
I Want To Dream Forever Because It's You

[Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024] Tags- gender bender, cross dressing, body swaps, xianxia. According to legend, in order to have tremendous power, Hou Mingyue of the Moon demon tribe became an emotionless monster. But that wasn't enough power to satisfy him. He wanted to gain the Glazed Fire, which could only be gained through true love. Because he couldn't feel any emotions, he wasn't able to find true love. when he finds Cheng Honglian, the fairy of sadness, but she isn't interested in him. So he led an army of demon realms to devastation. The three realms were in grave danger. To save the world and Hou Mingyue and his army, Cheng Honglian sacrificed herself to seal them in the mystery island along with their memories of the past. Cheng Honglian got reincarnated as the fairy of the Dream Pavilion of the Heavenly Realm. And again, fate brought them together when the heavenly emperor sent Naihua to the mystery island to obtain the 'Astral Blossom Flower'. Without knowing anything about the past, Naihua started to grow feelings for the demon king.  How will they end up in the end? ======== [Benefits of adding this to your collection] -2.2k words per chapter the story. -Consistent daily updates for you all! -Update 1 chapters every day. ======== -GMT+8 Find me in other social platforms. Instagram - Author_GuYueJiRen Facebook - Lanhua Discord - Guyuejiren

GuYueJiRen · Fantasi
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88 Chs

Dream, Melody of Longing

In those idyllic days, Chan Juan and Mia often found themselves immersed in the world of the paddy fields. After school, Chan Juan would rush to Mia's home to continue their adventures. The paddy fields became their canvas, where they molded paddy straw into makeshift houses, seeking refuge from the unforgiving sun.

Yet, the paddy had its price. As they played, the paddy's scratchy embrace left their bodies itching and irritated. Chan Juan's face and skin turned a fiery shade of red, but her determination to continue remained steadfast.

Worried for her friend, Mia's concern was palpable. She advised, "Juan Juan, you should go home and take medicine. Your face and body look terribly red."

Du haitao and Li jianjian, "right, you should go home, Juan Juan." slightly older and wiser, echoed the sentiment, urging her to take a break.

However, Chan Juan's spirit was unyielding. She felt an inexplicable guilt at the thought of giving up. With a resolve not to appear weak, she replied, "No, it's okay." She was determined to persevere, to prove her strength to her friends and herself. And so, they continued their playful escapades amidst the soothing backdrop of the paddy fields.

As the evening sun cast long shadows and Chan Juan's reluctance to end her playtime held firm, her family's concern at home began to mount. In the warmth of her home, Chen Ling, her mother-in-law, couldn't shake the unease that had settled in her heart.

"Why hasn't she returned yet?" she worriedly asked.

Her mother-in-law offered a comforting but cautious response. "Don't be worried; she'll be alright. Let's go find her."

Meanwhile, inside her room, Chun Hua, Chan Juan's older sister, had her own perspective. She couldn't hide her frustration as she remarked, "Maa, you should stop her from going out. She's a fool. I'm sure she got kidnapped by some scary men."

Chen Ling rebuked her, "Don't say such things. Your Baba isn't home. If something happens to her..."

Chun Hua's bold response was shocking. "Anyway, father loves her more than me. It'll be okay if she gets kidnapped. I'm not going to find her."

In the midst of this familial turmoil, Chan Juan had a decision to make. She had been following Du Haitao and Li Jianjian, her newfound friends, who were on their way to a coaching class. Despite their encouragement to head back, she remained torn.

Du Haitao tried to reason with her. "Juan Juan, you should go home."

Her response was hesitant and conflicted. "You won't play with me?"

Li Jianjian chimed in, reminding her of the late hour. "It's already evening, 6:00 pm. We need to have class, to study. How can we play at night?"

Faced with their insistence, Chan Juan began to feel upset and uncertain. Du Haitao tried to ease her worries. "We will play tomorrow again. Can you go home alone? We can't send you back."

Sighing, she finally made up her mind. "That's right, I shouldn't be here. Okay, I'm going back."

As she turned back toward her home, a nagging fear crept into her thoughts. She wondered, "If I go home now, they will scold me, won't they?"

But fate had other plans for her. She raised her eyes, her heart quickening at the sight that unfolded before her. Her father's presence, unexpected and bewildering, sent a chill down her spine.

And in that moment of surprise and anxiety, she stammered, "Ba....Bab...Baba!"

"What are you doing here? Dear?


On the other hand,

In the enchanting country of Yuelin (月林) - "Moon Forest" or "Lunar Grove," a 14-year-old boy named "Míngyuè (明月)" is a dancing sensation in the local dance club. As the melodies of dancing music fill the air,

Míngyuè's dance movements were a mesmerizing symphony of graceful motions, each one a testament to his skill and passion. As the dance club's lights pulsed in rhythm with the music, he started with a gentle sway, his body seemingly weightless. His lithe frame moved like a whisper through the night, his arms and legs extending and contracting like the ebb and flow of the tides.

With each step, he left traces of moonlight on the dance floor. His feet tapped lightly, creating a delicate percussive beat, while his arms swept through the air, describing arcs of grace and elegance. The audience's eyes were drawn to his every movement, and their hearts swayed in time with his.

