
I Transmigration to High School DXD (Re-Writing)

Kazuo Fushimi is an ordinary boy who was reincarnated into the world of DxD. ----------------------- Note: 1. My grammar is very bad and I don't have money to buy the Grammarly package to improve the grammar in my fanfic, so I hope everyone will understand.

SlimeinTrap · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning

My name is Kazuo Fushimi, and I'm just an ordinary guy like any other. I have black hair and blue eyes, inherited from my mother, and I stand at 180cm with a decently built body. I guess I could be considered smart—I used to excel in school and had the potential to attend the best universities. But none of that matters anymore.

Everything changed when I was 14. My mother, the only family I had left, died in a car accident. That day, my world collapsed. I can still vividly remember the phone call from the hospital. Time seemed to freeze as my heart stopped. When I arrived, it was already too late. Her smile, her warm presence—it all disappeared in an instant. All that remained was a hollow emptiness inside me.

I wasn't the same after that. I went from being a mischievous kid full of energy to a quiet, withdrawn shell of my former self. School? It felt pointless. The future? A distant, unreachable dream. I was simply existing—floating through life without any direction or purpose.

To escape the overwhelming grief, I turned to anime, manga, and fanfiction. In those fictional worlds, I could pretend my mother was still alive or imagine other realities where I had people who cared about me. It was a temporary escape, a distraction from the pain of loss.

The only thing that kept me tethered to this world was my newfound obsession with anime. It all started when I stumbled upon an online forum. From there, I discovered manga, novels, and fanfics. It became my new reality—a place where I could disappear into different stories.

Right now, I'm at home, watching the final episode of Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season on a pirated site. As usual, the site was filled with annoying ads. I was used to them, but today, something different happened—a strange message popped up on my screen. Thinking it was just another one of those persistent ads, I tried to close it, but no matter what I did, it wouldn't go away.

I restarted my computer, but the message remained. Annoyed, I gave in and decided to see what it was. It turned out to be a survey. I shrugged—figuring it wouldn't hurt to take a look—and clicked "Start Survey."

[Do you want to travel to another world?]

[Yes / Yes]

That was the first question. My answer came instantly, though I couldn't help but smirk. There wasn't even a "No" option.

"Really? Why ask if there's only one choice?" I muttered, clicking "Yes" anyway. It reminded me of a fanfic I once read. The protagonist was in a similar situation and picked "Yes," leading to a cliché adventure. I knew nothing would happen, but it was fun to imagine.

[If you could choose any world to reincarnate in, which would it be?]

"Which anime world…?" I thought for a moment. There were so many I'd love to visit, but I decided to go with my first love—Highschool DxD.

I pressed "Confirm." It was the first anime I had ever watched, recommended by someone online. The second recommendation… well, let's just say it left quite the impression on an anime newbie like me.

"Even though Highschool DxD is kind of ridiculous—boobs being the ultimate power-up—who cares? It has eight of my favorite waifus," I chuckled to myself, a perverted grin spreading across my face.

[If you had four wishes, what would they be?]

Now we were getting into the interesting part. I took a bit more time to think this through but not too long.

[1. Holopsicon]

The ultimate power of Altair. Infinite power, infinite possibilities, and the ability to manipulate reality itself? Yeah, I'm taking that.

[2. A personal home impregnable to any being I do not wish to enter, existing outside of reality and beyond the reach of any entity.]

I wanted a safe haven. A place I could retreat to, where time wouldn't pass, and no one would age or suffer from illness. It sounded perfect for someone who enjoyed solitude as much as I did.

[3. A body and soul with infinite potential.]

No brainer. Infinite growth in both physical and spiritual strength would ensure my survival in any world.

[4. The full power of Yogiri Takatou.]

Why wouldn't I want his powers? Instant Death? That alone would make me nearly invincible.

[Are you sure?]

"With these, I'd be able to survive in any world," I said with excitement, pressing "Confirm." I started imagining myself traveling across different anime worlds, wielding god-like power.

[Do you want Transmigration or Reincarnation?]

"Definitely transmigration," I thought. Who would want to be reborn as a baby and live through all that again? I selected transmigration and waited, expecting the survey to end. But there was one more question.

[Extra bonus: choose a Sacred Gear you want?]

"A bonus?" I smirked and typed in my choice: Boosted Gear. But then...

[Error: Cannot add Boosted Gear because Longinus is already present in the timeline you will enter. Please change your request.]

"Huh," I muttered, slightly disappointed. But hey, now I knew I was going to the Highschool DxD timeline.

"Then I'll take Telos Karma," I said, typing it in and pressing "Confirm."

[Telos Karma added to User... Process completed.]

[Transmigration to Highschool DxD will begin in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…]

"Ha! As if that's going to happen," I laughed, trying to close the window. But before I could, my vision went black.

*Scene transition*

In a luxurious bedroom, a beautiful woman with long black hair sat at her laptop, watching the boy on the screen with a smile.

"Yogiri's power, huh? Fufufu, just as I expected," she murmured, glancing at the dark-haired boy as he finished the survey.

"I think I should make a few edits," she mused, her fingers typing swiftly across the keyboard, tweaking a file labeled "DxD for Kazuo."

When she finished, a knock sounded at the door.

"Hey, Vita, Sister Ayin wants to see you," came a voice from behind the door.

"I know, Khaos. I'll be there soon," Vita replied. She looked back at the screen and smiled once more.

"Fufufu, we'll meet soon," she whispered, clicking "Save" before getting up and leaving the room to meet her sister.