
Sworn To Protect

Early summer looked beautiful in Chemois. It wasn't unbelievably hot but the nice weather made everyone want to stay outside. All the windows in the Duke's Tower that could be open were wide open. They even had to put a stand in Henry's room so Blade had somewhere to perch when he decided to make himself home indoors. 

It wasn't rare for a maid or even Henry to be startled upon going into his room and seeing a massive bird wandering around. 

Even the mountains looked alive since all the snow had finally melted on the peaks. The green trees looked brighter while the rocky mountains looked almost navy blue with the dark rocks that made them up. 

Mid-spring, servants started tending to the gardens more and Henry was starting to finally see their work pay off as small green bushes grew and a few flowers took up the spaces between. The rocks and brick surrounding the garden beds had moss growing all over them.