
I Started My Second Life as a Skeleton

The story follows the journey of, Skel, who wakes up in a dark cave, unaware of his true identity. He soon realizes that he is nothing but a skeleton, but has no recollection of how he died or ended up in the cave. Determined to uncover the truth, he sets out to explore the world beyond the cave and discovers a futuristic earth that is vastly different from the world he knew. As he navigates this new world, he learns that his skeleton has the ability to absorb certain substances and begins to rebuild his body. Along the way, he also discovers that he has a natural talent for detective work, which he uses to investigate his own death and the mystery surrounding his arrival in the future.

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11 Chs


I woke up feeling surprisingly refreshed. It was strange because I had never felt that way before, but I couldn't deny the sensation.

As I sat up in bed, I realized that the bed I had slept on was unbelievably comfortable. It almost felt like my bones were melting into the mattress.

As I stretched my arms and legs, I felt the muscles in my body flexing, my bones moving with ease, and I marveled at the sensation. Especially since I didn't have any muscles!

It was like I had been reborn into a new body, one that was free from the aches and pains of my previous form. I couldn't help but let out a contented sigh as I basked in the feeling of relaxation and comfort.

I took a moment to look around the room, taking in my new surroundings. The walls were adorned with a calming shade of blue, and the furniture looked modern and sleek. The curtains were drawn, casting a soft glow across the room, and the air smelled faintly of lavender.

As I stood up, I felt a sense of lightness in my step, and I couldn't help but smile at the feeling. It was as if I had been given a new lease on life, and I was determined to make the most of it.

I felt the sudden urge of my bones wanting to expel something, just like Brenda had informed me the day before. the transition from bliss to emergency was too sudden! I quickly made my way to the bathroom, hoping to avoid any accidents.

The pain was intense like my bones were about to burst apart to release something. I doubled over, clutching my ribcage, trying to breathe through the agony. My body was convulsing, and I could hear my bones creaking and groaning under the strain. I had never felt anything like this before. It was like my very being was being ripped apart from the inside out.

I barely made it to the bathroom, tossing off my pajamas outside the door, and sealing myself in the tube with the drain. The sound of water started pouring out as the black goop burst out of every part of my body. The room shook with the force of it, and I could feel the tiles shifting beneath my feet. The stench was overwhelming, and I could barely breathe.

Through my eyes, I could see the room for the first time when black goop wasn't interfering with my sight. The entire room was made of sleek, white material that looked like some kind of high-tech polymer. The walls were covered in tiny, intricate patterns that seemed to shimmer in the light. The drain in the center of the room was large and powerful, clearly designed to handle a lot of liquid.

But the amount of black goop was so much that the drains quickly clogged, and the cleansing waters mixed together with the black goop. The water continued to rise, and since the bathroom was meant to be a sealed tube, I felt like I was in danger of drowning. It was a strange thought - how could a skeleton drown? - but I pushed the thought aside and focused on the dangerous situation at hand.

I struggled to keep my head above the rising water, feeling the thick, viscous black goop surround me. I couldn't help but wonder how my little body could contain so much goop. The water level rose higher and higher until it was up to my neck, and I felt like I was drowning.

Panic set in as I desperately tried to force open the sealed bathroom door, but it wouldn't budge. I was trapped, with no way out. I could feel my chest tightening as I struggled to take in air, the water level rising ever higher. It was like being in a nightmare.

Just when I thought it was all over, the home monitoring system sensed the life-threatening danger and unsealed the room. I was swept out like a camel in a flash flood, the goop-filled water carrying me out of the bathroom and into the rest of my apartment. The struggle wasn't over yet, though, as I tried to navigate my way through the shallow goopy water that covered my entire room.

I managed to pull myself out of the mess and onto my feet, panting and gasping for air. The experience had been terrifying, and I couldn't help but wonder if this was what it would be like every time I needed to expel the black goop.

To make matters worse, my body continued to excrete the black goop from my bones. I was relieved when after an hour of excreting, my bones finally stopped. It was a strange and uncomfortable experience, but I knew I would have to get used to it as a reborn.

During the whole ordeal, I was so worried about the never-ending flow of black goop that I wasn't even aware of how much time had passed. But when it finally ended, I felt a sense of relief that was indescribable. It was as if a weight had been lifted off my bones, and I felt like a new skeleton entirely.

I took a deep breath and felt my chest expand with newfound energy. It was a sensation like no other. I couldn't help but feel like my bones were singing. They felt light and free, and for the first time since my rebirth, I felt like I was truly alive.

I took a few moments to just revel in the feeling of my newfound vitality. It was an incredible sensation and one that I hoped I would feel again and again. I knew that there would be many more challenges to face in this new life of mine, but for now, I was just grateful to have made it through my first experience with the black goop.

Once I recovered from the horrific but magnificent experience I took in my new apartment. I don't know why I was so calm but I walked to a wall and pressed in the communication information and heard ringing.

"Hello?" I heard a sleepy voice answer.

"Hello Brenda, it's Bonesy and there's a situation. I need you to come over," I tried to sound calm but who knows how she took it.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Just come over, but make sure you dress as if you're going to a garden party that's being held at a sewage plant."

I felt like Brenda was stunned and not having anything else to say, I hung up.