
I, Son of Tiamat

Those are the tears of the Goddess of Creation. The tears floating up from the deep sea became the last son of Tiamat. And, after seven days and seven nights of incubation—he was born... He will be connected to the earth—get the wisdom of the sky and the eyes, body, soul, and spirit of the Gods, the trinity will never corrupt him! In the end, with the hope of his mother on his back, he lived happily and freely.

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32 Chs

Chapter 3: Semiramis

The white dove stared at Qiye, whose face was blue and black with wide red eyes, and said in a panic, "Wouldn't the Spiritual Angel take effect after several hours? Why did the symptoms appear so quickly?"

After Qiye's skin showed blue and black, he felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach, but soon his skin color recovered.

Then, a stream of liquid flowed out from Qiye's fingertips.

These liquids are lucid and crystal-clear flowing water and a mass of pitch-black liquid is wrapped in them. These pitch-black liquids are actually the toxin of the Spiritual Angel…

With a bang, the flowing water threw the wrapped jet-black toxin outside, and then the flowing water that completed the work melted into Qiye's fingertips.

"Well, it's much more comfortable now." Qiye stroked his stomach comfortably.

And the dumbfounded white pigeon stared blankly at the pitch-black toxin thrown out by the flowing water, and said in confusion, "No wonder you dare to eat the food made by the master, you have such a detoxification ability..."

The toxin problem was solved, so the white dove felt relieved, and then it... lost two more white feathers, exhausted physically and mentally, it begged Qiye, "Don't mess around, leave some feathers for me, Can you follow me in peace now?"

"Of course." Qiye readily agreed to the pigeon's request.

But the candid answer of this twelve-year-old boy made the dove feel strong distrust because his eyes were still wandering around as if he was looking for other strange things with great interest.

After a lot of hard work and guidance, the dove, who was physically and mentally exhausted, finally brought Qiye, who likes to eat messily, to the destination, which is a gathering place for... pigeons.

The pigeons gathered here are all pure white. They are clustered together, and their heads are constantly shaking like smoked willows blowing in the wind.

Qiye looked at the bunch of white pigeons and said confidently, "All of them are edible?"

"No!" The white pigeon standing on Qiye's shoulder was so angry that it patted its face with its wings, and then it cooed at the group of white pigeons in front of it, they flew up after receiving the order, revealing the beautiful things below.

After the white doves dispersed, what caught Qiye's eyes was a young baby, her petite and exquisite body was wrapped in pure white cloth, and she was currently sleeping sweetly and peacefully with her eyes closed.

"What is this..." Looking at the sweet sleeping baby, Qiye looked at the white dove on his shoulder in surprise.

"It's a baby, a baby born to the goddess Derceto and an ordinary shepherd, but the goddess ruthlessly abandoned it and was picked up by pigeons." The white dove on Qiye's shoulder flapped its wings, and its light landed next to the baby.

The white dove originally planned to use the pointed feathers of its wings to tidy up the slightly messy hair on the baby's forehead, but it found that the feathers at the front of its wings had all fallen out... so it had no choice but to give up this move.

"Baby?" Qiye tilted his head to look at the little baby wrapped in the cloth, and the white pigeon immediately glared over, like a prophet, and said loudly, "You can't eat it!"

"Oh..." Qiye suddenly lost interest.

The pigeon looked at Qiye, whose interest was greatly reduced, and immediately said angrily, "You are really annoying at this moment! Why do you always want to eat, I won't be polite to you now! Hurry up and give her a hug."

"Okay, okay, there's no need to be so angry." Qiye walked over, first he squatted down, and carefully observed the wrapped baby, while the pigeon stared at him vigilantly, fearing that he would bite its future owner after observing it.

The sleeping little baby is carved with jade, with snow-white skin revealing a touch of pink, it looks very cute, looking at it, Qiye's eyes can't help but reveal a gentle look.

This is a look of appreciation and love for beautiful things.

Qiye cautiously stretched out his hands to the baby and hugged her together with the white cloth. Perhaps because she was awakened by Qiye's actions, the baby's eyelids trembled, and then slowly opened her eyes.

Those hazy golden eyes, because of the residual sleepiness, looked cute and adorable, which made Qiye's heart burst with endless tenderness.

The pupils of Qiye and the little baby reflected each other's faces.

The little baby looked at Qiye's face close at hand without blinking, the corners of her lips moved as she smiled, and her eyes, which had already grown light eyebrows, also raised.

She stretched out her baby's fat little hand and pinched Qiye's face.


"So cute."

Feeling the cool feeling from his cheeks, Qiye couldn't help approaching her as he pressed his forehead against her head.

And at this time, Qiye's black and white pupils changed, his eyes turned into colorful rainbow lights and diffuses from the depths of his pupils.

It continued to spread out, filling Qiye's eyes with strange colorful lights.

The contact with the baby triggered the 'Eye of the Age of God' possessed by Qiye.

Qiye was in a trance, the little baby was born from the goddess Derceto and then was abandoned by the goddess. She was raised by a group of pigeons in an abandoned forest.

The pigeons who raise the baby have a clear division of labor. During the day, they go to nearby villages to find and collect milk to feed the poor baby.

When night falls, the pigeons spread their pure white wings and wrap her up, giving her warmth and shelter.

The baby girl raised by pigeons is named 'Semiramis'.

Through the triggered 'Eye of the Age of Gods', Qiye saw not only Semiramis' origin in a trance but also saw her experience when she grew up.

A demigod who was abandoned at birth...

The Oldest Poisoner...

The legendary Assyrian empress Semiramis...

After a long time, the iridescent colors in Qiye's eyes gradually receded, turning back to the original black and white eyes, he looked down at the pink and jade-carved little baby girl, it can be said that he decided after witnessing everything about her future.

"I want to adopt her, change her future, make her no longer so miserable, and finally let her—live happily and freely." Qiye, who was holding Semiramis, said seriously to the white pigeon.

"If you are willing to do this, that's really great—No!" The relieved white pigeon immediately became vigilant, "You shouldn't turn around and eat her!"

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