
I have a boyfriend??

Carl POV

"Awesome" Aldrin and Tobias said with a stars on their eyes but I only take a cup of coffee

"So now we will set the plan for their date" Kai said with a grin on his face

"Near? Can you go here tomorrow?" Kai asked Near and we all heard her said yes then Kai hang up

"T-tobias" I called him


"C-can I take a day off tomorrow?" I asked him and he just nodded

"But who will be the waiter?" I asked again


"W-what?! I thought you agree I'll take a day off!!"

"I changed my mind, why do you need to day off? Are you joining Tres's date?" he asked and chuckled

A few minutes later, Tres came after that longgggggg restroom timee

"Hey the coffee here is great!" Kai shouted while raising the cup

"We should comeback tomorrow!" Aldrin repeated what Kai did

"Y-you guys" now Tobias is blushing

"Right, Tres?" Kai asked him

"Y-yeah" then he agreed!!! Now the date is on!!

"Come at 10 am, I told Tres that we will come at 11 pm and Near also know that" Kai just emailed me, it's 9 am btw and I just get prepared and get to work

"Carl you're early!" Tobias shouted but I just get inside and changed into uniform instead

"Waiter!!" that voice is familiar... I looked at the table and saw Aries

"Yoo-hoo!" he shouted so I just go to his table

"Your order" I asked without looking at him

"Huh? Asking my order without looking at me?" he said that after he touched my hand and stand up

"Are you shy?" he asked again and getting his face closer to my cheeks


"Americano and mocha please!!!" he shouted right into my ear!! and just laugh?!

"You bastard!!" I shouted to and slapped her head

"A-aww that's too hard hehe" I didn't mind him and just write down his order

"Here" I said and give the paper to Tobias

"Are your ears ok? Can you hear clearly?" Tobias asked

"Yeah, why?" I asked back

"Th--" he can't continued his word because Aries glares at him

"Are you his boyfriend? Do you like him? Cause I do like him and I'm his boyfriend!" he shouted and the other customers just looked at us

"H-hey Aries, t-this is a public place you know" I whispered to him

"Hey!!" someone shouted and I looked at the door i-it's Aziel. Customers now looked at him and now he's walking to our direction

"Why are you shouting at my boyfriend!!" he shouted too

"You're boyfriend is hitting on my boyfriend!" Aries answered

"No, you're boyfriend is hitting on my boyfriend!"

"That guy is only mine! Keep your boyfriend away from my man!" Aries said while pointing at me but kept his eyes staring back at Aziel

"Well that guy is mine too!! Mine! Mine!" Aziel did what Aries did

"Then look an eye over him!!"

"No look an eye over him!"

"No! no! look an eye over him!" while they're still fighting I saw Kai just entered the shop and walks toward to Aries and Aziel

"Carl is mine!!"

"Tobias is min--" Aziel didn't finished what he's saying because Kai just lift him and Aries

"Then what's yours is yours stop fighting you idiots!" Kai shouted and the two just look behind while crossing their hands over. After few seconds Kai bring them down

"It's 10:21 where is that Aldrin??" he asked himself while calling Aldrin on phone

"The heck Aldrin pick up!! Where are you, you idiot!!" he's saying that while calling Aldrin

"Here!!" Aldrin said and entered the shop like a pro

"You look like a pro because of your walk huh?" Kai said what's on my mind

"But still he's idiot right??" Kai said but Aldrin really hear it

"What do you say!! You're the idiot here!!" Aldrin kept shouting at Kai while Kai is laughing at Aldrin

"What's with your friends?" Aries just asked me

"Since when are you on my side!! Y-y--y-ou gave me goosebumps" I said and calming myself up

"W-why Aries is here??" Aldrin asked and looks confused

"To buy some coffee of course" he answered Aldrin coldly

"Btw why do you said does things!!" now I shouted at Aries

"What things?"

"Stop playing dumb!!"

"H-hey Tres is here! hide!" Kai whispere to us and we hide at the counter

"Why do we need to hide??" Aries asked

"Hide idiot" Kai told him and pulled Aries right away

"H-hey Tobias, where's Kai and the others?" Tres asked but his voice is not that close so he can't see us

"Who knows? Maybe they're late" Tobias answered

"Yo Aziel" Tres greeted Tobias's boyfriend but his voice is still far away


"T-tres?" a voice of a girl!! This is it! It's...
