
I want to f girls with my monster body( evolution god cult system )

I was on my 8-strike-making fountain then I closed my eyes because of sleepiness, then I was in a monstrous body then found out that a guy before me was using this body and system acting like a god now I am in a dyeing monstrous body because it was cursed by a goddess if I survive this is a dream come true elves, vampires, tentacles, beast women, dragons, bdsm, milking I will survive and play god MC is truly fed up in mind and has many fantasies warning readers that this content sexual/ explicit content mc does truly fed-up shit if you are not a legend then you won't be able to stand it all characters here are above 18 and at least have been I am like you guys I couldn't find good monster erotica don't worry it's good and there are some wifu's that we all like here 02... to remove the book cover contact Theculturedguy0@gmail.com

The_cultured_guy · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Dream come true

holy moly is this real I am in a fantasy world that too being a tentacle monster and I can mutate also I was god well technically this body

but who cares I was moping because of a mundane unsuccessful life making my 8th fountain and felt sleepy or dizzy because of lack of nutrition

Everybody bullied me, now I get a second chance or This is a wonderful dream or I am in comma Whatever it is I won't waste a single second trying to comprehend this I will enjoy having my all fantasies fulfilled even if I am evil or look like one,

those bastards who judge me are all well off in life and want to control me and I am sure there will be some here too,

ya in history there have been worse people who committed genocides I am just seeking pleasure why do I feel sick bastard who is similar to those psycho criminals 

no, I am in a wonderful dream I will enjoy and I will not even meet those you know what won't make friends at all if it's a short span, even if I am in comma I might die early because that bichy stepmom ok back to ahh whatever is this 

well the negativity is that a guy before me legend tried to fuck a saint possessed by a goddess, so he paid dearly for it and that god curses this body, well he kind of sacrificed himself to the system because he was doing whatever

so I can't fuck because this body is dying and also will be reported by a saint the former was trying to make another body fail-safe but his soul was dying because of a curse and this body can't live long it will be hunted and also I can't control it is that it system


[there is a recording by the former host, would like to hear] 

I wanted to talk to you live at Maybe I Have, This is prerecording if it took too long for your soul to transfer,

I am dying well technically not, I am dead don't know who you are but don't be discovered until you are too strong also you will be influenced by the monster's body always be careful as you might act on impulse and be sure to select a safe place to survive to eat a lot,

sigh don't ever die there is a price that is worse than death this place isn't safe I recommend you go to Askew City

also don't try to possess being with mana points more than 20 points you will die The curse is not that effective now that I died and now that you are using a new body

also don't spend first free uses to mutate for having sex because this world is dangerous if you become god don't use intelligent species first to make followers well rest system will tell you

oh you won't be able to use mana for a while also I have given you the perfect identity so escape with that saint tell her you were captative She would have lost every ounce of magic ability because of summoning, so it should be safe from getting discovered you will also be protected because of saints aura and her artifacts also this body is like a primal beast so don't come back without power no don't come back at all

all the best 

system what's my status 



[current Identity: none unable to form Gin Won Identity]

[body: unable to form due to insufficient nutrition and unable to as host has changed old abilities are locked] 

[all physical stats do not exist. The user is in a special state semi-connected to the previous host body ]

[mana: 0]

[divine power: 00.1]

[faith: 0]

[mutations points: 5]

[nutrition: 1000]


it is unable to form due to an anomaly 

shit what do you mean I can't form the body 

system how do form my body 

[ host lacks mutation points and nutrition unable to execute what the previous commend was and user desire]

[ recommended to be a small parasitic creature please design how you wish] 

ok, I can live thank god so I can become human again right?

[ Affirmative]

why does it feel like the system is pretending to be a robotic thing, ok system helps me analyze threats nearby 

[there are various threats nearby risks will be told according to what creature the user becomes] 

ok I know I am going to become a parasite and go inside the saint's pinky-juicy pitch he smiled

let's look properly will she be a beauty in all other areas 

oh this is holy fuck literally why do I feel erect even when I don't have a body 

a blond woman with what one would call a sexy nun she looked like a blond Western woman with c cup well-fitted breasts and a sexy ass she was almost naked with torn clothes he began to think of a versatile parasitic creature that could go inside her pussy and eat all of her eggs also he wanted it to be able to vibrate and make her horny no no I shouldn't mess with her even if she is weak 

finally, he made a worm-like organism like ringworm using only 2 evolution points with the ability to eat eggs and slowly entered both holes enjoying the feeling he moved in and out with grace inside a twitching warm meat hole with a white sticky substance that flooded it was leaking slowly the scene that would drive many men crazy,

he ate all the eggs playing enough if he was in the former world he would have made a small glass of white, after that, he settled at the asshole to find a proper safe escape place it was his plan although discussing the plan with the system showed low risk 

several days later he woke up after eating everything available inside her pussy.

outside saint was terrified because she had lost her virginity, divine power, and a divine artifact this was the worst as she was an avatar of a strict goddess who would not even accept anyone if they were not pure she might even be killed publically,

she was at the western toilet of a relative she felt a strangely pleasant sensation as she had not gone to the toilet for 3 days due to some kind of blockage in her stomach, it was swollen a little and what she didn't know it was due to being filled with cum while shiting the worm slowly came off her now it was little bigger and longer it looked different, she felt relieved as one would feel when pissing after holding for a day only 3 times more, it hid in the side corner smooth edge of the western toilet fitting just right 

system uses available points to make my body able to hold on to the flush and give me a look at the surroundings 

[ using new beginners pack to unlock God's eye till the pack ends ]

he wanted to question how long and why is it not free like before but if it ended quickly he would lose the advantage,

he looked around and found a sexy-looking middle-aged woman with saggy big breasts and black hair and eyes brownish black with a big ass little belly fat she looked amazing for him and a young man with blue hair and skinny body doing some kind of ritual in his room and beside him a book on how to summon a demon he watched curiously but nothing happens even after the saint leaves hearing his mom call what he assumed her to be he quickly hid everything and cleaned while crying then he said he will go to the toilet 

haha, I have a devious plan system how many points do I have?

[ 0.5 points] consume my arms and mutate me to the last state 

ting [ it has been done recycled 2 points ]

as the boy approached he positioned himself to enter his ass to take over his body, he felt a little disgusted but he had to survive and quickly wanted to fack before this dream vanished

Oh wait, system what is his mana [ mana: 20] shit I shouldn't risk it well let's act like his ritual was successful, and give him my system for him by partially taking over and asking permission for it 

system it is possible to show that or to do that?

[ yes, but you can't partially take it if he refuses it] ok Show it like this 

ting[ fallen god of primal urge wants to give you a chance will you allow it to take over]

[yes] / [ no]

[warning don't resist and sacrifice your mana by throwing out all of your mana ]