
I want to be the villain in this story

Hello ~ This is my 25th draft story/novel that I have wrote few months ago. I am debating whether I will upload this here or not but I will try my luck, maybe you will like my story. Kampaii!

Chaasenpaii_ · Masa Muda
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: The Game Unfolds

Watching everyone busy with their own little world from the rooftop, I made sure to lock the door from the outside so no one could come up. Our afternoon classes were canceled because of a basketball practice game between our varsity and another school's varsity team. Everyone was excited and had prepared cheering tools like pompoms while making a cringe-worthy chant. I could also see some banners with Armond's name. Mr. Popular, huh?

I had no intention of watching the game. It wasn't worth my time, and I despised noisy and crowded places. I had bought some snacks to pass the time until the game finished. The school didn't want us to leave; they wanted us to cheer for our varsity team. Cheer my ass.

An hour passed, and everyone started rushing to the gymnasium. It was a closed place, but I could still hear the noise. The game was about to start, and everyone would soon go crazy. Our varsity players were good-looking, athletic, and came from wealthy backgrounds. The girls went crazy over that kind of profile. It was cringe-inducing.

To ensure no one bothered me, I put my phone on airplane mode in case any teacher called and pestered me to go to the gymnasium. Then, I decided to take a nap, leaning against the side of the rooftop door. I woke up in that position with a slight backache. I stretched and checked the time on my phone. It was 3:47 in the afternoon, perfect timing. School ends at four. I turned off airplane mode on my cellphone.

I got up, dusted off my skirt, and wanted to see if everyone had left the gymnasium, but to my surprise, there were only a few people around, and the gym was still loud. I hoped the game hadn't gone into overtime because I really wanted to go home.

I left the rooftop and headed towards the waiting shed. While walking, I overheard two students talking about the game. "I was so surprised! I can't believe Armond got into a fight because of a commoner!" That caught me off guard. What? Armond?

I slowed my pace to eavesdrop on their conversation. "It's a shame we had to leave. We didn't get to witness the whole scene there." I stopped and turned around, running back to the gymnasium. They were still there! I wanted to see what was happening, hoping Armond wasn't hurt.

Breathless, I arrived at the gym. People were so loud that I thought my ears would be destroyed. I hurried to the front to find Armond. I hoped he was okay. I spotted him and another guy pushing each other in the middle of the game. What was happening?

I also noticed the heroine standing on the sidelines, with Gavin trying to prevent her from getting involved in the fight.

Wow. What a scene.

The players joined in the fight, and the crowd cheered for the team. They were a rowdy bunch. The teachers did their best to stop the altercation, but the game had turned into a fistfight.

Armond was punching the guy, and the guy was punching him back. I felt anxious watching it unfold.

Wait. Wait. Wait.

I know that guy!

If I'm not mistaken, that's Beau! Wait, has he returned from the States?

I moved closer to the scene to confirm, but not too close, lest I get caught in the middle. Just enough distance to watch him.

It really was Beau! Oh my goodness.

"Beau Lucas!!!" I couldn't contain my excitement and called his name out of nowhere, forgetting that they were in the middle of a boxing match.

Technically, Beau heard me because he stopped and looked in my direction. Armond did too. I scanned his face for a moment before shifting my gaze back to Beau.

Their eyes widened as they looked at me. A small smile crept onto my face. The crying boy is back.

Beau slowly walked towards my direction, even though he had bruises on his face. He stopped just a few feet away from me.

"You're here... I thought you... didn't like watching the game?" He asked, genuinely curious. I don't know where he got that information, but it was accurate.

"I really don't, but I heard there was a fistfight going on, so I came to see if it was true," I replied. I shifted my attention to our surroundings. It became silent. Everyone was watching us now, and the fight had stopped. Is this because of me? I hope not!

"I think... I have to go..." I said. I felt anxious. I didn't like being the center of attention. Beau noticed it. He took a step closer, closing the remaining distance between us. He leaned in and whispered something in my ear. I heard some gasps.

"I will let you go... If you let me... take you out after this game..." I nodded without hesitation. A playful smile appeared on his face before I walked out of the gym.


"When did you come back?" I asked him as soon as we sat down. He brought me to Wendy's, a café shop with delicious pastries.

"Five months ago," he casually replied, sipping his avocado shake. He still likes avocado, huh?

"That long... Why didn't you bother to call me? Or at least visit my house?" I sipped my mango shake while glaring at him.

"That was my plan, but someone stopped me," he answered.

"Who?" I asked, curious.

"It was Armond. When he found out I had returned, he went to my house the next day and ordered me not to come near or visit you."

