
I, Son of Tiamat

Those are the tears of the Goddess of Creation. The tears floating up from the deep sea became the last son of Tiamat. And, after seven days and seven nights of incubation—he was born... He will be connected to the earth—get the wisdom of the sky and the eyes, body, soul, and spirit of the Gods, the trinity will never corrupt him! In the end, with the hope of his mother on his back, he lived happily and freely.

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32 Chs

Chapter 29: Semiramis - The Plan Succeeds!


Seeing Qiye in such a panicked state, blushing Semiramis couldn't help but burst into laughter. Her lips curved slightly, revealing a smile.

Panicked and flustered, Qiye looked at Semiramis, who was sitting up on the bed and took two steps back.

"I didn't do anything..."

"What did you do? Don't you remember?" Semiramis blushed and turned her head slightly, revealing her delicate and pointed ear peeking through her black hair.

"What did I do? Did I really do something?" As he looked at Semiramis, Qiye fell into deep self-doubt and tried to recall what happened before.

He remembered talking to Gilgamesh about many things, but after that, Gilgamesh left...

Then Semiramis appeared...

Then he hugged Semiramis...

But he couldn't recall what happened after that!

Semiramis glanced at Qiye, who was struggling, and upon seeing his anxious expression, she spoke with a slight tinge of resentment, "You didn't do anything. You just hugged me and slept for a while. So don't overthink it."

"Is... is that so?" Qiye stammered in response to Semiramis.

Her resentful tone made him feel like he had committed a terrible crime...

After calming down, Qiye remembered many things. Not the things that happened while he was drunk, but something more distant.

From the time when a baby girl took her first steps and followed him for thirteen years. Even after she learned to cook, she took care of him for several years, cooking meals just for him.

So, Qiye wanted to repay this girl, who asked for nothing in return, at least by finding a reliable man for her to marry...

But now, as Qiye carefully thought it through, if he really found a good man for Semiramis to marry, would he truly accept such an outcome?

Thinking about this, Qiye's mind suddenly cleared up like dispelling mist. He realized his true feelings for Semiramis.

"Semiramis... from now on, I'll use this name to address you. The time when you were called 'Little Dove' is in the past." Qiye said softly.

"Hmm?" Semiramis looked at Qiye in confusion.

When she saw the gentle look in his eyes, joy filled her heart.

Though Qiye's gaze was still warm, there was a change. The previous warmth was like that of a father or an older brother looking at his younger sibling, but now... it was the gaze of a man looking at a woman.

"Call me whatever you like."

Semiramis twirled a strand of her hair with her slender fingers, revealing her golden eyes full of delight and shyness.

"After all, I've grown up."

Seeing the joyful expression on Semiramis' face, Qiye couldn't help but smile wryly. He finally realized Semiramis' true feelings, something he should have noticed long ago. But it wasn't too late now, as they had plenty of time ahead of them.

Having defined their relationship, Semiramis no longer needed to hold back. Her golden eyes showed a passionate and eager emotion as she gazed at Qiye, who blushed. He excused himself, saying, "I'm going to get some water," and hurriedly left the room.

"Qiye... he's so shy."

Smiling, Semiramis lay on the spot where Qiye had slept. She enjoyed the warmth he left behind and closed her eyes blissfully.

The feelings of sweetness and happiness swirled inside Semiramis, making it difficult for her to sleep. Whenever she closed her eyes, the image of Qiye escaping in embarrassment would pop into her mind, making her giggle.

Meanwhile, in the bustling city of Uruk, the news of the drunken Gilgamesh appointing Qiye as Uruk's sage and confidant spread like wildfire, causing a huge commotion. This absurd news shocked everyone.