
I want to be in your eyes.

Iris escapes from the land of flames. Her mother did not want her to grow up like this. Age 16 and nowhere to go. That is until she met Winston.

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29 Chs


Iris pov

I am starting to show signs of birthing soon. I cant believe its been four months already. I know I most likely will be giving birth to eggs. I hope I have another baby girl. It just hurts that they will never know their father. Castile stays by me while the others hunt,I think its safe to say the male is gone. We haven't heard anything from him. My father reunited with his brother and threw the beast deity he was able to find love again. The female is nice I just miss my mother. "Iris honey whats wrong?" Cas asked nuzzling neck. "I just can't believe he is gone." I said before he placed a hand on my stomach. "He isn't gone you know. The children inside you are his. He will live on inside them. So he isn't truly gone Iris we are just waiting for him to come back." He said before kissing me passionately. Then a shooting pain causing me to scream.

Winston pov

Iris is due any day now. It's going to be ruf with out Lysander. I promised to help raise them as my own. It wasn't right how he died not able to see his children. I was brought out of my thoughts hearing Iris scream. Parker,Shu and I run back to find Iris giving birth.

time past and She had twenty-two eggs and one female. Iris started to cry seeing the small female child. The girl had black hair but looked like Lysander. She sat up and held her daughter. "My sweet little Rain." she whispered before kissing the top of her head. Iris looked at us through she still looks sad. We see the bright light in her. She will be ok and do what she has to for the children.