
The nursery house

I was looking at the glass like structure beside the main house that Tandra told was a nursery.I was wondering what is the used of a nursery underground,what kind of living things can be cultivated in that nursery.

Tandra saw my bewildered expression and said do you want to see what is inside the nursery?

I happily said yes!yes!!

Tandra told me to fallow her. Tandra went to the nursery door and it open automatically and I went inside with her.

The interior of the nursery has long tables made of Crystal and their are pots arrange systematically. The color of the pots looks green in the first raw and it's glowing and one tube wire is attach to it and the end of that wire is connected to the ground.

I look at Tandra and ask why is it that the tube wire is attach to the ground?

Tandra answer me"The tube wire sucks the needed materials from the underground to grow our food.

I scan the pots in the nursery but I didn't see any plant growing out from the pot and I said seriously your growing invisible plant in here?!!

Tandra laugh and said silly we don't grow invisible plants .We don't eat plants. Come near to the pot and see what is inside.

I was excited to see what grows inside the pots and to my amazement I saw worms in the size of approximately 1 to 2 cintemeter and the color of the worms are dark green and it is shimmering with a bright white color.

Then Tandra grab one worm and put in her mouth and said yummy.

I was shock witnessing this action and then she grab one more worm and give it to me and said try it . It is very delicious and I said yewww!!!!!! no thanks and I said I prefer my food cook and doesn't involved with worms!!!!

Tandra look at my face and laugh hard.

She said you look so funny with your facial expressions.

I retorted it's a face that says I am disgusted with the thought of eating worms!!!!

Tandra expression change and said sorry I didn't mean to make you feel disgusted.

Upon hearing her. I said no don't say sorry my reaction has nothing to do with you. It simply I don't like eating worms.

Oh!!!! ok,do you want to see what else the pot produce besides worms?she said.

Sure I said. Then we went to another set of pots that has a brown color and her hand dig in and brought out a dark brown round object and said this taste so good and they are made from different minerals in Earth. I took the dark brown object that looks like a chocolate because of the color and I was hesitant to try it.

Tandra encourage me and said I promised you it is not made of worm she chuckled.

I took the object and take a small bite and to my amazement the object taste sweet like chocolate but with hint of salt in it.

Oh this thing taste like chocolate!!!I said to Tandra.

Tandra said really what is a chocolate?

I laugh and said you been living here on Earth and you didn't try eating chocolate!!!

I told Tandra I will give you one to try later.

I ask Tandra out of curiosity"How long have you been here underground on Earth?

She said I don't exactly know how long but my parents told me they arrived here when she was pregnant with me.So I am teenager now in my earth age is 15 years old.

Oh were the same age I told Tandra.