
I, Son of Tiamat

Those are the tears of the Goddess of Creation. The tears floating up from the deep sea became the last son of Tiamat. And, after seven days and seven nights of incubation—he was born... He will be connected to the earth—get the wisdom of the sky and the eyes, body, soul, and spirit of the Gods, the trinity will never corrupt him! In the end, with the hope of his mother on his back, he lived happily and freely.

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32 Chs

Chapter 6: Gift

Qiye, holding Semiramis in his arms, admired the changes around him in amazement and fascination. Sitting on the Golden-Horned White Bull, he stretched out his hand towards the fruit growing on the tree.

Qiye didn't know what kind of fruit it was, but that didn't stop him from tasting it.

He took a bite, and with a click, the crisp and sweet taste of the fruit spread in Qiye's mouth, and Semiramis, who was in his arms, stretched out her hands towards him with a 'babbling' sound.

"You don't have any teeth to eat yet, wait a minute." Qiye, who was smiling happily, bit the fruit, turned sideways, and reached out to pick a delicate blooming flower.

Then, Qiye took out the pink and white petals and put them into Semiramis' small mouth.


Semiramis held Qiye's palm and sucked the nectar out of the petals. Judging from her slightly narrowed golden eyes, she looked as if she was enjoying it.

The fruit the tree produced satisfies Qiye, the blooming flowers appease Semiramis as the Golden-Horned White Bull slowly carried the two of them towards the forest ahead.

Although the Golden-Horned White Bull seems to be walking slowly, its speed is actually very fast. With just one step, it covered the length of two ordinary bulls. Even the white pigeon leading the way fell behind them.

Even though the Golden-Horned White Bull was moving swiftly, Qiye and Semiramis sitting on it didn't feel the slightest sense of bumps, as if they were walking on the ground.

Carried by the Golden-Horned White Bull, Qiye and Semiramis arrived at the final destination, which was the residence of the goddess Derceto in the forest.

Goddess Derceto is very beautiful, she has dark brown hair, and an alluring and beautiful figure, looking at such a goddess, Qiye's heterochromatic eyes can't help but flash a hint of fascination, but the ensuing doubts covered up his intoxication.

Although Qiye was marveling at the beauty of the goddess, he was also caught in doubt, because the goddess in front of him gave him a very strange feeling.

This feeling seems to be a vague connection, but Qiye has never had such a feeling with others, and he doesn't understand what this feeling is.

Derceto discovered Qiye and Semiramis who had barged into her residence. Wearing a veil, she gracefully turned around and faced them, "Why have you come here?"

The voice of the goddess was as clear and melodious as pearls falling on a plate, her inquiry drew Qiye's attention away from his doubts, and earnestly said while embracing Semiramis, "I want to raise the child you abandoned."

"Okay." Goddess Derceto immediately responded, as if she was waiting for Qiye to say this sentence, she answered straightforwardly.

The attitude of the goddess made Qiye feel doubtful.

"That child was abandoned by me in the first place, so you can raise it if you want." The carefree tone of the goddess made Qiye feel furious.

Seeing Qiye staring at her as if he was full of questions, she continued, "Since I have no intention of raising a child, why did I let the child be born—do mothers like to abandon their children? You won't know even if I explain it to you, anyway, you will know why later." Derceto vaguely said, unable to explain some things, so she turned and entered the rear residence.


Semiramis patted Qiye's chest with her small hand. After being patted by Semiramis, Qiye withdrew his dissatisfied gaze from Derceto. He looked down at the little baby girl in his arms, she seemed to be comforting Qiye, who was also without a mother beside her, and her little hand was holding the pure white clothes he was wearing.

Seeing Semiramis's bright golden eyes, Qiye's slight resentment disappeared as he rubbed his cheeks affectionately against Semiramis' soft face, "From now on, the two of us will depend on each other for life."

In a sense, Qiye, like Semiramis, is a child who was abandoned by his mother at birth.

Since Qiye had already told the goddess Derceto about raising Semiramis, he planned to leave just like that. At this moment, no matter how Qiye patted and signaled, the Golden-Horned White Bull motionlessly stood in its original place.

Qiye, who became dispirited, planned to leave as he went and walk from the side of the Golden-Horned White Bull, but whenever he made a move to leave, the Golden-Horned White Bull quickly patted its tail to stop him from leaving.

Even if Qiye, who was holding Semiramis jumped away, he would still be wrapped around his waist by the Golden-Horned White Bull's tail as it placed him on its back.

Depressed, Qiye put the fruit he picked in front of the Golden-Horned White Bull's mouth as a bribe to lure it forward, but the Golden-Horned White Bull was still motionless as it ignored Qiye.

Afterward, Goddess Derceto came out of the residence, holding two things in her slender hands, one was a white porcelain vessel, and the other was a twisted and spiraled strange bracelet.

And after Derceto came out, the Golden-Horned White Bull wrapped its tail around Qiye and lowered him from its back on the ground.

"This is date palm wine. It's a fine wine that you would like. No one will poison the wine, so you can taste it with confidence." Derceto came in front of Qiye and said something he couldn't understand, but he still took the date palm wine handed over by the goddess because date palm wine—sounds delicious.

After Qiye received the date palm wine, Derceto was delighted as she personally put the strange twisted bracelet on Qiye's wrist.

"Since you want to help me take care of this child...uh, since you want to help me take care of this child, then I will give you this thing." Derceto finished her sentence in a tangled way.

"Can I really accept this bracelet?" Qiye said, looking at the goddess who was beside him.

"Of course, this Mobius strip is yours now, you can take it as a reward for helping me take care of her." Derceto, who was wearing a veil smiled at Qiye, "You must remember, even if you give the bracelet to someone else, it can only be given to the person you love the most."


Even though the goddess was wearing a veil, Qiye couldn't help but lose his sense of joy in those bright and beautiful eyes. In order to cover up his absence, Qiye took a sip of the date palm wine that she has given him just now.

The incomparably sweet wine instantly confused Qiye, the jade-like skin of the twelve-year-old boy showed a slight blush, as if it had been coated with a faint rosy glow.

"Hi~" The drunk boy hiccupped, and his naive attitude made the Derceto's heart a little itchy. Now she wanted to hold the boy in her arms with the urge to tease him.

And at that moment, a golden afterimage suddenly appeared from the bushes. Its speed was so fast that even Qiye couldn't react.