
I Turned From The Villain To The Main Character

On the planet called Earth, lived an ordinary university student whose grades were a little above average. On one night, as he finished his daily reading session in his dorm, he decided to head out to buy some food. As he made his way to the local market closest to him, a speeding car crashed onto him. Just as the boy thought that he was going to die, he opened his eyes as he appeared in another world. Just as he was wondering where he was, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind as a screen appeared in front of him. [ MAIN QUEST ] [ TARGET : KILL THE MAIN CHARACTER ( HERO OF THE HUMANS ) ] [ DEADLINE : NONE ] [ MISSION REWARDS : CONTINUATION OF LIFE, 10000EXP , [???] ] Wang Qian : "Did I just get a system that threatens my life?“

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241 Chs

Chapter 32 : Running Away Again!! Maybe Not...

When they went back to their inn, they took a quick bath before cuddling each other to sleep. The next morning, Wang Qian woke up early as usual, he looked towards his left, only to see that her lovely daughter wasn't there. He immediately became worried as he got up.

"Bai Lian, where are you?" he said

"Over here, papa. Look outside" Bai Lian said. Surprisingly, she woke up earlier than Wang Qian today. 

"You scared me, I thought you were take away again. So, what do you want me to look at?" he asked after walking towards Bai Lian and standing next to her, rubbing his hair.

"This." she said while pointing outside the window

Wang Qian lifted the window and looked outside, what greeted him was a bunch of people waving their hands while shouting things like "there's our hero!" "He's so handsome" and other similar things. He became stunned by the crowd and their shouting, before finally being pulled back to reality by Bai Lian. 

"You might want to close the window quick" she said

"Why though?" despite not knowing why, he closed the window

"Because we should pack things up before they come up here. Here's your quins, papa."

Wang Qian was confused as he took over the quins from Bai Lian's hands. He looked at her packing three dresses while pondering why did she became suddenly became this mature just after one night. 

But soon, he understood why. He heard loud footsteps outside of the room. 

"SH*T" he said 

Wang Qian then put one silver quins on the bed before placing the rest in his pocket and carrying Bai Lian, who was already done packing her stuff, in his arms as he jumped out of the window onto a nearby roof.

Just as he landed, the door of the room fall apart as a group of women and men appeared. The person on the forefront pointed at the two while shouting

"There they are! Don't let them escape!" 

Seeing this, Wang Qian ran away as if he will die if he didn't. But what he didn't expect was, that there was actually people who was brave enough to directly jumped out from the window and actually managed to land safely.

Mind you, Wang Qian was only able to do it easily every time he jumps out of the window was due to his stats. This meant that the group chasing also had people who can do the same.

The people who can do it all did so, while the rest of the civilians choose to take a detour, deciding to follow Wang Qian from the ground, waiting to surround him the moment he chooses to jump down to escape.

Wang Qian, who was running with his all on top of the roof, was complaining in his mind

'Why did the first thing I have to do after waking is up is running away from these crazy bunch of people? I wanna take a shower!' 

"Over there papa! We might be able to rest for a while hiding there." Bai Lian said suddenly as she pointed towards an abandoned building

Wang Qian followed where she pointed and jumped into the building. He immediately crouched down behind a wall, waiting for the people who were chasing behind him to go past. 

Soon, the people reach near him.

"Where is he?"

"He should have run towards that direction! Let's speed up, else we'll lose him"

The people then left as they continue to run somewhere. Wang Qian and Bai Lian let go the breath that they were holding as they took a deep breath. 

"Did you brought the cloaks along?" Wang Qian asked Bai Lian

Bai Lian nodded as she gave Wang Qian his while she put hers on. After checking that they were all covered up, the exited the building sneakily and walked to a nearby restaurant that doesn't have much people. They ordered some juice and sat down on a table. Before they can calm their nervous heart down, the group of people appeared in the restaurant as they asked the owner.

"Sorry to bother, but did you see a black haired guy with a white haired girl on his shoulder?"

"No, why?" the owner asked

"Nothing, we just want to thank him and he's daughter for saving our people. "

"Is that so? Well, sent him my gratitude too. After this man here leaves, I'll close my shop and go to rest"

"We will. Let's get going guys"

The man and the others then left while continuing running around to find Wang Qian and Bai Lian. The store owner after checking that there's no one around close his ship before turning around to look at the two.

Wang Qian immediately put his guard up as he observe the store owner's every movement. The next second, the store owner kneeled down with one knee in front of them and said

"Paying respects to my lord and the princess!"

The two became dumbfounded by his actions, as they didn't expect the man in front of them was one of their people.

"You can stand up now, no need for the formalities" Wang Qian said

The store owner then stood back up after getting permission to do so.

"This lowly one has seen that the civilians are chasing after my lord, does my lord want to stay here for now and wait for general Jian Ze to pick my lord up?" The store owner asked

But Wang Qian became dumbfounded as the man in front of him called Jian Ze General.

"Hold on a sec, General? Jian Ze works in the army?"

"Replying to my lord, General Jian Ze doesn't work in the army, he is a merchant that once won the kingdom's martial art skill competition. The people all around the continent came to participate at that time, while General Jian Ze defeated them easily"

"If it's only that, why call him a general?"

"Replying to my lord, my lord's cult spreads all across the continent. To better manage it, the previous demon lord assign a general in each city. The general are in charge of assisting my lord to manage the believers if my lord isn't there"

"Ooh. Wait a minute, does that make me the king?" Wang Qian asked

"Yes, my lord"

"... anyways, I'll stay here first, help me contact Jian Ze. I want some time alone with Bai Lian"


The store owner then left him and Bai Lian alone and headed to the kitchen. He then took out an orb that has changing colors before using it to contact Jian Ze

'What's that? A communication orb?' Wang Qian looked at the orb with curiosity. 

"So, what are we going to do now papa?" Bai Lian asked

"We're just gonna sit here and wait for Jian Ze to come and pick us up. While we do let's play a game."

"What game?" Bai Lian's eyes light in excitement as she heard the word game

"How about playing rock paper scissors?"

"What's that?" she asked

"Come I'll teach you how to play."

Wang Qian then started teaching Bai Lian how to play as they wait for Jian Ze to arrive and take them away ....


last chapter will out at night.

SORROWcreators' thoughts