
I Tamed The Monster Of North

Losing his one sided first love, The best swordmaster Ethan El Elemare of Elemare Empire became a living corpse The monster of North. And I, Daliah Velmurd was sent to marry the very same man. A father who care less about his children and more about the status was enough for me to spend life with for 20 years now a husband who won't even blink his eyes while killing me. Nah! I don't want that. Either I will tame this cold monster or either I am running away. " The weather in North is harsh, Stay Warm in case you don't want to freeze." He turned out to be kinder than I thought but at the same time he seemed too far to reach. A lonely, broken Prince casted aside in the North and A Noble Lady who swore to give herself a happy life, How Will Their Story Unfold?

Erium_Kang · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

CHAPTER 5- Not Going To Step Back

'' You were there when the attack happened?'' Emperor asked out of pure concern written all over his face. Even my own father seemed to be unfazed by the fact but the Emperor cares? I nodded. '' I was there to enjoy the festival just like others. Everything was normal till 10 o'clock but the moment it was 10:01, blasts started happening. 5 blasts were near the most crowded place and 3 were in a less crowded area. ''

'' Is what Lady Vermuld saying true, Guard Captain?'' Emperor asked her. Helena replied, '' She is right, Your Majesty.'' '' You stand up and Lady Vermuld, Please do continue.'' Emperor gave me permission and I continued speaking,

'' The attack in the festival was a large-scale attack as you all already know. Bombs used in the attack I believe were made out of mana stones which are really expensive and 8 bombs will cost around 30,000 gold coins. Also, only a very few selected individuals have the right to buy mana-powered bombs, and if someone other than them wants to buy them the only way is to smuggle them from outside which will cost even more than 50,000 gold coins. In conclusion, whoever did this is a person in a high position because according to the income status of a nominal Aristrocate, It's impossible to spend 50,000 gold coins over a well-planned attack. So if you check the bank transactions and ledgers of those selected few, I believe Your Majesty can find the culprit.'' I ended my proposal. Emperor also others were looking at me in amusement. With my head high, I stood in the middle of the room without getting fazed by their gazes, after all, This is who I am.

'' If we go according to your words, how Knight Guards and Mage Tower isn't responsible for this?'' Emperor questioned me. I saw this coming forward.

'' Your Majesty, Mana-powered bombs can't be detected by mages who haven't reached the 5th level mana circle and aura users, and if someone can give away 50,000 gold coins for bombs, won't he be able to buy some random knights and mages to cover for him?'' I replied to him.

Emperor blinked his eyes and let out a chuckle. He stood up and clapped his hands a few times, '' Lady Vermuld, You are a true strategist, aren't you?'' I humbled myself and replied, '' I am just a merchant who happens to judge everything based on numbers and the possibility of profits.'' Emperor nodded and continued, '' Knight Guard Captain and Mage master, you should thank this lady here and prove that she wasn't wrong.''

Helena and the Mage Master Amon bowed and said simultaneously, '' WE WILL FIND THE CULPRIT, YOUR MAJESTY.'' Emperor looked at the Nobles who seemed to be relieved by the fact that none of their head was rolling on the ground and said, '' I order every bank owner to give every information about the transaction to the Knight Captain and everyone present here have to pay 2000 gold coins for the compensation of the victims within 3 days. The meeting ends here.''

Saying that Emperor walked away. I let out a deep breath and watched over my father who was ready to run away from the noblemen swarming him with my praises. I was about to follow him but Helena stopped me, '' My Lady, Thank you for defending me and other knights.'' I smiled and pat her shoulder, '' You didn't do anything wrong in the first place. I am looking forward to how Knight Captain makes your name shine again.''

I left the room and followed my father from behind. Words should be said before it's late. '' Please take Helios with you from now. I am not the one who will lead the Family.'' Father stopped walking so, did I. We were in the middle of the hallway. Without even turning to face me he replied to me, '' This is the last meeting you will be attending as my daughter. So don't be bothered.'' '' Your daughter? Do you even think of me as your daughter?'' I mumbled with a bitter expression but he heard and didn't even bother to say a word. We were standing just a step away from each other but the trift between was something that can never be filled. I parted my lips to say something but stopped. What's the point of saying anyway, My father is just my father by blood and I am just his daughter by name.

'' Please forgive me. But I want to leave first.'' Saying that I walked passed him. Nevertheless, what he says or does, I still crave for his fatherly affection. It's not that he is different to Helios and Hera but his coldness with me is just too much.

Haa! '' These eyes, they just express pain too well.'' Wipping off my tears I mumbled to myself. My tears or pain are not even important after all.