "The academy's creed. Now."

The students and their accompanied creature stood with one hand on their chest and yelled: "We pledge our loyalty to the all-mighty and all-knowing Holy Emperor who guides over us from his diamond empire. We give our bodies to serve his will dutifully, lest we suffer the jaded wrath of his dragon sages. We vow to maximize our potential no matter the cost, to serve our lord efficiently. "

At the wave of Hardstone's hand, they quiet down and sat back at their small desks. The professor went back to Tori, who had been rubbing his reddened knuckles during the speech. This was not the first time he heard the creed because they had instilled this into Tori ever since he could utter a word. Every night, his parents would tuck him into bed with the cursed doctrines; every morning in his school days he had to say it. It would be an understatement to say that Tori knew it by heart. The professor bent down to look straight into Tori's black eyes.

"Every being in this realm has the obligation and responsibility to serve the Holy Emperor with all their being. Anything else is a distraction. Do we understand each other?"

"Yes, sir," said Tory

"Then go to your seat and pray this is the last time we have this conversation." The professor said before returning to his podium. "Students, remember that every one of you is symbol to the glory and might of our savior. Anything below perfection is an insult."

Tori sat at his desk, daydreaming of the long green pastures in the dagat pen and the clouds drifting through the royal blue skies during the professor's lecture. He could almost feel the warm afternoon breeze on his skin and the tickling grass on his back. How much he wished to be there; doing nothing. He glanced towards his classmates, who, unlike him, were paying close attention to the lecture. His eyes drifted to their companions, spiritual beasts proudly sitting beside the owner. Tori looked at the empty spot next to him and sighed.

"I should pay attention," whispered tori to himself as he stared at his bald, robed professor. "Everything is made of spiritual energy, which emanates from The Holy Emperor's presence. From thence we are born and achieve.... asefdsff. afagrhdsd.sdf"

"It's no use. I just can't," said Tori as the words garbled inside Tori's head." Cultivating spiritual energy is vital for... afnwjnnf.... wekmfwkemfkwef".

As the nonsense went on, Tori felt something hit the back of his head. He looked to see his friend Jonaethen pointing to the ground. There, he found a paper ball lying on the ground. He grabbed it and read:

"He chewed you out there, didn't he? If you need any help studying the material for this week, me and a couple of friends are holding a study group. Wanna join?"

Ever since he met Jonaethen, he has been his only redemption. Tori would even say that thanks to him, he's passing his classes. Late-night cramming, signaling the answers for exams, and even helping him around the dagat pen, he's done anything to help Tori out. Tori grabs a red brush from his bag and draws a big cross in the letter. He balls the letter and throws the letter back to his friend. As expected, he frowns at the response.

After what seemed like an eternity, the bell

finally rang.

"Remember, students, the proficiency test is next week. The test will evaluate whether you're worthy to continue on the holy path," Hardstone said and stared at Tori. "I hope that you all put the utmost effort, class is dismissed."

Tori picked up his bag and sprinted toward the door with no hesitation. When he was about to grab the door handle, somebody bumps into Him.

"What's this? The last one to arrive is the first one to leave? It seems they let anyone in these days."

Out of all the people he could have bumped into, it had to be Mcalis, the top student in the entire academy. He is the prized possession of the institute faculty because of his impeccable track record. A spirit affinity that is said to rival those of the sages and an ancient beast companion. Some people think he might ascend to an elemental sage or even a dragon sage. Ever since the new semester started, Mcalis has had a vendetta against Tori.

"Can't wait to roll around in the mud with those disgusting creatures?" he scoffed.

"Hey, you got some hair on your teeth, probably from all the ass-kissing you do. Tell me, how did the professor's farts smell like today?" Tori growled.

"I can't wait to see your face plastered on the ground when I beat you in the proficiency test next week. Honestly, I can't understand why they would soil the sanctity of this holy place with trash that can't even summon a spirit beast." He said and left before Tori could answer.

"Dick..." Whispered Tori

"Well, he is not that bad when you get to know him," said Jonaethen as he approached. "He really takes our roles as monk trainees seriously."

"He can shove his 'serious' up his- "Tori stop midway as students passed by and leave the classroom" Anyway, I don't know why he's got it out for me"

"That's ironic..." said Jonaethen, shaking his head.

"What do you mean?"

"Uh, nevermind about that, why don't come you with us and study for next week's exam "

"Why? You know how talentless I am. It'd just be a waste of time and I'll drag everyone else down. I rather use my time better," said Tori, turning away from Jonaethen, and heading towards the door.

"You mean spend more time in that mud pit? Why do you waste some time there, when you could b-"

"See ya, Jonaethen" Tori left before he could answer.

