
I, Uzumaki Naruto, Want To Unify The Ninja World

gamer_ghoul · Seni bela diri
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 Death

Naruto sticks to his training plan.

one day.

two days.

three days.


The Anbu ninja who was watching thought several times that Naruto couldn't hold on any longer, but the next day, Naruto was still very strong and started his own training, which made him exclaimed that it was impossible.

This plan is inconspicuous for ordinary ninjas, but it is too much for a three-year-old child.

"Not too much!"

"Bao Jianfeng has been sharpened, so how do you become stronger?"

"A real man, you can't say no."

Naruto gritted his teeth and sat down sweating profusely.

He could feel himself getting stronger.

But the strange thing is that the daily routine training still puts heavy pressure on him, push-ups, squats, sit-ups, long-distance running, and the ones that should be strenuous are still strenuous, and there is no sign of any relief.

"This should be a special effect of the post-wish training method to keep yourself under pressure all the time."

"Fine, that's how it should be!"

Naruto, sweating profusely, ran fast along the remote streets of Konoha.

very tired.

But the toughness in his bones makes him continue to accelerate.

Until the final ten kilometers run.

Naruto stopped, sweating on his trembling legs.


A hot breath came from his chest.

Naruto looked odd, and smuggled the sapphire statue on his chest, which was heating up.

After wandering around pretending to be dazed, Naruto found a clue.

The closer you get to a certain direction, the hotter the statue's breath becomes.

He walked quickly in that direction.

Seeing a little black-haired girl staggering, Naruto was startled that the statue had settled down again, no longer emitting heat.


Naruto rushed in front of the little girl and stopped her.

The little girl had short purple hair, with a strand of long hair hanging down on both sides, against the eyes that were as clear as white jade, and with a startled and timid expression, she looked extremely cute.

Naruto's heart was shocked, and some pictures flashed in his mind, and there seemed to be a shadow of this little girl.

It seems, very important, a destiny-like existence?

At this moment, Naruto forgot his purpose and just stared blankly at the little girl.

In his lake blue eyes, the figure of the little girl was reflected, which was extremely profound.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto, the vortex of the vortex, the Naruto of the Naruto roll."

"What about you? What's your name?"

Naruto spoke suddenly.

Straight to the point.

He stared at the little girl with burning eyes, with the momentum of a domineering president.


"My name is Hyūga Hinata."

Hinata was speechless, and after a long while, he said his name in a mosquito-like voice.

She felt that the little big brother in front of her was too strong.

Although she was sweating profusely and looked embarrassed, her body exuded some kind of dazzling light, which was something she had never seen before, which made her yearn very much.

"Hyūga Hinata? What a nice name!"

"In this way, we know each other, and we will be good friends in the future!"

"Hello! Hinata! Nice to meet you!"

Naruto grabbed Hinata's little hand and smiled brightly.

"Ah ah ah..."

Hinata's face turned red all of a sudden and turned into a steam girl.

too close.


"Where is your home? I'll take you back. It's getting dark, why did you run out alone? There are bad guys outside, and you will suffer alone."

Naruto took Hinata's little hand, one foot deep and one foot shallow, babbling.

His heart was at peace, and he felt that his empty heart was filled all of a sudden, very comfortable.



Who cares about it!

He only knew that this white-eyed girl was very important to him.

Besides, Hinata is also the only person other than Third Hokage who has no grudge against Naruto, although he is blushing and dizzy, he is cute.

Hinata pointed at the road bewilderedly, followed Naruto beside Naruto, all the way to Hyuga's house.

"You're home."

Naruto pursed his lips and looked at the huge house with a hint of envy in his eyes.

He let go.

There is a sense of loss.

"Hinata, why did you run out alone again? Everyone will be worried about you."

"Hizashi Uncle, I'm probably...probably lost."

"That's it, remember to be careful in the future, and it's good to have people around you."

The door opened, and a tall, white-eyed man came out and asked Hinata with concern. He was very elegant and kind.

Naruto glanced at the man curiously.

Dark clouds cover the top, and the appearance of death has already appeared.

For some reason, these eight words appeared in his mind, which was weird.

He quickly dismissed the thought.

After all, that's Hinata's Uncle, and it's not right to curse people like that.

The white-eyed man is the younger brother of Hyuga Hiashi, the head of the Hyuga family, Hyuga Hizashi of the branch house, and Hyuga Neji's biological father, Uncle of Hyūga Hinata.

"Hinata, you're home, it's time for me to go too. Bye!"

Naruto gave Hinata a big smile, waved his hand, turned his head and left, very dashing.

Meet a new friend today, a very important friend.

very happy.

However, there seems to be something wrong with Hinata's Uncle, which is quite troublesome.

Is it dead?

Could it be just my own wild thoughts?

"Nine Tails Jinchūriki?"

"Uncle, what did you say?"

Hyuga Hizashi glanced at Naruto's back, who was far away, and muttered to himself.

Hearing Hinata's question, he suddenly smiled and changed the subject.

As Hinata walked into Hyuga's house, she turned back and forth, watching Naruto's back, until she couldn't see it.
