
I Started My Second Life as a Skeleton

The story follows the journey of, Skel, who wakes up in a dark cave, unaware of his true identity. He soon realizes that he is nothing but a skeleton, but has no recollection of how he died or ended up in the cave. Determined to uncover the truth, he sets out to explore the world beyond the cave and discovers a futuristic earth that is vastly different from the world he knew. As he navigates this new world, he learns that his skeleton has the ability to absorb certain substances and begins to rebuild his body. Along the way, he also discovers that he has a natural talent for detective work, which he uses to investigate his own death and the mystery surrounding his arrival in the future.

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Clean up and the Mystical knowledge of Detectives

Within minutes, Bonesy heard a knock at the door. He opened it to find Brenda dressed in a cleaning uniform and ready to work.

Brenda was wearing a pink industrial suit, specially designed for cleaning. It had a slim, fitted look that hugged her curves in all the right places. Although, those shouldn't be her curves...

The suit was made of a durable, breathable fabric that could withstand the toughest cleaning jobs.

It was styled like a dress, with a flared skirt that flowed gracefully around her as she walked.

The bright pink color of the suit contrasted nicely against her pale bones, giving her a fun and playful look.

Bonesy couldn't help but admire how cute Brenda looked in her cleaning outfit.

He had never seen a skeleton dressed like this before, and he was impressed by how well the suit fit her body.

The suit even had a belt around the waist, which highlighted Brenda's supposed feminine shape. It was clear that Brenda took pride in her appearance, even as a skeleton.

As Brenda walked past him and into the apartment, Bonesy noticed that the suit had multiple pockets on the front, which he assumed were for storing cleaning supplies.

The suit was also equipped with gloves that matched the pink color of the outfit.

Brenda's attention to detail in her appearance and her choice of outfit made Bonesy feel more confident that the cleaning job would be done to his satisfaction.

"Good morning, Bonesy," she said cheerfully.

"Good morning, Brenda. Thank you for coming so early," Bonesy replied gratefully.

Brenda, noticing the overwhelming amount of black goop, immediately pulled out her phone and dialed the number for an industrial waste vehicle to come and take it away.

It was a relief to know that they wouldn't have to deal with the most disgusting part of the mess anymore.

They sat back and waited for the vehicle to arrive, trying to block out the disgusting smell.

The stench was so strong that she even put on a mask to block out the smell, but it was still difficult to bear.

After the bulk of the smelly goop was taken away by the industrial vehicle, the two of them quickly got to work, cleaning up the black goop that had spilled out of Bonesy's bones.

Brenda's pink industrial suit was soon covered in black goop as she worked alongside Bonesy, cleaning up the mess.

The goop was thick and sticky, making it difficult to wipe away.

They had to use a combination of brushes, sponges, industrial cleaners, and towels to get the job done.

The smell was overpowering and almost unbearable, even for a skeleton like Bonesy.

Brenda had brought a mask to wear to block out the stench, but even with it on, she still gagged a few times.

Despite the unpleasantness of the situation, Bonesy couldn't help but be grateful for Brenda's help.

She was a true professional, and her efficient and thorough approach made the cleaning process go by quickly.

As they cleaned, Bonesy couldn't help but feel embarrassed about the mess. He couldn't believe how much waste his body had accumulated over the years.

He also worried about the strain it was putting on Brenda, but she assured him that it was all part of the job.

It was a tedious and unpleasant task, but they worked together efficiently and managed to finish the job in a few hours.

Once the apartment was clean, and the smell eradicated, Bonesy thanked Brenda for her help and offered her some breakfast. Brenda accepted, and they went into town to absorb the delicious nutrient bath from yesterday.

After they ate, Brenda, now in a new blue and pink dress, looked at Bonesy with a puzzled expression. "Bonesy, how old are you?" she asked.

Bonesy was taken aback by the question. "What do you mean? I'm not sure. Why do you ask?"

"Well, the amount of black goop that was excreted is related to the number of years the skeleton remained in hibernation before the rebirth," Brenda explained.

"And outwardly, it's how gray the skeleton's bones are that hint at their age.

I didn't realize you were so old. Given the situation, you must be much older than I thought. You'll continue to have massive excretions for a long time.

The purification of your bones could take years."

Bonesy was shocked by this revelation. He had no idea that the age of his bones would have such an impact on his rebirth.

"How can a small skeleton like me contain so much disgusting waste?" he wondered aloud.

"It's because Skaltan bodies are unique," Brenda explained.

"Beyond the mysteries of feeling like they have human organs, muscles, and senses, their bones are a treasure of hidden dimensions.

Whatever changed them from humans into Skaltans transformed their bones into seemingly infinite space within.

The older a Skaltan is, the more unfathomable and endless their inner dimensions are."

Bonesy was fascinated by this new information. He had always known that Skaltans were different from humans, but he had never realized just how unique they truly were.

We continued to chat and the conversation came around to my old profession as a detective.

At first, Brenda thought that what I did was probably similar to how the police investigate crimes today.

Scan the area, pull up video images around the time of the crime, and be done with the whole thing.

"Ha, there's no romance to that. Also, it completely undermines the work of us detectives.

For example, to become the Head Detective I had to go back to school to learn various scientific fields and scientific disciplines, such as Osteoarchaeology and Forensic Facial Reconstruction," now that I was talking about my fields of expertise, I couldn't help sharing my enthusiasm for my old field of study.

"Osteoarchaeology is a fascinating field," I began, excited to share my knowledge with Brenda.

"It allows us to learn so much about the past by examining ancient human and animal bones.

We can determine the age at which the individual died, their occupation, and even what kind of diet they had."

Brenda's eyes widened with curiosity. "Wow, that's incredible! How can you tell all of that from just bones?"

"Well," I continued, "bones can tell us a lot about a person's health, especially if they suffered from any injuries or diseases.

We can also study the wear and tear on the bones to learn about their occupation and lifestyle."

Brenda nodded, amazed at the amount of information that could be extracted from a pile of bones.

"What about Forensic Facial Reconstruction?" she asked. "How does that work?"

"Forensic Facial Reconstruction is a technique used to create a visual representation of what a person may have looked like before their death," I explained.

"We use the shape and size of the skull to build a 3D model of the face, and we use tissue depth markers to estimate the thickness of the person's skin and flesh."

Brenda looked impressed. "Can you try to reconstruct my face?" she asked eagerly.

I hesitated for a moment, explaining that I might not be able to create a completely accurate image without the proper scientific equipment.

However, I promised to do my best and said I would check with the detective bureau to see if they had the necessary tools.

Brenda was thrilled at the prospect of seeing a possible representation of her former self.

She thanked me for my willingness to help and eagerly awaited my return.

It felt like we were peering behind a door hiding the secrets of life and death, and I was excited to be able to share this knowledge with Brenda.