
I want to be in your eyes.

Iris escapes from the land of flames. Her mother did not want her to grow up like this. Age 16 and nowhere to go. That is until she met Winston.

Mama_Wolfblood · Komik
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29 Chs


The last few weeks have been exhausting. I was starting to get uncomfortable due to the little ones moving. I became aggressive with people at times. I couldn't help but notice Bai didn't have Parker's mark. this made me chuckle at how cute it was. I also felt bad for Parker he tries so hard only to be ignored. I feel bad for him I wonder Walking up to him while he was taking a brake from work. "Parker do you mind if I join you. " I asked softly having him look at me. He blushes nodding. He helped me sit down under the tree. "Why are you wanting to speak with me? You have four Males why bother with me." he sounds so sad. He must view himself as worthless. "Parker has she even showed you any form of interest? You are a kind,beautiful,and strong Male. Why she denied you for the snake is beyond me. I for one would never deny you. You can ask them I treat my Males equally." I said standing up walking to find Winston. I smirk walking away knowing the seeds of doubt are in him. I see Shu picking fruit. "I didn't know peaches were in season." I said causing him to jump. He smiled warmly at me handing one to me. I smile up at him planting a kiss on his cheek. "Truly a sweet female as you deserves to eat fruits just as sweet." He said blushing looking away shyly. I giggle only to be picked up bridal style by Parker. "she is very sweet." He said looking at her. "she also needs to be off her feet. You have to think of the cubs Iris." Shu looked at Parker confused by the behavior. "I will take you inside so you can rest by the fire." I can feel the gaze of my males worried. "If its not to much truble Parker. I was about to head in." I said gently rubbing his cheek. He walks into the house sits me by Bai. she tried saying something to him but he ignored her. I smirk on the inside knowing just how thin the relationship was between them. "Parker Bai is asking you something." I said seeing what he would do. he looked at her with the blank look he used to give me. She gasped tears in her eyes. "You want to be with her? You know what I change my Mind Iris. You and your Males need to leave. You shouldn't take whats not yours." she said out of hurt. "What are you talking about Bai? He is yours why would I do something so cruel.You are my Neighbor and my friend. I made a promise to Protect you while that snake is in hibernation. I for one intend to keep that promise." I said calmly sitting sipping my tea. "Well maybe if you were not here Parker would not be tempted by you." she yelled like a child. I sigh setting my cup down. I slowly look at her staying calm as I could. "A male only changes his pick when a female constantly denying him. oh look you are doing just that. He sees how I treat my males. He knows I can do more for him." I said growling at her. She slid back a bit. "fine you stay until Curtis is back." Parker looks hurt that Bai didn't even fight for him. He sat by me nuzzling my neck rubbing my belly. He licks my cheek affectionately purring.

Time skip

Curtis came back and noticed Parker following me like my Males were. "Stupid Leppard how could you!?" Curtis really didn't care about Parker but Bai now only had him to protect her. "Curtis you win you can have her. I wish you the best in the future. Bai I wish you the best as well." Parker said before shifting carrying me. the others follow little did I know what was to come.

(Hi please comment below what you think so far. I also want to point out the story is loosely based off of beauty and the beasts. Its a good read I recommend it to anyone. thanks for reading see you soon.)