As the music's tempo quickened, Míngyuè's dance became more intense. He leaped into the air, a soaring silhouette against the backdrop of moonlight filtering through the trees. His spins were like the phases of the moon, each turn revealing a different facet of his talent. With a fluidity that seemed almost supernatural, he seamlessly transitioned between dance styles, infusing each with his own unique energy.

The climax of his performance was a breathtaking moment of stillness. Míngyuè paused, his body silhouetted by the moonlight, and then, like the moon emerging from behind a cloud, he resumed his dance with renewed vigor. The audience held their breath, captivated by his artistry.

As the music finally slowed, Míngyuè's movements mirrored the tranquil surface of a moonlit lake. He gracefully descended to the ground, a living embodiment of the beauty and serenity of the moon. The audience erupted in applause.his name echoing through the grove like a melody.

Amidst the pulsating lights and enchanting melodies of the dance club, a figure emerged from the shadows, a person who held the power to elevate Míngyuè to the status of an idol superstar. This enigmatic figure, concealed in the dimly lit corners, watched Míngyuè's every move with a hopeful, calculating gaze.

Lìliàng, a talent manager renowned for his uncanny ability to transform young artists into legendary superstars, observed Míngyuè's performance. His keen eyes glittered with determination, for he saw in Míngyuè a raw talent that had the potential to captivate the world.

As Míngyuè's graceful movements unfolded on the dance floor, Lìliàng envisioned the future he could craft for him. He knew that he possessed the rare combination of skill, charisma, and star quality that could make him an idol sensation.

Lìliàng had a plan.

Under the enchanting moonlight that bathed the dance club, LiLiang continued clapping as Míngyuè's dance reached its stunning conclusion. "Outstanding, awesome!" he exclaimed, his voice reverberating in the night. Míngyuè, wearing a puzzled expression, asked, "Who the hell are you?"

LiLiang responded with a hearty laugh, "Ay, ay, ay, young man, you shouldn't act like this in front of your elders! Haha."

Now brimming with curiosity, Míngyuè inquired, "My apologies. Who are you, mister?"

LiLiang leaned in closer, his eyes glinting with possibility. "If you want, I can make you a superstar."

Míngyuè's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "A  super? Star? a superstar?"

LiLiang nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Hmmm, are you interested?"

Míngyuè took a moment to ponder the offer. "No."

LiLiang's eyes widened in astonishment,"whaaaaaaaaat? Do you even know what does it mean to be a superstar?

Míngyuè took another moment to ponder the offer. "What's the point of becoming a superstar?"

LiLiang's eyes widened in astonishment, and he exclaimed, "Whaaaat? What's the point of becoming a superstar? huh!!!?? There are lots of benefits you don't know about!!!"

With a nonchalant shrug, Míngyuè responded, "Hmm... what are the benefits you're talking about?"

LiLiang's grin widened as he began to paint a picture of the potential rewards. "Like lots of money, gifts, and thousands of fans from all over the world."

Míngyuè's eyes sparkled as he considered the possibilities. "Ohhh!,

LiLiang, now slightly exasperated, playfully remarked, "Huuuuh? Don't just say 'ohh'! It makes me feel ignored..."

Míngyuè chuckled and said, "Uncle, if I become a superstar, I can have lots of fans, right?"

LiLiang nodded with satisfaction. "Hmm, that's right."

"Then I also can find her?" He whispered to himself.

"What? What? Who it is? I can't hear clearly what you're talking about? Yue'Er." Liliang said while trying to eavesdropping.

With instant movement Míngyuè finally agreed, saying, "Okay then."

Meanwhile, in Rivertown Orchid (江镇兰 Jiangzhen Lan) where Chan Juan lived, her father gently guided her home. Standing before her parents, she kept her head down, unable to meet their eyes, her grandmother sat in a corner of the room, silently sipping a cup of tea. Her eyes, though distant, held a mix of understanding and concern. Chen Ling, her mother, stood with her hands on her hips, her face etched with worry. Meanwhile, her older sister, Chun Hua, leaned casually against a nearby table, her arms crossed, seemingly unfazed.

Her father, who had brought her home, took a seat in a worn armchair, his face a mask of concern.

Aunt Chen Miao, who had just returned home, closed the door with a heavy sigh. She observed the situation with a mix of concern and relief, knowing that Chan Juan was safe. After setting a bag of groceries on the table, she took a seat.

Chen Ling's voice trembled with a mother's concern. "Where were you, Juan'er?"

She hesitated, her voice barely above a whisper, Chan Juan felt her throat constricting, her voice trembling as she attempted to explain. Her tears flowed like a never-ending stream as she stammered," I, I, I'm s...s.....sor...rry, Ma. I... I was at the paddy fields, playing with my friends."

Chen Ling's expression softened, and she walked closer to her daughter, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You had us worried, sweetheart. You need to tell us when you're going to be late. We were scared something had happened to you."

Chun Hua chimed in, her tone more relaxed. "Yeah, you should've tell or something, you fool."

