
I Started My Second Life as a Skeleton

The story follows the journey of, Skel, who wakes up in a dark cave, unaware of his true identity. He soon realizes that he is nothing but a skeleton, but has no recollection of how he died or ended up in the cave. Determined to uncover the truth, he sets out to explore the world beyond the cave and discovers a futuristic earth that is vastly different from the world he knew. As he navigates this new world, he learns that his skeleton has the ability to absorb certain substances and begins to rebuild his body. Along the way, he also discovers that he has a natural talent for detective work, which he uses to investigate his own death and the mystery surrounding his arrival in the future.

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11 Chs


I have her name, Brenda Armhurst. It's a lot more than I had before. I also knew that things were more complicated than I believed previously.

It wasn't correct to say that no one knew what was going on. Based on G-ma's testimony, as Gailsu told it at least, even people not directly involved in the "accidents" that lead to several deaths; knew something.

Two and three generations later the incident of that time is largely forgotten, but some people still know what happened.

The trick was to find who those people are and then get them to share the details with me.

Those who still know what happened probably won't share anything without a good reason.

I need to find more information, identify my persons of interest, and finally, get some leverage. It's a three-part plan, but it's a tried and true approach.

The problem is that I only have about ten days at most. If I can't solve the case by the time the Skaltans arrive, I'll probably lose the opportunity. Brenda will likely lose her opportunity to learn the truth.

It's funny that I care so much about this case. I'm not that sentimental to spend my effort on someone I've only known for a couple of days.

Maybe it's because of my unique situation, maybe it's because Brenda helped me when I really needed help, or maybe it's because I need purpose.

It didn't matter to me, all that mattered was that I was committed to the case. It was too late to get anything done tonight. Everything is closed, and I need to check into that no-tell Motel over there.

I approached the register and was greeted by a floating Robot. Someone with a sense of humor put a white wig on its head and plastered a mustache under its eyes and above the speaker box mouth. The robot had four arms and no legs.

When I entered the Robot was cleaning, typing into the computer, fixing its fake hair in the mirror, and writing something.

The robot put down its pencil and seemed like it wanted to adjust its tie or something, but there wasn't anything there.

"Good evening, customer, how may I serve you?" The happy mechanical voice asked me.

"I need a room for the evening," I threw a few coins on the counter.

"Of course, customer, we are happy to serve you. Please give me your identification and I will register you in the computer."

Register me? I was surprised, it never occurred to me that I would need to give my I.D. just to geet a room at this rathole.

"I don't have my I.D. just give me a room," I told it.

"I am sorry customer, but it is the law that all persons wanting to rent lodging must provide proper identification." The robot continued with its duties while watching me with its electric eyes.

"You sure there's nothing we can do? I can pay more." I offered.

"I am sorry, customer, however, it is forbidden to break the law even for additional remuneration. If you do not have identification, then perhaps you can seek lodging with a resident of Midbow." Even though I knew it was trying to be helpful, I found its stubborn refusal to cooperate infuriating. What could I do, though? It was just a robot.

This was a new world so I didn't know what to do. For a few moments, I stood there thinking. I guess I'll be sleeping outside tonight. As I turned to leave I heard a hoarse voice call out.

"Wait!" I turned around and saw an old man with white hair, a white t-shirt, and blue overalls. It was nice to see that old people still dressed like old people.

I turned my body around to hear what the old man wanted to say.

"You need a place to stay?"

"Yes, sir, do you know of a place?" I asked.

"Sure, you can stay at my place, buy me a case of beer and I won't charge you for the night," he said.

"Okay, where do I get beer?" I asked him.

"You can't get any now, ever place is closed. Get me some in the morning, I'll trust you." he said.

"What if I'm a liar and don't get you the beer in the morning?" I asked.

"Then I guess it was dumb of me to show kindness. You comin' or not?"

"Yeah, thanks old man, what's your name?"

"Klench Gustos, what's your name?" The old man stuck out his hand.

"Wyatt Earp," I responded. I needed a fake name and no one here seemed to know history. Why not? I shook his hand and followed the old man out.

"Strange name, Wyatt Earp," he said.

"You can call me Wyatt."

"Alright Wyatt, I'm across the street.

We crossed the quiet street and walked up to a small white house.

Concrete steps led to the door, and weak metal railings gave the promise of support, but looking at the railings I could tell they were lying.

If anyone put the slightest pressure on those things they would fall over.

We entered the room and my sense of smell was attacked by a not so settle musty decaying smell... and mayonnaise. There was also the smell of mayonnaise. Weird.

Old man Klench led me to the living room and told me I could sleep on the couch for the night.

Klench disappeared around the corner and returned with a pillow and a blanket. I took the items from Klench and tried to make myself comfortable. Just as I settled down, Klench started talking.

"Okay, now that you're settled, why don't you tell me why a Skaltan is investigating Brenda Armhurst."

I sat up in absolute surprise. I could tell that Klench knew what I was for some reason. I thought for a moment, he already knew what I was. It was time to go for broke.

"I'm here to solve Brenda's murder."

It was Klench's turn to look surprised. People who open their mouths really do look like codfish.