
I, Uzumaki Naruto, Want To Unify The Ninja World

gamer_ghoul · Seni bela diri
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 Naruto's Thoughts

In the days that followed, Naruto lived a very fulfilling and happy life.

Every day, he picks the time when it is dark, and conducts training in remote sections to avoid those annoying villagers.

The body is very tired, but the person is very relaxed.

No disgusted eyes, no cold eyes, just pure.

What's more, Naruto occasionally finds Hinata hiding somewhere on the street.

Hinata dodged like a little hamster, surreptitiously watching Naruto training.

Sometimes he hides so tightly that Naruto can't see it.

Sometimes Naruto telepathically discovers Hinata, and in surprise, he can put a smile on his face all day long, very happy.

Apart from training time, Naruto stayed at home, practiced Chakra extraction and practiced the Three Body Technique.

Chakra extraction, very smooth.

Naruto didn't know how much Chakra was in other people. Anyway, when he extracted Chakra for the first time, he felt that a lake-like Chakra Lake suddenly appeared in his body.

So many Chakra, let him practice the Three Body Technique, can't be used up.

Transformation Technique, Body Replacement Technique will get started soon.

The Clone Technique is a bit difficult, and the avatars are always crooked and grotesque.

"Clone Technique—"

"Clone Technique—"

"Clone Technique—"

Naruto's mentality is very good, he is not discouraged at all, he just practiced over and over again, and he never tires of it.




The clone continued to explode, and white smoke bursts.

New avatars kept appearing, still very weird.

But the weirdness is slowly being corrected, a little bit better.

"This kid, under the influence of my Chakra, has gradually mastered the Clone Technique Master, and Chakra's control has become more and more delicate. How old is he, is it that Konoha wants to produce a genius Jinchūriki?"

Inside Naruto's body, Kurama in the seal raised his eyes, his eyes flashing with worry.

Seeing that Naruto was discriminated and insulted by the Konoha Villagers and fought violently, Kurama was in a good mood.

As long as this continues, Naruto will inevitably go to Blacken. At that time, Kurama will be able to encourage Naruto. Whether it is to open the seal or turn into a beast, Kurama can vent his grievances and make people happy.

However, Naruto was firm in his will. He passed this hurdle by himself and worked harder, just like another Fourth Hokage.

Kurama's depressed mood can be imagined.

No, Naruto's Clone Technique is getting more and more perfect. In the end, if not in Naruto's body, I'm afraid Kurama can't tell the difference between Naruto's body and avatar.

"It's training time again."

A Naruto came out of the room and started exercising according to his usual habit, and soon he was sweating profusely.

After finishing his indoor training, he started a 10-kilometer run along the same old route.

The Anbu ninja, who was monitoring Naruto, followed suit.

After a long time, another Naruto came out of the room without a sound.

He transformed into an ordinary Konoha Villager, quietly blending into the street.

"This kid, what do you want to do?"

Kurama was dumbfounded.

It never imagined that Uzumaki Naruto, who had always acted brightly, would have this thought, using his clone to lure away the Anbu ninja who was watching, while the main body was secretly doing his own thing.

"Why are there ninjas watching me around?"

"Why does Grandpa Third Generation keep spying on me with ninjutsu?"

"Why does this Konoha Village always make me feel weird and breathless?"

"The heart of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of preventing others is indispensable."

Naruto murmured in his heart, but he did not rush all the way until he entered the depths of the forest near the Konoha training ground, and he was not noticed by anyone.

On his wrist, he wears a strange bracer, with a faint light flickering, which cannot be distinguished by the naked eye.

Only Naruto himself can get the information he wants from the wristband.

"Bedrock armor, with its own deformation function, anti-reconnaissance function, life recovery function, damage absorption function, void teleportation function, void shield function, etc., a first-class big killer."

Naruto touched the icy gauntlet with a reassuring smile on his face.

That day, the sapphire statue suddenly became hot. After Naruto came into contact with Hinata, when he returned home, he found that there was a red light on the sapphire statue, which seemed to absorb something, making it suddenly different.

It was only later that Naruto learned that the sapphire statue had absorbed enough luck to change.

Every time you make a wish, the statue has to consume luck to make the dream come true. The more luck, the greater the probability of success.

It was also thanks to Naruto's good luck that he succeeded in making his wishes again and again.

And Hinata's luck was clearly better, which attracted a strong reaction from the sapphire statue.

On this day, Naruto has been thinking about Hyuga's daily death.

When he woke up, the mysterious bedrock armor appeared beside him.

It is precisely because of the anti-reconnaissance function of the bedrock armor that Naruto found that there were ninjas watching him, and even found Sarutobi Hiruzen peeping at him with a telescope technique every three days.

For the first time, Naruto was wary of Third Generation.

Today, Naruto took advantage of the success of the Clone Technique and when Sarutobi Hiruzen did not spy, he led the Anbu ninja who was watching, and slipped into the dense forest by himself.

He needs to be familiar with the various functions of the bedrock armor.

In Konoha, Naruto didn't dare to use the bedrock armor at all, he learned to protect himself little by little.

"Here, it should be almost there."

In the forest, Naruto put a little on his wrist, the jet-black armor spread all over his body like running water, wrapping him tightly like an iron man in a blink of an eye.

Naruto begins various trials.

Strength, speed, void teleportation, void shield, armor defense, various attempts.


The trees kept falling, and the ground cracked one after another, as if there was a behemoth raging in the forest, terrifying to the extreme.

"Almost familiar with performance. Very powerful, I wonder if it can match Jōnin."

Naruto suddenly flickered, submerged into the void, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Swish, several figures suddenly appeared, it was Konoha Shinobi.

"Who is trying to move here? This power is really terrifying, I'm afraid it is some Jōnin."

"Really, it's been an eventful season. I don't know who it is, but it's just making noises and making trouble for us."

"I hope nothing happens. Konoha can't stand the toss anymore."