Chan Juan nodded in understanding, her eyes still filled with remorse. "I'm sorry, Ma, Chun Hua. I should've let you know."

Her father, from the armchair, added, "You really worried us, Juan'Er."

Aunt Chen Miao, ever the peacemaker, said, "It's alright, Juan'er. We're just glad you're safe."

Grandmother, from her spot in the corner, spoke softly. "Yes, dear. Just promise us you'll be more careful next time."

Chen Ling, her worry still evident, issued a gentle but firm directive. "From today on, Juan'er, you can't go out,Understand?"

Chan Juan nodded solemnly, accepting the consequences of her actions, her heart heavy with both regret and understanding.

Chan Juan's mother, Chen Ling, couldn't hide her concern as she examined her daughter's reddened skin. "Look at you, your whole body is red, showing allergy symptoms. Why didn't you come back home?" Her brows furrowed in worry.

With tears in her eyes, Chan Juan replied, "Ma, it's so itchy..." Her voice quivered with a mix of discomfort and regret.

Chen Ling sighed with a mother's understanding and advised, "If it was itching so badly, you should have come back, Juan'er." Her tone was gentle, tinged with a touch of motherly reprimand.

Chun Hua, added with a hint of teasing in her voice, "Itchy? Then let us scratch you to death, hih, hih..." She had a playful smile, trying to lighten the mood.

After a simple dinner, they all retired for the night.

As Chan Juan nestled into a peaceful slumber, the moonlight from the window gently caressed her room, casting a soft, silvery glow on everything it touched. Her room was a haven of tranquility, with pale lavender walls and a cozy bed adorned with delicate orchid-patterned bedding.

Her breathing was slow and steady, a serene rhythm of life as she lay there, her face relaxed and free from the worries of the day. Strands of her dark hair spilled gently across the pillow, and she had a contented, almost ethereal expression on her face.

A soft, gentle breeze played with the curtains, allowing them to dance gracefully in the night air. Outside, the chirping of crickets provided a soothing lullaby, further deepening the peaceful atmosphere of her room.

In her dreams, she wandered through moonlit forests, the fragrant scent of Night Blooming Jasmine in the air, and a sense of serenity that wrapped her in a comforting embrace. It was as if the Moon and Night Blooming Jasmine themselves were watching over her, ensuring her dreams were filled with beauty and tranquility.

But As she slumbered, a hauntingly beautiful tune whispered in her dreams. It was a melody of melancholy, a heart-touching symphony that stirred her soul. The notes drifted through the moonlit forests of her dreams, like the soft caress of a lover's hand.(though she's unaware of lovelife)

The tune carried with it a bittersweet longing, as if it held the secrets of a thousand lifetimes. It weaved through the fragrant scent of Night Blooming Jasmine, each note a delicate petal in the moonlit breeze. In her dreams, Chan Juan found herself drawn to the source of this ethereal music, as though it held the key to a profound connection.

It was a song of separation and reunion, of love and yearning, a testament to the enduring bond of souls entwined through time. And as the music enveloped her in its tender embrace.

In the midst of the moonlit dream, a place of ethereal beauty and enchantment, a strikingly handsome man stands alone on an ancient stone bridge. The brilliance of the moonlight envelops him, casting a luminous aura that reveals only the contours of his powerful back, leaving his face veiled in shadows. His voice, a haunting melody, begins to resonate through the dream.

A song-

Beneath the gentle silver moon's serene beam,

A lone Parijat graced the moonlit stream.

A love once tethered, by worlds kept apart,

In dreams, our hearts yearned, our souls in gentle art.

Moon and Parijat, a whisper in the night,

Guiding us through shadows toward the light.

Rebirth of love, a timeless, eternal spark,

Our souls entwined, in dreams that hold us in the dark.

Through countless trials, eons drift by,

In my dreams, under the starlit sky.

Across lifetimes, through eternity's vast sea,

Your essence lingers, pulling you closer to me.

Moon and Parijat, a whisper in the night,

Guiding us through shadows toward the light.

Rebirth of love, a timeless, eternal spark,

Our souls entwined, in dreams that hold us in the dark.

In each cycle of life, at the dawn's tender start,

I seek you out, my love, forever in my heart.

In the cosmic dance of celestial skies,

Our reunion etched in stardust, where true love never dies.

Moon and Parijat, a whisper in the night,

Guiding us through shadows toward the light.

Rebirth of love, a timeless, eternal spark,

Our souls entwined, in dreams that hold us in the dark.

For thousands of years, my heart's longed to find,

Under the moon, in dreams, to leave the past behind.

Though you turned away, our distance stark,

Our love endures, in the dreams that hold us in the dark.he sings.

the words brimming with a deep, aching desire. Chan Juan, her heart pounding with longing, extends her trembling hand towards him. The man's figure shimmers as if suspended in the inky canvas of the night sky, and no matter how desperately she reaches, she can't bridge the insurmountable distance between them.

The dream becomes a dance of shadows and light, with each note of the haunting melody pulling them closer yet pushing them further apart. As her fingertips graze the edge of his form, he remains tantalizingly out of reach.

he sings, "For thousands of years, I've yearned for your face,"