Walking down the stone steps of the academy's entrance, Tori stretches his arms and embraces the splendid view of Anster city. Surrounded by green hills and rivers that spread like veins through its bosom, Anster city is a small piece of land, east of the kingdom of Ansterial. Renowned for its high production of Monks, people dream of coming to this city in hopes of ascendance. Tori could see the sparkling boats gliding through the rivers and the trembling reflection of the sun's visage on the water's surface.

"I'm free," thought Tori to himself, going down the steps.

"Ten grabules for the price of five"

"Pills to enhance your Spiritual Affinity for sale"

The busy street voices got louder and louder when Tori made it to the bottom of the stairs. Everywhere you look, you could find an establishment meant to cater to the needs of trainees. From drinks to questionable drugs, the shopping district offered everything at a reasonable price.

A path emerged west of the shopping district, which led to living quarters and Tori's home. He quietly evaded the sea of screaming salespeople and took the western road to his destination.

His house was not too far from the shopping district; it was only a couple of steps. His parents reasoned the closer they were to the academy, the lesser of a chance Tori would be late. He stopped in front of a house, a quaint little thing with an equally quaint garden. He pushed the door open and entered.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home. "Tori said as he took off his shoes.

"Dinner will be ready in five. Don't take too long coming down"

Tori took a set of stairs on his right and entered his room. As the door closed, he threw his bag to the side and went to his mirror. Staring back at him was a pair of black eyes adorned with black hair that reached to the back of his neck. He looked funny with his uniform on. The robes bagged around his body and overlapped over his hands; sometimes he would trip because the robe would hang on his shoes. This is the smallest men's uniform the academy issued.

Unfortunately, Tory had always been too small and fragile for his age, so finding clothes had always been a problem.

"I hate this," he said while disentangling his robes and putting on a set of clothes he had neatly folded on his bed. "Much better"

He went back down and into the kitchen, where his mother and father waited patiently on the table. Tori sat in the empty chair.

"How was school, honey? "his mother said, cutting a piece of meat from the table and handing it to Tori.

"As usual. I don't want meat, a bit of vegetable, please "

Tori's mother was stunned, side-gazing at Tori's father, who had been glaring at Tori the entire time.

"If you don't eat meat, you'll never grow."snorted Tori's father" Look at you, you're as thin as a girl. If you keep this up, I doubt you'll make it past the first phase of the exam."

"I'm doing my best, father, just cut me some slack. It's tough, "said Tori, meeting his father's gaze.

"Tough? Let me tell you something, Tori. Your cousin had to walk three hours from his house to study. You? You only have to walk for five

minutes and you can't even manage that. "

"Well, I'm not my cousin. I've got my own problem, "said tori

"What? lying on your ass all day? "said Tori's father, gritting his teeth. "We pay your tuition, we give you a roof over your head, we try to feed your mouth. What sort of problems could you have? "

Tori stood from the chair and glared at his father.

"You know what? Father . You're right, excuse me. "Tori left the house.

Tori leisurely walked back to the shopping district and a shop located to the north.

"The usual, please... Here you go... Keep the change... Thank you."

Tori then walked to an old road just east of the shop, forgotten by time. The stone pavements stop, and the brown soil takes its place. Concrete buildings were replaced by overhanging trees and the noise by silence. The soil squished under his shoes as he walked through the abandoned road until he came across a green clearing.

"Food is here. Come out!"

Countless puffballs emerged from the ground at Tori's command and slowly trudged to Tori. Two black eyes stare at Tori expectingly. He grabs the contents of the bag and spreads it in the air. The dagats jump and crawl over each other, trying to get a taste of Tori's food.

"You don't need to be in such a rush. I got more here, see. "

Tori dumped the rest of the bag on the floor and sat on a nearby stump, watching the dagats gobble the food. A brown puff jumped on top of tori licking his face.

"hehe, come on stop it, you're going to stain my clothes "other dagats joined and submerged Tori in fluffy good." Haha, stop. That-That tickles" Tori said as the dagats furs brushed against Tori's skin. This continued for a couple of minutes until the dagats tired themselves out.

The dagat formed a circle around Tori and laid down, gasping. Tori stared at the red sky, and a sudden dizzy spell came over him. He dozed off to the squeaking of the animals and the light breathing of the animals. This was the only time he truly felt calm and at home. He closes his eyes and tunes out.

".... William,.... stop moving..."

"If ...you ....say so."

The foreign talking aroused Tori from his trance. However, there was no one there but him and his dagats.

"Must have fallen asleep. I should head home.I'll see you again tomorrow," said Tori.

As he was about to get up, he noticed something off. The dagats are pack animals, so they spend most of their time huddling together, so seeing a dagat by himself was off.

He carefully approached it.

The dagat was motionless. It's natural brown color of dagat fur was absent from this. Instead, it was white, and two black eyes stared aimlessly at nowhere. Its glassy eyes reflected the afternoon sun as it remained motionless.

It is dead.

Tori cried.