
More Surprises

Henry had the urge to rectify the situation the moment the wizard stormed away. He turned to the commander, shock evident on his face.

"Why can't you be nice? He's letting us in," Henry grumbled at the commander but he was unmovable. 

Except the commander's voice became louder and more abrasive rather than quieting down or, to Henry's hope, apologizing. 

"I'm surprised someone like Adean would stoop to such a low level that he's a glorified key to a lock," the commander said. "His magic must have gotten worse or the other wizards kicked him out of Nickron."

Henry's shock only grew when the wizard who was walking away suddenly stopped and turned their way with wide, hostile eyes. 

"You're not Callum," Adean said in disbelief. "Twice as wide and nearly a foot taller. A clumsy knight's apprentice turned into a mercenary. It's all starting to make sense."