What? Armond... Just the thought of Armond doing that for me made my brain go wild.

"I didn't agree, of course! But at that time, I was too cowardly to face you after leaving you five years ago without saying goodbye." I paused. Yeah, I forgot that he was the first person in our group of friends who left without a trace. Then, the others followed suit.

"That's in the past now. The good thing is you're back," I said, somewhat halfheartedly.

My present self was happy to see him again, but my old self wasn't. I guess.

We continued chatting until it was already seven in the evening, but then my dad called and asked me to come home. Otherwise, we might have stayed until the early hours of the morning.

On the way home, I scrolled through my phone and checked the messages I had received earlier.

From: Armond Luwen

You should not go with him.

Deleted. Next.


From: Gavin

Where are you?

Deleted. Next.

From: Franco

You should have taken me with you. I could have made Beau treat me to something. He owes me from five years ago.

I laughed at Franco's message. Silly Franco. I replied to his message.

To: Franco

Stop whining. You have money. :D

I was surprised to receive another message from Franco after my reply.

From: Franco

A debt is a debt. It should be paid whether you have a lot of money or not. :( :(


The hashtag was killing me. What justice was he talking about? Haha.

Franco and I continued texting, but I stopped when we reached home.


The next day, everyone was talking about yesterday's events. Some people glanced in my direction, probably curious about my relationship with Beau. I shrugged it off. I didn't owe them an explanation. Let them gossip all they want. I didn't care.

I ignored them and headed to my classroom. Some students were already inside. I was met with Sonny's indifferent expression. He was an early bird.

I nodded in his direction before going to my seat. We weren't close, but our families were acquainted, so we maintained a civil relationship.

I could hear whispers from people in the room. I could hear my name being mentioned too, although their voices were faint. Were they talking about me or intentionally trying to make me hear? I wondered.

Instead of ignoring it, I decided to listen in. Let's hear what they had to say about me. I would crush them afterward.

"Maybe he's her boyfriend." Nope, their theory was wrong.

"I thought Chesry didn't have a boyfriend?... Right?" I didn't catch the last part. Their voices grew softer, aware that I was listening.

The morning classes went smoothly. Some students were saddened by the suspension of the varsity players from practice for two weeks as punishment. I wondered what Beau's punishment was. I should ask him. I took out my phone from the table and typed a message.

To: Beau

What's your punishment?

He replied immediately.

From: Beau

No "hi" or "hello," Princess? You hurt me. Ouch.

Two weeks' suspension from practice :)

I nodded as I read his reply. Same punishment, huh? If I were the principal, I might have made it one month to teach them a lesson. Just kidding.


During lunch break, I contemplated whether to go to the cafeteria or order food online. I chose the latter.

I ordered a large meal from an Italian restaurant near our school. I paid online and waited for 30 minutes until my order arrived. According to the school's rule, if you order from outside, you have to instruct the delivery rider to leave the order at the guard area. The rider would then inform the student that their order had arrived, and they could collect it from the guard area.

As I headed to the guard area, I noticed someone else heading there too. I collected my order, thanked the guards, and left immediately. Instead of returning to our classroom, I changed my route and headed to the rooftop.

Just as I was about to open the door to the rooftop, I heard voices from outside. Someone had arrived earlier. I peeked through the door to see who it was.

"What are they doing here?" I whispered to myself. It was the heroine and her prince charming, Armond

"I'm not playing with your feelings!! Believe me, I really like you!" It was Prince Charming. Frustrated, ah.

"You like me. Like and love are different! Love is deeper than like.... You... Like me... While... You.... Love.... Her," I heard a sob after that.

"How could you say that?!! You don't know me well enough to conclude that I love her and I just like you! Don't jump to conclusions, Xyn!" Armond frustratedly said. Go ahead, keep arguing.

After a while, I couldn't hear their words anymore. I had to peek at them to see what was happening. And, I regretted that decision because I saw something I shouldn't have seen.

They kissed.

I sat down on the floor. I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. Their lips were moving... That wasn't just a simple kiss!

Tears started flowing from my eyes. No! No! Noooo! You shouldn't cry, Chesry Adlen. Stop crying, please.

I sobbed. I tried not to make any noise. I knew from the beginning that they were a perfect match.

I treated Armond badly because I was hurt that he fell in love with someone who wasn't me.

I hate calling the heroine's name because Armond loves her. And I hate her.

Armond was my prince charming before Keanne Xyn Pasaras came into the picture. She stole him from me. She didn't do anything except act weak. There's nothing special about her! I know she's pretty, but I'm prettier.

Why can't it be me? Author! You play dirty.