
I, Uzumaki Naruto, Want To Unify The Ninja World

gamer_ghoul · Seni bela diri
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 Saitama Training Method

"Naruto hasn't gone out for half a month?"

"It's hard to do."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face became solemn after hearing the report of Anbu's ninja.

Nine Tails Jinchūriki, if it goes on like this, it will definitely not be good for the village.

He reappears at the Naruto residence.

"Naruto, what are you doing these days?"

"Ah, it's Grandpa Third Generation, I've decided to work out hard and I'm doing a training program."

Seeing Naruto's bright sunny expression, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt relieved that things were not as bad as they had imagined.

"Let me see, what training plan is this?"

"One hundred push-ups, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred squats a day, plus a ten-kilometer run."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the weird characters Naruto had written on the paper, thinking it was just a child's scribbles.

Seeing Naruto beaming about his plan, he could feel the buoyant spiritual energy from Naruto. Naruto was not overwhelmed by the discrimination and insults of the villagers, but cheered up, which is really gratifying.

"This plan is amazing, Grandpa Third Generation. I always feel that this is a super invincible training plan."

"Great, great, Naruto is amazing."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said a few perfunctory words, and when he saw that Naruto didn't look like he was pretending, he finally felt relieved.

As for the training plan?

This plan is indeed not low for a three-year-old child, but for a ninja, it is insignificant.

Of course, Sarutobi Hiruzen won't spoil Naruto's good mood, and praised repeatedly.

"Grandpa Third Generation, can you teach me the Transformation Technique? As long as I learn the Transformation Technique, I won't be kicked out when I go out to buy things in the future."

Before Sarutobi Hiruzen left, Naruto made a request to him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen pondered for a moment.

He stared into Naruto's eyes, as if trying to see something in them.

Naruto is thinking about the days after learning the Transformation Technique, with a look of longing. His eyes were clear and clean, and there was a bright light flickering.

"Okay, I'll have someone send you the Chakra Extraction and Three Body Technique ninjutsu scrolls."

Sarutobi Hiruzen walked away with a smile.

very good mood.

Naruto touched the sapphire statue hanging on his chest, feeling equally good.

What happened that day left him puzzled, why the villagers hated him so much that they committed murder.

Before he went to sleep, he kept thinking, kept thinking, and couldn't figure it out.

But when he woke up, Naruto suddenly figured it out.

He had a dream in which a person was studying, studying, and learning all kinds of knowledge, all kinds of images, which made people dazzled.

Naruto seems to have gone through these learning processes with that person.

This kind of baptism can create a person's soul.

Although after waking up, many things were forgotten, but Naruto suddenly became transparent and could face his tragic experience calmly.

More importantly, he found a sapphire statue on the head of his bed.

This statue, Naruto discovered its function, is to make a wish.

As long as the wish is not too big, make a wish before going to bed, and after waking up, 90% of the wish can become a reality.

For example, Naruto wanted to speed up the healing of the wound on his forehead. The next morning, his wound was 70% healed, which was amazingly fast.

This change made Naruto ecstatic. He regarded the sapphire statue as the most precious thing on his body, and tied it directly with a rope and hung it on his chest.

He made up his mind that even if he took a bath, he would not remove the statue.

"I make a wish, I hope that there will be a training plan that will make me stronger and stronger, until no one in the world can insult me ​​and scold me, everyone should look up to me and respect me, I will be their only light ."

After accumulating for half a month, Naruto finally made the above wish solemnly last night.

He can't change others.

He knew that even if Third Hokage gave an order, the villagers who should hate him will continue to hate him, and those who should ignore him will also ignore him.

The only thing he can change is himself.

"Tian Xingjian, the gentleman is self-improvement."

Naruto muttered these words, his eyes bright as fire, and grabbed the training plan on the table.

This is an invincible training plan called Saitama Training Method, which he obtained after making a wish.

"Vortex Naruto, it's time to start working hard!"

"You will surely succeed."

"Get stronger, keep getting stronger, and eventually become the strongest in the ninja world, become the Konoha Village Hokage, become the object everyone must look up to, and then go to those villagers and say to them, you are all wrong, I, Uzumaki Naruto, not a fox!"

Naruto's blood was boiling, and he felt that the haze in the sky was swept away.

"Ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred..."

Naruto couldn't hold it any longer, and slammed onto the ground, soaking through his clothes.

This is his third day of training.

Only lay down for ten seconds.

Naruto struggled, opened the door, and ran along Konoha Avenue.

Sweat dripped and staggered.

The steps are firm.

One hundred crunches.

One hundred push-ups.

One hundred squats.

Run ten kilometers every day.

Naruto followed the training plan and completed it meticulously without any discount.

As long as you don't die, practice to death.

"Is this fox kid crazy?"

The Anbu ninja who was watching followed him all the way, and he was shocked to see that Naruto kept striding forward even though he was swaying and seemed to fall down at any moment.

Looking at Naruto again, there was a touch of admiration in his eyes.

At night, Naruto slumped on the bed, feeling sore and painful.

After all, he was a three-year-old child, his body was not fully developed, and he struggled so much that his body was on the verge of collapse.

"I make a wish, get up tomorrow, give me something to restore my body..."

Whispering, Naruto hadn't finished making his wish, and the person had already fallen asleep, and the sleep was extremely sweet.

Waking up the next day, Naruto smiled brightly.

On the head of the bed, a ruby-like crystal clear bottle came into view, and the liquid in the bottle was as bright as jade.

Red bottle, red potion.

Specialist recovery.
