
I transmigrated as a young bug catcher in Pokemon

Gray transmigrated to the world of pokemon. Armed with his newfound power and his past knowledge, can he survive this world? -beginner writer here -English is not my main language so pls criticize my work so that I can improve

BUG_TYPE_3L1T3 · Komik
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 I'm broke

Another day passed, but Scyther and I found ourselves repeating the same routine we'd been doing for the past few days shortly after my afternoon classes.


I started writing down the training data that I had accumulated over the previous days after dinner. Scyther is now 1.57 meters tall and weighs 62 kilograms, far exceeding the average Scyther size, and he can now perform all of his moves proficiently. I also noticed that Scyther's training intensity has also been sufficient over the previous days, and I believe we should now put his combat ability to the test.

We only have one problem right now, and that is that we are spending money like it is water. As Scyther's training continues, our money is dwindling quickly because he requires a lot of food and nutrients to continue improving. Now I only have about a thousand pokedollars leftover from my savings and the money my father gave me. And as Scyther grows, so will my expenses, and I'll need to find a way to make some money.

As a child, doing a side hustle will not earn you much money. So the only way I can make money now is to try my luck at the Viridian Forest ingredients for berries and herbs that can be used as medicinal ingredients. That worked out perfectly because I needed to go to Viridian Forest to see if I could find someone to spar with Scyther tomorrow.

Time passes slowly, and dawn arrives in the blink of an eye. Gray got up, got everything ready, and set off. He first went to the store and purchased three bottles of potion for ¥900. The sight of his nearly empty wallet gave him a headache. He returns to the outskirts. He ran into some of his old Bug Catcher pals on his way to the Viridian Forest. They parted ways after an enthusiastic greeting, and he continued on his way.

Walking on a remote path, He then soon met a Wild Butterfree.

"Come out, Scyther"

In a burst of white light, Scyther jumped out.

Butterfree, on the other hand, is getting ready because, based on his experience, he knows that the trainer in front of him is looking for a battle.

Gray is perplexed as to why he can't see Butterfree's status but can see Scyther completely. He then dismisses this thought and returns his attention to the battle in front of him.

Gray: Scyther use Quick Attack

Butterfree manage to take the hit and launch his gust towards Scyther

Gray: Dodge it, Scyther then use Fury Cutter to end this battle

Butterfree tries to avoid it, but Scyther is far faster than him, and he is hit and passes out.

Gray then dashed over to the butterfree, who had passed out, to spray a potion. He also attempted to check if his blue energy, which entered Scyther's body last time, could be used on Butterfree. He was swiftly engulfed in a blue mist, which he attempted to control and eventually succeeded in doing so, allowing him to use the energy for Butterfree. Butterfree, who had fainted, slowly regained his energy as if nothing had happened.

"Thanks for the battle, this is for you, eat it," he said as he swiftly grabbed some pokeblock from his backpack and handed it to Butterfree.

Butterfree then happily ate it, despite the fact that he had been beaten, but at least he had some tasty food.

I then continued my search for Wild Pokémon, and soon enough a wild Rattata sprang out of the bushes. Scyther, who was following me, immediately rushed to the front.

"Scyther, use Quick Attack"

Scyther's entire body lights up, and he dashes towards Rattata.

Rattata, who could not escape, got hit.

In this terrible matchup, Rattata fainted and fell to the ground. He then proceeded to Rattata's side.He some potion out of his backpack. He also tried again to see if this blue energy of his would work on the fainted Rattata, but he was quickly disappointed because no matter how many times he recalled the blue energy, it would not come out, leading him to believe that perhaps this blue energy is only effective on bug type pokemon.

Finally, he left Rattata some Pokémon food. Of course, it's a cheap Pokémon food as thanks for their battle.

I then continue on my way, intending to pick some berries along the way. I usually harvest some, but they are all fairly ordinary Berry, which has no effect but is delicious and high in nutrition. I periodically pick Oran Berry and Leppa Berry, but not often. Because their berry tree is usually guarded by a powerful Pokémon. and as soon as you get close to it, they will attack and expel you.

I then had a lucky break and discovered a small berry tree with a few Oran Berries on it. You can give Oran Berry, to let Pokémon eat it or hold and restore 10 HP in the game. The effect is similar in reality, it can restore the stamina of a pokemon.

I then proceed to picked all the mature Oran Berry from the berry tree. The size of this Oran Berry is not that big, its about the size of a strawberry. I counted that, there are seven Oran Berry. I then proceeded to continue my venturing but i believe my luck runs out already. An hour later, and still i cant find any more berries

I met several Pokémon along the way, including Catterpie, Weedle, Rattata, and Venonat. Scyther defeated them all, and as a thank you, I left some pokeblocks for them to eat. As we continue deeper into the woods, I hear the sound of a pokemon, and I follow the sound, only to be shocked to discover that it was a Pidgeot!

Pidgeot is the evolved form of Pidgeotto, which is the final form of Pidgey. To frighten its enemies, it spreads its beautiful wings wide. It has a top speed of Mach 2.