
I, Uzumaki Naruto, Want To Unify The Ninja World

gamer_ghoul · Seni bela diri
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 Cloud Shinobi Ninja Arrives, Arrogant

In the blink of an eye, another month passed.

into winter.

It's been a snowy day.

"All get ready for the arrival of the Cloud Shinobi Village peace group."

In the Hokage office, Sarutobi Hiruzen gave the order with a serious face.

Recently, negotiating peace with Cloud Shinobi is the biggest thing in Konoha Village, and everything must make way for it.

He felt the pressure.

In today's Konoha Village, there is no connection between green and yellow, Orochimaru defected, Jiraiya went out, Tsunade never returned, and the head of the five dignified Ninja villages has fallen into the weakest moment.

In any case, there can be no changes in the negotiation.

"Hiruzen, there is one thing, don't ignore it, the Hyuga family is contacting Jinchūriki."

When everyone left, in the corner of the office, a man with a white bandage on his head and a gloomy face walked out.

"I know about this. It's just the contact between children. It doesn't matter. Don't care."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

"It's better to warn the Hyuga family, Nine Tails Jinchūriki. It's better for these big families to avoid suspicion. If you can, it's best not to contact them."

The bandaged man's voice was cold and his tone was cold

"Danzo, I've decided on this matter, you don't need to meddle with your business."

Sarutobi Hiruzen gave Shimura Danzō a cold look and said decisively.

Thinking of what happened to Naruto not long ago, it was hard for Sarutobi Hiruzen to imagine what Naruto would be like if he broke this new bond.

Exciting, not too much.

"Hiruzen, this is just a suggestion, I hope you don't regret it."

Shimura Danzō snorted coldly, turned around and left, reckless.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless for a long time.

Hyuga's house, maybe it's time for some banging.

"What happened today? It's actually brightly decorated."

Naruto took Hinata and walked around the street, very happy.

He used the Transformation Technique, and his appearance became slightly different, the fox lines on his cheeks disappeared, his hair turned black, and he looked like an ordinary child.

No one will pay attention to him, let alone treat him coldly.

The villagers also became friendly, and they were completely different from their previous appearances.

"You two children, don't run around, beware of those who bump into Cloud Shinobi Village."

"Cloud Shinobi Village?"

"That's right, the Cloud Shinobi Village negotiation team came to discuss the alliance with our Konoha. As long as we negotiate, there will be no war."

Naruto took Hinata's little hand and retreated to the side of the street, watching the excitement curiously.

"Danzo, I've decided on this matter, you don't need to meddle with your business."

Sarutobi Hiruzen gave Shimura Danzō a cold look and said decisively.

Thinking of what happened to Naruto not long ago, it was hard for Sarutobi Hiruzen to imagine what Naruto would be like if he broke this new bond.

Exciting, not too much.

"Hiruzen, this is just a suggestion, I hope you don't regret it."

Shimura Danzō snorted coldly, turned around and left, reckless.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless for a long time.

Hyuga's house, maybe it's time for some banging.

"What happened today? It's actually brightly decorated."

Naruto took Hinata and walked around the street, very happy.

He used the Transformation Technique, and his appearance became slightly different, the fox lines on his cheeks disappeared, his hair turned black, and he looked like an ordinary child.

No one will pay attention to him, let alone treat him coldly.

The villagers also became friendly, and they were completely different from their previous appearances.

"You two children, don't run around, beware of those who bump into Cloud Shinobi Village."

"Cloud Shinobi Village?"

"That's right, the Cloud Shinobi Village negotiation team came to discuss the alliance with our Konoha. As long as we negotiate, there will be no war."

Naruto took Hinata's little hand and retreated to the side of the street, watching the excitement curiously.

Hinata blushed brightly, and followed Naruto, step by step.

She didn't say anything, her heart was warm and happy.

Third Hokage and many high-level officials of Konoha have come forward.

At the Konoha gate, a group of Cloud Shinobi ninjas appeared, all with bronze skin, looking at the arrogant guy.

They swaggered into Konoha.

Facing the Konoha Village residents who were watching the lively along the street, Cloud Shinobi ninja pointed, laughed from time to time, and his eyes were full of contempt.

That kind of condescending domineering meaning, even the ignorant person can feel it.

"Hey, kid over there, come here for me."

Naruto froze for a moment, realizing that the Cloud Shinobi Village ninja turned his attention to himself.

No, it should be on Hinata next to him.

Those eyes, so greedy, seemed to want to swallow Hinata in one bite.

Hinata was a little scared and hid behind Naruto.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Naruto patted Hinata's little hand and stared coldly at the group of Cloud Shinobi ninjas, anger building up in his chest.

He may not mind if others insult him and scold him.

But if you want to hit Hinata's idea, it is to touch his Uzumaki Naruto's inverse scales, which is simply courting death.

"Little devil, are you still here?"

The Cloud Shinobi ninja headed by one eye was covered by a hanging cloth, and the other eye revealed a cold evil spirit, which was quite furious.

Naruto sneered and ignored him.

"Hinata, let's go and ignore these bastards."

He pulled up Hinata, got into the side alley, and left.

Before leaving, Naruto also heard the voice of Third Generation, and seemed to be apologizing to the people in Cloud Shinobi Village in a low voice.

"Why, why did Grandpa Third Generation apologize to them?"

"To be a guest at someone else's house, and to behave so arrogantly, these people are clearly evil guests, and it is justified to beat them out with a stick. Why do you have to be low-key?"

"By the way, the death of Hinata Uncle seems to be related to these people. It seems that we need to focus on them."

Naruto thought to himself that he was disappointed with Third Generation's performance.

Hokage, it's not like that.

Although he is only three years old, his mind is much more mature than the average person, probably because every night in his dreams, he can experience a new learning process, which makes him mature unconsciously.

"Hinata, don't go out these days, stay home. There are bad guys out there, maybe they're coming to catch you."

Bringing Hinata to the front of Hyuga's house, Naruto warned Hinata over and over again with a serious look.

Hinata nodded blankly, taking these words to heart.

"Bad? Catch Hinata?"

Inside the Hyuga house wall, the head of the Hyuga house, Hyuga Hiashi frowned.
